These tests are not adding any coverage to the respective API they
should be covering.
There are other files checking cases for array-like objects, and
playing this with the global might cause issues and unnexpected
behavior on specific environments like browsers.
* Add tests for prototype realm inference
* Add tests for miscellaneous realm concerns
* Add tests for realm of spec-created Errors
In some cases, Error objects produced by the specification are
observable from ECMAScript code. Among these cases, some are further
differentiated in that they occur outside of any built-in function and
may be triggered through syntactic production directly. The current
realm record is commonly interpreted incorrectly under these
Add tests asserting that the expected realm record is used when
constructing such Error objects.
* Add tests for realm use in ArraySpeciesCreate
* Add tests for function realm retrieval
* Add tests for cross-realm behaviors of Symbols
* Add tests for GetValue and PutValue
* Add tests for realm of spec-created Arrays
In some cases, Arrays produced by CreateArrayFromList are observable
from ECMAScript code. Among these cases, two occur outside of any
built-in function and may be triggered through syntactic production
directly. The current realm record is commonly interpreted incorrectly
under these circumstances.
Add tests asserting that the expected realm record is used when
constructing arrays.
* Add test for spec-created object
* fixup! Add tests for realm of spec-created Errors
* fixup! Add tests for realm of spec-created Errors
* fixup! Add tests for prototype realm inference
* fixup! Add tests for miscellaneous realm concerns
The global isNaN is not precise at all, and Number.isNaN is an ES6 feature that makes it preferrable to use assert's sameValue for NaN values, as it handles it internally using the comparison.
Assert the expected behavior of the ArraySpeciesCreate abstract
operation in the 5 Array instance methods from which it is invoked.
This change set does not include tests for ECMAScript realm
considerations because Test262 does not currently expose a mechanism for
interfacing with realms.
This harness function is not necessary in the majority of cases in which
it is used. Remove its usage to simplify tests and decrease the amount
of domain-specific knowledge necessary to contribute to the test suite.
Persist the harness function itself for use by future tests for ES2015
modules (such a helper is necessary for tests that are interpreted as
module code).
Because Test262 asserts the strict equality of
`Array.prototype.toString` and `TypedArray.prototype.toString`, tests
for properties of the object do not need to be reproduced in both
Ref gh-526
- String case functions iterate over code points
- Has called before Get in Array.p.reverse
- Add test for web-compat Array.p.splice behaviour; Plus missing test for no arguments case
- ToObject no longer applied to this-value in Array.p.toLocaleString
- ToObject no longer applied to this-value in Object.p.toLocaleString
- Add tests for Object.p.propertyIsEnumerable and symbol property keys
- Add tests for Object.p.hasOwnProperty and symbol property keys
- Test property descriptor attributes of message property
- Tests for RegExp constructor checks
- Date constructor when called with date object
- TimeClip never returns negative zero
- fixed a false positive where argument-passed-null.js was returning a TypeError from step 5
- created 2 tests from argument-passed-null to assert this as null and items as null
- fixed reference info on Array.from_arity.js
- fix tests at Array.from_forwards-length-for-array-likes
- static checks on calling-from-valid-1-onlyStrict.js
- static checks on calling-from-valid-1-noStrict.js
- static checks on calling-from-valid-2.js
- removed create-typedarray-from.js, that test belong to es6id
- removed mapfn-invalid-typeerror-1.js - false positive from step 5
- moved mapfn-invalid-typeerror-2.js to more spread tests where mapfn is not callable
- ...
The `negative` frontmatter tag expresses an expectation for the behavior
of the test file as a whole. The `assert.throws` helper function offers
more fine-grained control over expectations because it may be applied to
specific statements and expressions. This makes it preferable in cases
where it may be used (i.e. when the test body does not describe a syntax
error or early error).
Re-implement assertions for errors to use the `assert.throws` helper
function wherever possible.
- get RegExp [ @@species ]
- get RegExp.prototype.flags
- get
- get RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase
- get RegExp.prototype.multiline
- get RegExp.prototype.source
- get RegExp.prototype.sticky
- get RegExp.prototype.unicode
- get Array [ @@species ]
- get Map [ @@species ]
- get Set [ @@species ]
- get ArrayBuffer [ @@species ]
- get ArrayBuffer.prototype.byteLength
- get DataView.prototype.buffer
- get DataView.prototype.byteLength
- get DataView.prototype.byteOffset
- get Promise [ @@species ]
- B. get Object.prototype.__proto__
- B. set Object.prototype.__proto__
Skipped TypedArray tests in order to avoid an early test strategy definition for them.
Some tests specifically concern the application of the `use strict`
directive as it appears in JavaScript source code. These tests should
*not* be run with the `onlyStrict` flag because relying on the test
runner to enable strict mode makes the semantics of the source code
irrelevant. Update these tests to use the `noStrict` flag.
Other tests concern language semantics that are only valid in strict
mode, but the mechanism for enabling strictness is inconseqential.
Update these tests to use the `onlyStrict` flag and remove any redundant
`use strict` directive prologues contained within.
Still other tests are valid both within and outside of strict mode.
In keeping with the majority of other tests, do not specify any
restrictions on the environments in which these tests may be run.
This function is equivalent to `$ERROR` (which is automatically included
in test environments). Remove the harness file that defines the
function, remove references to the file from test `includes` lists, and
update scripts to instead invoke the `$ERROR` function.