test262.py: only supply async helper scripts when test is async
sth.js: factor out function isAsyncTest()
timer.js: improve workaround for async tests when Promise is defined but setTimeout is noot
timer.js emulates setTimeout using Promise by doing a busy loop that checks
if `timeout` milliseconds have elapsed. Modified check to (timeLeft > 0) instead
of (!timeLeft) to prevent infinite loop when check does not happen to run
at precise millisecond timeout expires.
Because test262.py did not support the $INCLUDE directive, some helper
scripts were added to every test -- notably testIntl, timer, and donePrintHandle
Now that $INCLUDE is supported, these can be dropped, speeding overall test run time
packager.py cannot run due to syntax errors in a few script files
packagerConfig: use git instead of hg
test262: use pop instead of delete to avoid throw if property missing
S22.1.2.1_T*: fix docString header comment: s/b /**
S22.1.2.1_T3: fix docString header comment: s/b /**, fix end of docstring * / => */
doneprintHandle.js: make $DONE accept any falsy argument as meaning 'pass'
PromiseHelper.js: checkSequence: new helper fn for async tests
.gitignore: port .hgignore to .gitignore syntax
test262.py: support $INCLUDE directive in python test runner
S25.4.4.1*: tests to cover Section, Promise.all( iterable )
A1.1: Promise.all is callable
A1.2: Promise.all expects 1 argument
A2.1: Promise.all([]) is a Promise
A2.2: Promise.all([]) is resolved immediately
A2.3: Promise.all([]) is resolved with a new empty array
A3.1: Promise.all expects an iterable argument
- Removed a few old test cases that were redundant with new, more comprehensive ones.
- Added testIntl.js as standard include for all console tests in test262.py – see related bug 574.
- Added .jshintrc file for settings for the JSHint tool.
- Removed some old tests that were redundant with the new tests.
- Added testBuiltInObject.js as standard include for all console tests in test262.py – see related bug 574.
- Removed LocaleList tests; updated other tests so they don't depend on LocaleList.
- Updated tests so they no longer assume that the prototype object of a constructor is an instance of that constructor.
- Updated tests so that jshint is happy.
- Removed @path attributes from test files; updated comment in packager.py explaining why they're unnecessary.
- Removed "use strict" statements, which interfere with strict/non-strict testing.
- Removed testcase functions, which are unnecessary.
- Added table of contents for ECMA-402.
- Added ability to load the right table of contents into results display.
- Added meaningful text to test402 web page.
- Updated test262 web pages for 5.1 edition of ECMA-262.
- Unified headers of test262/402 web pages to ECMAScript <area> <test>.
- Replaced text logos with styled text.
- Decapitalized some text; fixed a typo; expanded an abbreviation.
- Fixed a few issues found by W3 HTML validator.
Modified it to switch us over to the Ecma license for everything
except Sputnik-based sources (someone from Google should make
this change on line 60 of FixLicenseHeader.py).
Added support to create testcases_bestPractice.html without also adding them to default.html.
Preliminary support for tests under test/suite/internationalization has been added.