The `negative` frontmatter tag expresses an expectation for the behavior
of the test file as a whole. The `assert.throws` helper function offers
more fine-grained control over expectations because it may be applied to
specific statements and expressions. This makes it preferable in cases
where it may be used (i.e. when the test body does not describe a syntax
error or early error).
Re-implement assertions for errors to use the `assert.throws` helper
function wherever possible.
The `test/language/class/` directory contains a small subset of
Test262's tests for ES2015 classes. The majority of tests for classes
are organized within `test/language/statements/class/`.
- Move the tests that rely on the ClassDeclaration syntactic form from
`test/language/class/` to `test/language/statements/class/`.
- Move the test that relies on the ClassExpression syntactic form from
`test/language/class/` to `test/language/expressions/class/`.
- Re-organize existing tests for identifiers
Name files according to their content (not their ES5 ID). Move tests
for IdentifierName and LabelIdentifier to more appropriate directories.
- Simplify and correct tests
Instead of asserting successful runtime evaluation using `eval`, rely
on the test runner's ability to detect syntax errors. Update the test
bodies to test the grammar referenced by their ES5 ID and
description--the IdentifierStart pattern.
- Use `negative` frontmatter to assert SyntaxErrors
- Remove redundant tests
- Use `assert.equal` helper function
- Add equivalent tests for literal unicode chars
- Add tests for variable-length unicode escape
In ECMAScript 5, assignment to a non-reference value throws a runtime
ReferenceError. ECMAscript 6 specifies an early ReferenceError in these
cases. Tests for this behavior have been authored to pass in both cases.
Simplify these tests to describe and assert the early error.
The `fnExists` function defines a generic way to determine if any number
of values are function instances. Because it is only used by a single
test, the additional complexity required by the generalized code (and
the organizational drawbacks to maintaining another "include" file) are
not justified. Remove the file and update the test to assert the
function's existence directly.
Some tests specifically concern the application of the `use strict`
directive as it appears in JavaScript source code. These tests should
*not* be run with the `onlyStrict` flag because relying on the test
runner to enable strict mode makes the semantics of the source code
irrelevant. Update these tests to use the `noStrict` flag.
Other tests concern language semantics that are only valid in strict
mode, but the mechanism for enabling strictness is inconseqential.
Update these tests to use the `onlyStrict` flag and remove any redundant
`use strict` directive prologues contained within.
Still other tests are valid both within and outside of strict mode.
In keeping with the majority of other tests, do not specify any
restrictions on the environments in which these tests may be run.
This function is equivalent to `$ERROR` (which is automatically included
in test environments). Remove the harness file that defines the
function, remove references to the file from test `includes` lists, and
update scripts to instead invoke the `$ERROR` function.
The previous description of the 11.4.1-4.a-5 test case implied that an environment object could not be deleted while inside a with. However, the actual test was to test whether the variable declaration could be deleted. The description has been updated to better reflect this.
Test 11.4.1-4.a-5 states that it verifies that an environment object cannot be deleted. However, this was giving a false positive. It was actually testing where a "var" declaration on an environment object cannot be deleted (there are other tests for this). This test case fails on Chrome 43, Firefox 38 and Internet Explorer 11.
From the ES6 specification:
> ## PropertyDefinition : IdentifierReference
> 1. Let propName be StringValue of IdentifierReference.
> 2. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating IdentifierReference.
> 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(exprValue).
> 4. Let propValue be GetValue(exprValue).
> 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(propValue).
> 6. Assert: enumerable is true.
> 7. Return CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(object, propName, propValue).
The increment/decrement operator evaluates its operand expression once. When
the operand expression is a property accessor, RequireObjectCoercible
and ToPropertyKey are called on the property accessor in the correct order.
The assignment operator evaluates its operands from left to right. When
the left-hand side expression is a property accessor, RequireObjectCoercible
and ToPropertyKey are called on the property accessor before the right-hand
side expression is evaluated.
- Add missing "var" declarations and noStrict flags
- Add strict mode tests for:
- arguments-object/10.6-6-3 -> arguments-object/10.6-6-3-s
- arguments-object/10.6-6-4 -> arguments-object/10.6-6-4-s
- Remove try-finally clean-up code
- Add strict mode compatible tests for eval-code/S10.4.2_A1.1_T*
- No strict mode compatible files added for eval-code/S10.4.2_A1.2_T*, because it doesn't really make sense in this context.
- (S10.4.2_A1.1 and S10.4.2_A1.2 should probably be removed, because the tested behaviour is not required by the spec.)
- Split S8.5_A10, S8.5_A4 and S8.1_A3 into declaration (both modes) and assignment tests (non-strict only)
Part of issue #35.
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8
- Duplicate properties are allowed in object literals: test/language/expressions/object/*.js
- RegExpBuiltinExec was changed to use ToLength(lastIndex): test/built-ins/RegExp/prototype/exec/S15.10.6.2_A5_T3.js
- Non-undefined flags arguments allowed in RegExp constructor call: test/built-ins/RegExp/*.js
- Array.prototype.push throws TypeError if new length exceeds Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: test/built-ins/Array/prototype/push/S15.4.4.7_A2_T2.js
- .length property of bound functions is configurable: test/built-ins/Function/prototype/bind/
- Array.prototype changed back to exotic Array object: test/built-ins/Array/prototype/*.js, test/built-ins/Array/isArray/
- in-statement-position-label-statement.js is an Annex-B test (B.3.2 Labelled Function Declarations), moved to annexB directory
- identifier-let-allowed-as-lefthandside-expression-strict.js needs to check for a SyntaxError (ES6, 12.1.1)
- Remove sort() calls in test/built-ins/Object/getOwnPropertyNames/*.js
- Remove sort() calls in test/language/block-scope/syntax/for-in/acquire-properties-from-*.js
- verifyConfigurable() needs to called last in test/built-ins/Object/is/length.js
- All productions within ClassBody are implicitly strict, update test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-*.js accordingly
- Remove unnecessary noStrict flag in test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-generator-method-binding-identifier.js
- Check own symbols are returned in property creation order from Object.getOwnPropertySymbols():
- test/language/computed-property-names/basics/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/method/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/static/method-symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/object/method/symbol.js
- Fix copy-paste error in test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/yield-as-function-expression-binding-identifier.js