The `arrayContains` function has a number of deficiencies which make it
inappropriate for Test262:
- It apparently isn't very useful: despite being available for over 7
years, fewer than ten tests use it
- It's misleading: its documentation reads, "Verify that a subArray is
contained within an array." In reality, it only verifies that all the
elements of one array are present in another--order does not matter.
- It's not ergonomic for test authors: it has been misused to create
tests that were prone to false positives [1]
- It's not ergonomic for implementers: ostensibly designed for use with
`assert`, the failure messages produced by tests that use it do not
necessarily have very much context
All code in the "harness" directory adds to the total amount of
project-specific information which contributors are expected to to
learn. In light of the above deficiencies, the burden of this particular
harness file is unjustified.
Remove the harness file and its associated tests. Update the tests which
depend on it to express their expectations using alternate methods, and
strengthen the tests to assert element order wherever appropriate.
Early errors may result from parsing the source text of a test file, but
they may also result from parsing some other source text as referenced
through the ES2015 module syntax. The latter form of early error is not
necessarily detectable by ECMAScript parsers, however. Because of this,
the label "early" is not sufficiently precise for all Test262 consumers
to correctly interpret all tests.
Update the "phase" name of "early" to "parse" for all those negative
tests that describe errors resulting from parsing of the file's source
text directly. A forthcoming commit will update the remaining tests to
use a "phase" name that is more specific to module resolution.
Authored via the following command:
$ find test -type f -print0 | \
xargs -0 sed \
-i 's/^\(\s*\)negative:\s*SyntaxError\s*$/\1negative:\n\1 phase: early\n\1 type: SyntaxError/g'
- in-statement-position-label-statement.js is an Annex-B test (B.3.2 Labelled Function Declarations), moved to annexB directory
- identifier-let-allowed-as-lefthandside-expression-strict.js needs to check for a SyntaxError (ES6, 12.1.1)
- Remove sort() calls in test/built-ins/Object/getOwnPropertyNames/*.js
- Remove sort() calls in test/language/block-scope/syntax/for-in/acquire-properties-from-*.js
- verifyConfigurable() needs to called last in test/built-ins/Object/is/length.js
- All productions within ClassBody are implicitly strict, update test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-*.js accordingly
- Remove unnecessary noStrict flag in test/language/class/method-definition/yield-as-generator-method-binding-identifier.js
- Check own symbols are returned in property creation order from Object.getOwnPropertySymbols():
- test/language/computed-property-names/basics/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/method/symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/class/static/method-symbol.js
- test/language/computed-property-names/object/method/symbol.js
- Fix copy-paste error in test/language/expressions/object/method-definition/yield-as-function-expression-binding-identifier.js
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project:
These tests are derived from the following files within the Google V8 project: