Where possible, observable calls originating from within Temporal, that
require an options argument, should pass `undefined` as that options
argument, rather than `{}` or `Object.create(null)`.
See tc39/proposal-temporal#1685.
These tests check API entry points that convert strings to
Temporal.PlainDate, with a list of various strings that are all not valid
for that context according to ISO 8601.
https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal/issues/1753 records the
consensus reached at the October 2021 TC39 meeting to disallow "-000000"
as an extended year, both in Date.parse and Temporal. This adds tests for
the Temporal part of that.
There were two cases where tests in intl402/ had some duplication of tests
that are in built-ins/ as well. Remove this duplication, and restrict the
intl402/ tests to testing things that can't be tested on all hosts.
For cases in the previous commit that actually removed some functionality
from tests in built-ins/, add corresponding tests in intl402/ to preserve
test coverage of that functionality for hosts that do support Intl.
After Intl.NumberFormat v3, default useGrouping is "auto".
We also fix test/intl402/NumberFormat/test-option-useGrouping.js. After v3,
it accepts string and boolean.
We need to set minimumFractionDigits: 1 for the case of {roundingIncrement: 5, maximumFractionDigits: 1} and also adjust the test expectation.
Otherwise, inside testNumberFormat , it will call getPatternParts to format 1.1 and -1.1 and cause pattern mismatch (because the result will be "1" instead of "1.1" in that configuration)
The last five lines below are simply WRONG and not according to the spec.
const durationFormat = new Intl.DurationFormat();
verifyNotEnumerable(durationFormat, Symbol.toStringTag);
verifyNotWritable(durationFormat, Symbol.toStringTag);
verifyConfigurable(durationFormat, Symbol.toStringTag);
Move part of the test of toLocaleString which depends on
15 Amendments to the ECMAScript® 2021 Internationalization API Specification
to intl402. Keep behavior specified in earlier chapters in built-ins
* Add tests for "Intl NumberFormat v3" proposal
This patch is intended to cover only one aspect of the proposal for
ECMA402: the "interpret strings as decimals" feature.
* fixup! Add tests for "Intl NumberFormat v3" proposal
This patch is intended to cover only one aspect of the proposal for
ECMA402: the "grouping enum" feature. It also includes coverage for the
formatting option as already defined by the latest version of ECMA402.
Currently, this test is not conformant to the proposal text.
Temporal.TimeZone.from() calls ToTemporalTimeZone. Since the argument is
a string, we next go to ParseTemporalTimeZone, where on a string such as
`1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00[UTC]` we would return _result_.[[Name]] (which
would be equal to `UTC`) and discard the UTC offset string.
Unfortunately, in #3304 I made a last-minute mistake when I added the
uncallable value to the assertion message, and neglected to test it;
Symbols can't be converted to strings like that, so these tests would
fail. This fixes the assertion messages.
Tests for the normative changes made to Temporal in
In a previous version of the specification, there was a fallback to the
intrinsic getOffsetNanosecondsFor when it was undefined.
A number of tests for ECMA402 asserted the exact contents of the array
returned by various `resolvedOptions` methods. This conflicted with the
expectation that more options will be introduced by future editions of
the specification.
Update these tests to assert property order more generically in order to
accommodate implementation of future language proposals and more closely
align with similar tests.
Update all `resolvedOptions` tests to produce more meaningful error
messages (including replacing the generic `arrayContains` assertion with
a specific assertion regarding the value of the first array element).
Specify a descriptive value for the previously-unused third parameter of
the `verifyFormatParts` function in order to disambiguate error
This patch was generated with the following command:
sed -i 's/\(verifyFormatParts([^,]\+, \)\([^,]\+\))/\1\2, "\2")/g' \
This reverts commit b690cb67be, reversing
changes made to 50dd431dff. This is
necessary because the reverted changeset reduced coverage by an unknown
In each case, it's the scalar value associated with the "description" key.
Normally in test262, this is written in either:
- block notation (indicated by '>' or '|'), or
- flow notation, single-line, on the same line as the key.
In the cases addressed by this PR, the value is instead written in:
- (1x) flow notation, *multi*-line, or
- (2x) flow notation, single-line, on the line *after* the key.
These are valid YAML, but they're styles that test262 doesn't otherwise use,
so could conceivably confuse people or harnesses.
This PR changes them to block notation.
* Fix test for only {localeMatcher: "lookup"}
The expectation that "sr-Thai-RS" would be returned is only true with the
9.2.2 BestAvailableLocale ( availableLocales, locale )
algorithm used by 9.2.3 LookupMatcher ( availableLocales, requestedLocales )
The default for localeMatcher is "best fit" but not "lookup" for all Intl objects.
And for 9.2.4 BestFitMatcher ( availableLocales, requestedLocales )
It may not match "sr-Thai-RS" for "sr" and return ["de", "zh-CN"] instead. Therefore, we need to change this test to only test on {localeMatcher: "lookup"}
* Add option to getLocaleSupportInfo
Needed to test different localeMatcher
* only test for "lookup" localeMatcher
* Get the info based on the localeMatcher
* pass in localeMatcher to getLocaleSupportInfo
* Add basic tests for weekInfo
* Add basic tests for textInfo
* Add basic tests for timeZones
* Add basic tests for numberingSystems
* Add basic tests for hourCycles
* Add basic tests for collations
* Add basic tests for calendars
* Add feature for Intl.Locale-info
* add validation to branding tests for locale-info
Add additional assertion to branding tests for proposal-intl-locale-info
to make sure they don't pass spuriously when the proposal is not
* Change Intl.(ListFormat|DisplayNames|Segmenter)
Sync from ToObject to GetOptionsObject which throw TypeError
while the option is not object
* Add null and false to test
Add tests to make sure DateTimeFormat does not call the instanceof
operator and calls OrdinaryHasInstance instead.
Refs: https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/pull/500
intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatRangeToParts/date-same-returns-single-date.js is using `formatRange` and `format`.
Fix this test to use `formatRangeToParts` and `formatToParts` since it is the intention of this test.
This patch adds additional tests to intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatRangeToParts/date-same-returns-single-date.js and
intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatRange/date-same-returns-single-date.js. The new test uses two dates that are practially-equal,
and ensures the implementation uses `format` or `formatToParts` by detecting they are practically-equal.
macOS system ICU is shipping new CLDR, but it has many overrides on the top of it to make the formatted output suitable for the system.
And in timedatestyle-en.js tests, we intentionally override the CLDR data with the different format.
This change modifies the test to accept that alternative output.
In 12.1.1 SetNumberFormatDigitOptions step 12.d[1], mnfd (minimum fraction digits) becomes the same to currencyDigits (mxfdDefault in this case).
It is 2 for USD, 4 for CLF. So, if maximumFractionDigits is less than that, we should throw RangeError.
[1]: https://tc39.es/ecma402/#sec-setnfdigitoptions
macOS system ICU is shipping new CLDR, but it has many overrides on the top of it to make the formatted output suitable for the system.
And in related-year-zh.js tests, we intentionally override the CLDR data with the different format.
This change modifies the test to accept that alternative output.
The spec draft throws TypeError instead of RangeError.
1.4.5 Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange ( startDate , endDate )
4. If startDate is undefined or endDate is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
1.4.6 Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRangeToParts ( startDate , endDate )
4. If startDate is undefined or endDate is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
Remove methods removed in the latest reversion.
Still need to add tests for: %SegmentsPrototype%.containing ( index ) %SegmentIteratorPrototype%.next () %SegmentIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]
It is incorrect to expect the minimize result of "zh-Hant" to be "zh-TW". It should be "zh-Hant". Why?
first, what we have in input for zh-Hant
lang = zh
region = [none]
script = Hant
Now, look at the AddLikelySubtags algorithm in http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags
With the move to UTS 35 for language tag processing, the expected
canonicalisation results for "cel-gaulish" should now be consistent across
The invalid 'numberingSystem' options test from RelativeTimeFormat covers a few
more cases, so let's reuse it for NumberFormat and DateTimeFormat.
While there, also add tests using non-ASCII inputs.