This function is equivalent to `$ERROR` (which is automatically included
in test environments). Remove the harness file that defines the
function, remove references to the file from test `includes` lists, and
update scripts to instead invoke the `$ERROR` function.
The previous description of the 11.4.1-4.a-5 test case implied that an environment object could not be deleted while inside a with. However, the actual test was to test whether the variable declaration could be deleted. The description has been updated to better reflect this.
Test 11.4.1-4.a-5 states that it verifies that an environment object cannot be deleted. However, this was giving a false positive. It was actually testing where a "var" declaration on an environment object cannot be deleted (there are other tests for this). This test case fails on Chrome 43, Firefox 38 and Internet Explorer 11.
- Remove trailing white space
- Streamline documentation of test tags
- Do not reference obsolete tags
- Document `features` frontmatter tag
- Document `es6id` frontmatter tag
- Omit unnecessary detail about test262 website generation. This is not
directly useful to potential test contributors. Implementation details
like these can be taken for granted by that audience.
- Remove documentation on YAML syntax. Details on YAML may be helpful
for some new contributors, but this document should not attempt to
cover the topic (especially not from the description of a specific
frontmatter entry). Replace with a link to a more comprehensive source
as this will be more generally useful to those who need it (and less
obtrusive for those who do not).
- Consolidate information on test helpers
- Document `assert` helpers
- Update instructions for asserting errors. Since the introduction of
`assert.throws` in gh-22, the preferred means of expressing
expectations regarding errors has changed. Update the
file to reflect the latest approach. Explain purpose of `throw
NotEarlyError;` in example test.
- Re-order information on file names. The inconsistency in the project's
file names should not go unmentioned, but neither should it not
preceed instructions for the accepted approach to namine tests.
- More clearly document required frontmatter tags. Explicitly list
`description` as a required frontmatter tag, implicitly identifying
all other tags as optional.
Test case 10.4.2-3-c-2-s verifies that eval can't instantiate variables in the calling context. However, it does not verify that the variable isn't matched to the global context either. Added test case 10.4.2-3-c-3-s to check for this.
- Add missing ".prototype" lookup in Array.prototype tests (Follow-up of #280)
- Add noStrict flag in global/S10.2.3_A2.2_*.js (implicit this-binding is part of the test)
- Provide correct this-binding in function/13.2-*.js
- Add missing assert.throws in "set-iterator-close-after-add-failure.js"