- test\harness\sth.js: fixed a bug spotted by Mark Miller. In short, we were allowing
a test case return value of 'undefined' to be successful WRT IE Test Center tests because
Sputnik tests normally return undefined (successful or not). We now differentiate between
Sputnik/IE Test Center when evaluating return values
the Test262 XML conversion tool. These have been manually updated, and a bug needs to
be filed on the tool when bugs.ecmascript.org comes back online.
Fixed an issue involving the Back button on the results page.
which have resulted in it being able to run negative test cases which corrupt the global JavaScript
environment. This lets us enable fifty plus more Sputnik test cases. Another positive result from
this test harness refactoring is that Opera no longer hangs when running the tests.
- external\contributions\: test contributions to Test262 from external entities such as Microsoft and Google.
This directory consists of the external tests without any modifications
- test\harness\: test harness used to run Test262 tests. Presently web-based
- test\suite\: suite of vendor-neutral ECMAScript test cases conforming to the ES5 spec
- tools\: among other things this includes a set of tools used to convert various external test
contributions to a format the Test262 test harness can consume
- website\: an archived copy of the http://test262.ecmascript.org website