// Copyright (C) 2021 Leo Balter. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-shadowrealm description: > The new instance is extensible info: | ShadowRealm ( ) ... 2. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%ShadowRealm.prototype%", « [[ShadowRealm]], [[ExecutionContext]] »). ... 13. Return O. OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor creates a new ordinary objects including the internal slots [[Prototype]] and [[Extensible]]. The latter will have its value set to true. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [ShadowRealm] ---*/ const realm = new ShadowRealm(); assert(Object.isExtensible(realm)); Object.defineProperty(realm, 'foo', { configurable: true }); assert(realm.hasOwnProperty('foo'), 'confirms extensibility adding a new property'); Object.defineProperty(realm, 'foo', { value: 'bar', writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, }); verifyProperty(realm, 'foo', { value: 'bar', writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: false, });