// Copyright (C) 2011 2012 Norbert Lindenberg. All rights reserved. // Copyright (C) 2012 2013 Mozilla Corporation. All rights reserved. // Copyright (C) 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- description: | This file contains shared functions for the tests in the conformance test suite for the ECMAScript Internationalization API. author: Norbert Lindenberg defines: - testWithIntlConstructors - taintDataProperty - taintMethod - taintProperties - taintArray - getLocaleSupportInfo - getInvalidLanguageTags - isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidLanguageTag - getInvalidLocaleArguments - testOption - testForUnwantedRegExpChanges - allCalendars - allCollations - allNumberingSystems - isValidNumberingSystem - numberingSystemDigits - allSimpleSanctionedUnits - testNumberFormat - getDateTimeComponents - getDateTimeComponentValues - isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidTimeZoneName - partitionDurationFormatPattern - formatDurationFormatPattern ---*/ /** */ /** * @description Calls the provided function for every service constructor in * the Intl object. * @param {Function} f the function to call for each service constructor in * the Intl object. * @param {Function} Constructor the constructor object to test with. */ function testWithIntlConstructors(f) { var constructors = ["Collator", "NumberFormat", "DateTimeFormat"]; // Optionally supported Intl constructors. // NB: Intl.Locale isn't an Intl service constructor! // Intl.DisplayNames cannot be called without type in options. ["PluralRules", "RelativeTimeFormat", "ListFormat"].forEach(function(constructor) { if (typeof Intl[constructor] === "function") { constructors[constructors.length] = constructor; } }); constructors.forEach(function (constructor) { var Constructor = Intl[constructor]; try { f(Constructor); } catch (e) { e.message += " (Testing with " + constructor + ".)"; throw e; } }); } /** * Taints a named data property of the given object by installing * a setter that throws an exception. * @param {object} obj the object whose data property to taint * @param {string} property the property to taint */ function taintDataProperty(obj, property) { Object.defineProperty(obj, property, { set: function(value) { throw new Test262Error("Client code can adversely affect behavior: setter for " + property + "."); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); } /** * Taints a named method of the given object by replacing it with a function * that throws an exception. * @param {object} obj the object whose method to taint * @param {string} property the name of the method to taint */ function taintMethod(obj, property) { Object.defineProperty(obj, property, { value: function() { throw new Test262Error("Client code can adversely affect behavior: method " + property + "."); }, writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); } /** * Taints the given properties (and similarly named properties) by installing * setters on Object.prototype that throw exceptions. * @param {Array} properties an array of property names to taint */ function taintProperties(properties) { properties.forEach(function (property) { var adaptedProperties = [property, "__" + property, "_" + property, property + "_", property + "__"]; adaptedProperties.forEach(function (property) { taintDataProperty(Object.prototype, property); }); }); } /** * Taints the Array object by creating a setter for the property "0" and * replacing some key methods with functions that throw exceptions. */ function taintArray() { taintDataProperty(Array.prototype, "0"); taintMethod(Array.prototype, "indexOf"); taintMethod(Array.prototype, "join"); taintMethod(Array.prototype, "push"); taintMethod(Array.prototype, "slice"); taintMethod(Array.prototype, "sort"); } /** * Gets locale support info for the given constructor object, which must be one * of Intl constructors. * @param {object} Constructor the constructor for which to get locale support info * @param {object} options the options while calling the constructor * @return {object} locale support info with the following properties: * supported: array of fully supported language tags * byFallback: array of language tags that are supported through fallbacks * unsupported: array of unsupported language tags */ function getLocaleSupportInfo(Constructor, options) { var languages = ["zh", "es", "en", "hi", "ur", "ar", "ja", "pa"]; var scripts = ["Latn", "Hans", "Deva", "Arab", "Jpan", "Hant", "Guru"]; var countries = ["CN", "IN", "US", "PK", "JP", "TW", "HK", "SG", "419"]; var allTags = []; var i, j, k; var language, script, country; for (i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) { language = languages[i]; allTags.push(language); for (j = 0; j < scripts.length; j++) { script = scripts[j]; allTags.push(language + "-" + script); for (k = 0; k < countries.length; k++) { country = countries[k]; allTags.push(language + "-" + script + "-" + country); } } for (k = 0; k < countries.length; k++) { country = countries[k]; allTags.push(language + "-" + country); } } var supported = []; var byFallback = []; var unsupported = []; for (i = 0; i < allTags.length; i++) { var request = allTags[i]; var result = new Constructor([request], options).resolvedOptions().locale; if (request === result) { supported.push(request); } else if (request.indexOf(result) === 0) { byFallback.push(request); } else { unsupported.push(request); } } return { supported: supported, byFallback: byFallback, unsupported: unsupported }; } /** * Returns an array of strings for which IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag() returns false */ function getInvalidLanguageTags() { var invalidLanguageTags = [ "", // empty tag "i", // singleton alone "x", // private use without subtag "u", // extension singleton in first place "419", // region code in first place "u-nu-latn-cu-bob", // extension sequence without language "hans-cmn-cn", // "hans" could theoretically be a 4-letter language code, // but those can't be followed by extlang codes. "cmn-hans-cn-u-u", // duplicate singleton "cmn-hans-cn-t-u-ca-u", // duplicate singleton "de-gregory-gregory", // duplicate variant "*", // language range "de-*", // language range "中文", // non-ASCII letters "en-ß", // non-ASCII letters "ıd", // non-ASCII letters "es-Latn-latn", // two scripts "pl-PL-pl", // two regions "u-ca-gregory", // extension in first place "de-1996-1996", // duplicate numeric variant "pt-u-ca-gregory-u-nu-latn", // duplicate singleton subtag // Invalid tags starting with: https://github.com/tc39/ecma402/pull/289 "no-nyn", // regular grandfathered in BCP47, but invalid in UTS35 "i-klingon", // irregular grandfathered in BCP47, but invalid in UTS35 "zh-hak-CN", // language with extlang in BCP47, but invalid in UTS35 "sgn-ils", // language with extlang in BCP47, but invalid in UTS35 "x-foo", // privateuse-only in BCP47, but invalid in UTS35 "x-en-US-12345", // more privateuse-only variants. "x-12345-12345-en-US", "x-en-US-12345-12345", "x-en-u-foo", "x-en-u-foo-u-bar", "x-u-foo", // underscores in different parts of the language tag "de_DE", "DE_de", "cmn_Hans", "cmn-hans_cn", "es_419", "es-419-u-nu-latn-cu_bob", "i_klingon", "cmn-hans-cn-t-ca-u-ca-x_t-u", "enochian_enochian", "de-gregory_u-ca-gregory", "en\u0000", // null-terminator sequence " en", // leading whitespace "en ", // trailing whitespace "it-IT-Latn", // country before script tag "de-u", // incomplete Unicode extension sequences "de-u-", "de-u-ca-", "de-u-ca-gregory-", "si-x", // incomplete private-use tags "x-", "x-y-", ]; // make sure the data above is correct for (var i = 0; i < invalidLanguageTags.length; ++i) { var invalidTag = invalidLanguageTags[i]; assert( !isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidLanguageTag(invalidTag), "Test data \"" + invalidTag + "\" is a canonicalized and structurally valid language tag." ); } return invalidLanguageTags; } /** * @description Tests whether locale is a String value representing a * structurally valid and canonicalized BCP 47 language tag, as defined in * sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 of the ECMAScript Internationalization API * Specification. * @param {String} locale the string to be tested. * @result {Boolean} whether the test succeeded. */ function isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale) { /** * Regular expression defining Unicode BCP 47 Locale Identifiers. * * Spec: https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_locale_identifier */ var alpha = "[a-z]", digit = "[0-9]", alphanum = "[a-z0-9]", variant = "(" + alphanum + "{5,8}|(?:" + digit + alphanum + "{3}))", region = "(" + alpha + "{2}|" + digit + "{3})", script = "(" + alpha + "{4})", language = "(" + alpha + "{2,3}|" + alpha + "{5,8})", privateuse = "(x(-[a-z0-9]{1,8})+)", singleton = "(" + digit + "|[a-wy-z])", attribute= "(" + alphanum + "{3,8})", keyword = "(" + alphanum + alpha + "(-" + alphanum + "{3,8})*)", unicode_locale_extensions = "(u((-" + keyword + ")+|((-" + attribute + ")+(-" + keyword + ")*)))", tlang = "(" + language + "(-" + script + ")?(-" + region + ")?(-" + variant + ")*)", tfield = "(" + alpha + digit + "(-" + alphanum + "{3,8})+)", transformed_extensions = "(t((-" + tlang + "(-" + tfield + ")*)|(-" + tfield + ")+))", other_singleton = "(" + digit + "|[a-sv-wy-z])", other_extensions = "(" + other_singleton + "(-" + alphanum + "{2,8})+)", extension = "(" + unicode_locale_extensions + "|" + transformed_extensions + "|" + other_extensions + ")", locale_id = language + "(-" + script + ")?(-" + region + ")?(-" + variant + ")*(-" + extension + ")*(-" + privateuse + ")?", languageTag = "^(" + locale_id + ")$", languageTagRE = new RegExp(languageTag, "i"); var duplicateSingleton = "-" + singleton + "-(.*-)?\\1(?!" + alphanum + ")", duplicateSingletonRE = new RegExp(duplicateSingleton, "i"), duplicateVariant = "(" + alphanum + "{2,8}-)+" + variant + "-(" + alphanum + "{2,8}-)*\\2(?!" + alphanum + ")", duplicateVariantRE = new RegExp(duplicateVariant, "i"); var transformKeyRE = new RegExp("^" + alpha + digit + "$", "i"); /** * Verifies that the given string is a well-formed Unicode BCP 47 Locale Identifier * with no duplicate variant or singleton subtags. * * Spec: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification, draft, 6.2.2. */ function isStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale) { if (!languageTagRE.test(locale)) { return false; } locale = locale.split(/-x-/)[0]; return !duplicateSingletonRE.test(locale) && !duplicateVariantRE.test(locale); } /** * Mappings from complete tags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __tagMappings = { // property names must be in lower case; values in canonical form "art-lojban": "jbo", "cel-gaulish": "xtg", "zh-guoyu": "zh", "zh-hakka": "hak", "zh-xiang": "hsn", }; /** * Mappings from language subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __languageMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "aam": "aas", "aar": "aa", "abk": "ab", "adp": "dz", "afr": "af", "aju": "jrb", "aka": "ak", "alb": "sq", "als": "sq", "amh": "am", "ara": "ar", "arb": "ar", "arg": "an", "arm": "hy", "asd": "snz", "asm": "as", "aue": "ktz", "ava": "av", "ave": "ae", "aym": "ay", "ayr": "ay", "ayx": "nun", "aze": "az", "azj": "az", "bak": "ba", "bam": "bm", "baq": "eu", "bcc": "bal", "bcl": "bik", "bel": "be", "ben": "bn", "bgm": "bcg", "bh": "bho", "bih": "bho", "bis": "bi", "bjd": "drl", "bod": "bo", "bos": "bs", "bre": "br", "bul": "bg", "bur": "my", "bxk": "luy", "bxr": "bua", "cat": "ca", "ccq": "rki", "ces": "cs", "cha": "ch", "che": "ce", "chi": "zh", "chu": "cu", "chv": "cv", "cjr": "mom", "cka": "cmr", "cld": "syr", "cmk": "xch", "cmn": "zh", "cor": "kw", "cos": "co", "coy": "pij", "cqu": "quh", "cre": "cr", "cwd": "cr", "cym": "cy", "cze": "cs", "dan": "da", "deu": "de", "dgo": "doi", "dhd": "mwr", "dik": "din", "diq": "zza", "dit": "dif", "div": "dv", "drh": "mn", "dut": "nl", "dzo": "dz", "ekk": "et", "ell": "el", "emk": "man", "eng": "en", "epo": "eo", "esk": "ik", "est": "et", "eus": "eu", "ewe": "ee", "fao": "fo", "fas": "fa", "fat": "ak", "fij": "fj", "fin": "fi", "fra": "fr", "fre": "fr", "fry": "fy", "fuc": "ff", "ful": "ff", "gav": "dev", "gaz": "om", "gbo": "grb", "geo": "ka", "ger": "de", "gfx": "vaj", "ggn": "gvr", "gla": "gd", "gle": "ga", "glg": "gl", "glv": "gv", "gno": "gon", "gre": "el", "grn": "gn", "gti": "nyc", "gug": "gn", "guj": "gu", "guv": "duz", "gya": "gba", "hat": "ht", "hau": "ha", "hdn": "hai", "hea": "hmn", "heb": "he", "her": "hz", "him": "srx", "hin": "hi", "hmo": "ho", "hrr": "jal", "hrv": "hr", "hun": "hu", "hye": "hy", "ibi": "opa", "ibo": "ig", "ice": "is", "ido": "io", "iii": "ii", "ike": "iu", "iku": "iu", "ile": "ie", "ilw": "gal", "in": "id", "ina": "ia", "ind": "id", "ipk": "ik", "isl": "is", "ita": "it", "iw": "he", "jav": "jv", "jeg": "oyb", "ji": "yi", "jpn": "ja", "jw": "jv", "kal": "kl", "kan": "kn", "kas": "ks", "kat": "ka", "kau": "kr", "kaz": "kk", "kgc": "tdf", "kgh": "kml", "khk": "mn", "khm": "km", "kik": "ki", "kin": "rw", "kir": "ky", "kmr": "ku", "knc": "kr", "kng": "kg", "knn": "kok", "koj": "kwv", "kom": "kv", "kon": "kg", "kor": "ko", "kpv": "kv", "krm": "bmf", "ktr": "dtp", "kua": "kj", "kur": "ku", "kvs": "gdj", "kwq": "yam", "kxe": "tvd", "kzj": "dtp", "kzt": "dtp", "lao": "lo", "lat": "la", "lav": "lv", "lbk": "bnc", "lii": "raq", "lim": "li", "lin": "ln", "lit": "lt", "llo": "ngt", "lmm": "rmx", "ltz": "lb", "lub": "lu", "lug": "lg", "lvs": "lv", "mac": "mk", "mah": "mh", "mal": "ml", "mao": "mi", "mar": "mr", "may": "ms", "meg": "cir", "mhr": "chm", "mkd": "mk", "mlg": "mg", "mlt": "mt", "mnk": "man", "mo": "ro", "mol": "ro", "mon": "mn", "mri": "mi", "msa": "ms", "mst": "mry", "mup": "raj", "mwj": "vaj", "mya": "my", "myd": "aog", "myt": "mry", "nad": "xny", "nau": "na", "nav": "nv", "nbl": "nr", "ncp": "kdz", "nde": "nd", "ndo": "ng", "nep": "ne", "nld": "nl", "nno": "nn", "nns": "nbr", "nnx": "ngv", "no": "nb", "nob": "nb", "nor": "nb", "npi": "ne", "nts": "pij", "nya": "ny", "oci": "oc", "ojg": "oj", "oji": "oj", "ori": "or", "orm": "om", "ory": "or", "oss": "os", "oun": "vaj", "pan": "pa", "pbu": "ps", "pcr": "adx", "per": "fa", "pes": "fa", "pli": "pi", "plt": "mg", "pmc": "huw", "pmu": "phr", "pnb": "lah", "pol": "pl", "por": "pt", "ppa": "bfy", "ppr": "lcq", "pry": "prt", "pus": "ps", "puz": "pub", "que": "qu", "quz": "qu", "rmy": "rom", "roh": "rm", "ron": "ro", "rum": "ro", "run": "rn", "rus": "ru", "sag": "sg", "san": "sa", "sca": "hle", "scc": "sr", "scr": "hr", "sin": "si", "skk": "oyb", "slk": "sk", "slo": "sk", "slv": "sl", "sme": "se", "smo": "sm", "sna": "sn", "snd": "sd", "som": "so", "sot": "st", "spa": "es", "spy": "kln", "sqi": "sq", "src": "sc", "srd": "sc", "srp": "sr", "ssw": "ss", "sun": "su", "swa": "sw", "swe": "sv", "swh": "sw", "tah": "ty", "tam": "ta", "tat": "tt", "tdu": "dtp", "tel": "te", "tgk": "tg", "tgl": "fil", "tha": "th", "thc": "tpo", "thx": "oyb", "tib": "bo", "tie": "ras", "tir": "ti", "tkk": "twm", "tl": "fil", "tlw": "weo", "tmp": "tyj", "tne": "kak", "ton": "to", "tsf": "taj", "tsn": "tn", "tso": "ts", "ttq": "tmh", "tuk": "tk", "tur": "tr", "tw": "ak", "twi": "ak", "uig": "ug", "ukr": "uk", "umu": "del", "uok": "ema", "urd": "ur", "uzb": "uz", "uzn": "uz", "ven": "ve", "vie": "vi", "vol": "vo", "wel": "cy", "wln": "wa", "wol": "wo", "xba": "cax", "xho": "xh", "xia": "acn", "xkh": "waw", "xpe": "kpe", "xsj": "suj", "xsl": "den", "ybd": "rki", "ydd": "yi", "yid": "yi", "yma": "lrr", "ymt": "mtm", "yor": "yo", "yos": "zom", "yuu": "yug", "zai": "zap", "zha": "za", "zho": "zh", "zsm": "ms", "zul": "zu", "zyb": "za", }; /** * Mappings from region subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __regionMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "004": "AF", "008": "AL", "010": "AQ", "012": "DZ", "016": "AS", "020": "AD", "024": "AO", "028": "AG", "031": "AZ", "032": "AR", "036": "AU", "040": "AT", "044": "BS", "048": "BH", "050": "BD", "051": "AM", "052": "BB", "056": "BE", "060": "BM", "062": "034", "064": "BT", "068": "BO", "070": "BA", "072": "BW", "074": "BV", "076": "BR", "084": "BZ", "086": "IO", "090": "SB", "092": "VG", "096": "BN", "100": "BG", "104": "MM", "108": "BI", "112": "BY", "116": "KH", "120": "CM", "124": "CA", "132": "CV", "136": "KY", "140": "CF", "144": "LK", "148": "TD", "152": "CL", "156": "CN", "158": "TW", "162": "CX", "166": "CC", "170": "CO", "174": "KM", "175": "YT", "178": "CG", "180": "CD", "184": "CK", "188": "CR", "191": "HR", "192": "CU", "196": "CY", "203": "CZ", "204": "BJ", "208": "DK", "212": "DM", "214": "DO", "218": "EC", "222": "SV", "226": "GQ", "230": "ET", "231": "ET", "232": "ER", "233": "EE", "234": "FO", "238": "FK", "239": "GS", "242": "FJ", "246": "FI", "248": "AX", "249": "FR", "250": "FR", "254": "GF", "258": "PF", "260": "TF", "262": "DJ", "266": "GA", "268": "GE", "270": "GM", "275": "PS", "276": "DE", "278": "DE", "280": "DE", "288": "GH", "292": "GI", "296": "KI", "300": "GR", "304": "GL", "308": "GD", "312": "GP", "316": "GU", "320": "GT", "324": "GN", "328": "GY", "332": "HT", "334": "HM", "336": "VA", "340": "HN", "344": "HK", "348": "HU", "352": "IS", "356": "IN", "360": "ID", "364": "IR", "368": "IQ", "372": "IE", "376": "IL", "380": "IT", "384": "CI", "388": "JM", "392": "JP", "398": "KZ", "400": "JO", "404": "KE", "408": "KP", "410": "KR", "414": "KW", "417": "KG", "418": "LA", "422": "LB", "426": "LS", "428": "LV", "430": "LR", "434": "LY", "438": "LI", "440": "LT", "442": "LU", "446": "MO", "450": "MG", "454": "MW", "458": "MY", "462": "MV", "466": "ML", "470": "MT", "474": "MQ", "478": "MR", "480": "MU", "484": "MX", "492": "MC", "496": "MN", "498": "MD", "499": "ME", "500": "MS", "504": "MA", "508": "MZ", "512": "OM", "516": "NA", "520": "NR", "524": "NP", "528": "NL", "531": "CW", "533": "AW", "534": "SX", "535": "BQ", "540": "NC", "548": "VU", "554": "NZ", "558": "NI", "562": "NE", "566": "NG", "570": "NU", "574": "NF", "578": "NO", "580": "MP", "581": "UM", "583": "FM", "584": "MH", "585": "PW", "586": "PK", "591": "PA", "598": "PG", "600": "PY", "604": "PE", "608": "PH", "612": "PN", "616": "PL", "620": "PT", "624": "GW", "626": "TL", "630": "PR", "634": "QA", "638": "RE", "642": "RO", "643": "RU", "646": "RW", "652": "BL", "654": "SH", "659": "KN", "660": "AI", "662": "LC", "663": "MF", "666": "PM", "670": "VC", "674": "SM", "678": "ST", "682": "SA", "686": "SN", "688": "RS", "690": "SC", "694": "SL", "702": "SG", "703": "SK", "704": "VN", "705": "SI", "706": "SO", "710": "ZA", "716": "ZW", "720": "YE", "724": "ES", "728": "SS", "729": "SD", "732": "EH", "736": "SD", "740": "SR", "744": "SJ", "748": "SZ", "752": "SE", "756": "CH", "760": "SY", "762": "TJ", "764": "TH", "768": "TG", "772": "TK", "776": "TO", "780": "TT", "784": "AE", "788": "TN", "792": "TR", "795": "TM", "796": "TC", "798": "TV", "800": "UG", "804": "UA", "807": "MK", "818": "EG", "826": "GB", "830": "JE", "831": "GG", "832": "JE", "833": "IM", "834": "TZ", "840": "US", "850": "VI", "854": "BF", "858": "UY", "860": "UZ", "862": "VE", "876": "WF", "882": "WS", "886": "YE", "887": "YE", "891": "RS", "894": "ZM", "958": "AA", "959": "QM", "960": "QN", "962": "QP", "963": "QQ", "964": "QR", "965": "QS", "966": "QT", "967": "EU", "968": "QV", "969": "QW", "970": "QX", "971": "QY", "972": "QZ", "973": "XA", "974": "XB", "975": "XC", "976": "XD", "977": "XE", "978": "XF", "979": "XG", "980": "XH", "981": "XI", "982": "XJ", "983": "XK", "984": "XL", "985": "XM", "986": "XN", "987": "XO", "988": "XP", "989": "XQ", "990": "XR", "991": "XS", "992": "XT", "993": "XU", "994": "XV", "995": "XW", "996": "XX", "997": "XY", "998": "XZ", "999": "ZZ", "BU": "MM", "CS": "RS", "CT": "KI", "DD": "DE", "DY": "BJ", "FQ": "AQ", "FX": "FR", "HV": "BF", "JT": "UM", "MI": "UM", "NH": "VU", "NQ": "AQ", "PU": "UM", "PZ": "PA", "QU": "EU", "RH": "ZW", "TP": "TL", "UK": "GB", "VD": "VN", "WK": "UM", "YD": "YE", "YU": "RS", "ZR": "CD", }; /** * Complex mappings from language subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __complexLanguageMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "cnr": {language: "sr", region: "ME"}, "drw": {language: "fa", region: "AF"}, "hbs": {language: "sr", script: "Latn"}, "prs": {language: "fa", region: "AF"}, "sh": {language: "sr", script: "Latn"}, "swc": {language: "sw", region: "CD"}, "tnf": {language: "fa", region: "AF"}, }; /** * Complex mappings from region subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __complexRegionMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "172": { default: "RU", "ab": "GE", "az": "AZ", "be": "BY", "crh": "UA", "gag": "MD", "got": "UA", "hy": "AM", "ji": "UA", "ka": "GE", "kaa": "UZ", "kk": "KZ", "ku-Yezi": "GE", "ky": "KG", "os": "GE", "rue": "UA", "sog": "UZ", "tg": "TJ", "tk": "TM", "tkr": "AZ", "tly": "AZ", "ttt": "AZ", "ug-Cyrl": "KZ", "uk": "UA", "und-Armn": "AM", "und-Chrs": "UZ", "und-Geor": "GE", "und-Goth": "UA", "und-Sogd": "UZ", "und-Sogo": "UZ", "und-Yezi": "GE", "uz": "UZ", "xco": "UZ", "xmf": "GE", }, "200": { default: "CZ", "sk": "SK", }, "530": { default: "CW", "vic": "SX", }, "532": { default: "CW", "vic": "SX", }, "536": { default: "SA", "akk": "IQ", "ckb": "IQ", "ku-Arab": "IQ", "mis": "IQ", "syr": "IQ", "und-Hatr": "IQ", "und-Syrc": "IQ", "und-Xsux": "IQ", }, "582": { default: "FM", "mh": "MH", "pau": "PW", }, "810": { default: "RU", "ab": "GE", "az": "AZ", "be": "BY", "crh": "UA", "et": "EE", "gag": "MD", "got": "UA", "hy": "AM", "ji": "UA", "ka": "GE", "kaa": "UZ", "kk": "KZ", "ku-Yezi": "GE", "ky": "KG", "lt": "LT", "ltg": "LV", "lv": "LV", "os": "GE", "rue": "UA", "sgs": "LT", "sog": "UZ", "tg": "TJ", "tk": "TM", "tkr": "AZ", "tly": "AZ", "ttt": "AZ", "ug-Cyrl": "KZ", "uk": "UA", "und-Armn": "AM", "und-Chrs": "UZ", "und-Geor": "GE", "und-Goth": "UA", "und-Sogd": "UZ", "und-Sogo": "UZ", "und-Yezi": "GE", "uz": "UZ", "vro": "EE", "xco": "UZ", "xmf": "GE", }, "890": { default: "RS", "bs": "BA", "hr": "HR", "mk": "MK", "sl": "SI", }, "AN": { default: "CW", "vic": "SX", }, "NT": { default: "SA", "akk": "IQ", "ckb": "IQ", "ku-Arab": "IQ", "mis": "IQ", "syr": "IQ", "und-Hatr": "IQ", "und-Syrc": "IQ", "und-Xsux": "IQ", }, "PC": { default: "FM", "mh": "MH", "pau": "PW", }, "SU": { default: "RU", "ab": "GE", "az": "AZ", "be": "BY", "crh": "UA", "et": "EE", "gag": "MD", "got": "UA", "hy": "AM", "ji": "UA", "ka": "GE", "kaa": "UZ", "kk": "KZ", "ku-Yezi": "GE", "ky": "KG", "lt": "LT", "ltg": "LV", "lv": "LV", "os": "GE", "rue": "UA", "sgs": "LT", "sog": "UZ", "tg": "TJ", "tk": "TM", "tkr": "AZ", "tly": "AZ", "ttt": "AZ", "ug-Cyrl": "KZ", "uk": "UA", "und-Armn": "AM", "und-Chrs": "UZ", "und-Geor": "GE", "und-Goth": "UA", "und-Sogd": "UZ", "und-Sogo": "UZ", "und-Yezi": "GE", "uz": "UZ", "vro": "EE", "xco": "UZ", "xmf": "GE", }, }; /** * Mappings from variant subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __variantMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "aaland": {type: "region", replacement: "AX"}, "arevela": {type: "language", replacement: "hy"}, "arevmda": {type: "language", replacement: "hyw"}, "heploc": {type: "variant", replacement: "alalc97"}, "polytoni": {type: "variant", replacement: "polyton"}, }; /** * Mappings from Unicode extension subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __unicodeMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "ca": { "ethiopic-amete-alem": "ethioaa", "islamicc": "islamic-civil", }, "kb": { "yes": "true", }, "kc": { "yes": "true", }, "kh": { "yes": "true", }, "kk": { "yes": "true", }, "kn": { "yes": "true", }, "ks": { "primary": "level1", "tertiary": "level3", }, "ms": { "imperial": "uksystem", }, "rg": { "cn11": "cnbj", "cn12": "cntj", "cn13": "cnhe", "cn14": "cnsx", "cn15": "cnmn", "cn21": "cnln", "cn22": "cnjl", "cn23": "cnhl", "cn31": "cnsh", "cn32": "cnjs", "cn33": "cnzj", "cn34": "cnah", "cn35": "cnfj", "cn36": "cnjx", "cn37": "cnsd", "cn41": "cnha", "cn42": "cnhb", "cn43": "cnhn", "cn44": "cngd", "cn45": "cngx", "cn46": "cnhi", "cn50": "cncq", "cn51": "cnsc", "cn52": "cngz", "cn53": "cnyn", "cn54": "cnxz", "cn61": "cnsn", "cn62": "cngs", "cn63": "cnqh", "cn64": "cnnx", "cn65": "cnxj", "cz10a": "cz110", "cz10b": "cz111", "cz10c": "cz112", "cz10d": "cz113", "cz10e": "cz114", "cz10f": "cz115", "cz611": "cz663", "cz612": "cz632", "cz613": "cz633", "cz614": "cz634", "cz615": "cz635", "cz621": "cz641", "cz622": "cz642", "cz623": "cz643", "cz624": "cz644", "cz626": "cz646", "cz627": "cz647", "czjc": "cz31", "czjm": "cz64", "czka": "cz41", "czkr": "cz52", "czli": "cz51", "czmo": "cz80", "czol": "cz71", "czpa": "cz53", "czpl": "cz32", "czpr": "cz10", "czst": "cz20", "czus": "cz42", "czvy": "cz63", "czzl": "cz72", "fra": "frges", "frb": "frnaq", "frc": "frara", "frd": "frbfc", "fre": "frbre", "frf": "frcvl", "frg": "frges", "frh": "frcor", "fri": "frbfc", "frj": "fridf", "frk": "frocc", "frl": "frnaq", "frm": "frges", "frn": "frocc", "fro": "frhdf", "frp": "frnor", "frq": "frnor", "frr": "frpdl", "frs": "frhdf", "frt": "frnaq", "fru": "frpac", "frv": "frara", "laxn": "laxs", "lud": "lucl", "lug": "luec", "lul": "luca", "mrnkc": "mr13", "no23": "no50", "nzn": "nzauk", "nzs": "nzcan", "omba": "ombj", "omsh": "omsj", "plds": "pl02", "plkp": "pl04", "pllb": "pl08", "plld": "pl10", "pllu": "pl06", "plma": "pl12", "plmz": "pl14", "plop": "pl16", "plpd": "pl20", "plpk": "pl18", "plpm": "pl22", "plsk": "pl26", "plsl": "pl24", "plwn": "pl28", "plwp": "pl30", "plzp": "pl32", "tteto": "tttob", "ttrcm": "ttmrc", "ttwto": "tttob", "twkhq": "twkhh", "twtnq": "twtnn", "twtpq": "twnwt", "twtxq": "twtxg", }, "sd": { "cn11": "cnbj", "cn12": "cntj", "cn13": "cnhe", "cn14": "cnsx", "cn15": "cnmn", "cn21": "cnln", "cn22": "cnjl", "cn23": "cnhl", "cn31": "cnsh", "cn32": "cnjs", "cn33": "cnzj", "cn34": "cnah", "cn35": "cnfj", "cn36": "cnjx", "cn37": "cnsd", "cn41": "cnha", "cn42": "cnhb", "cn43": "cnhn", "cn44": "cngd", "cn45": "cngx", "cn46": "cnhi", "cn50": "cncq", "cn51": "cnsc", "cn52": "cngz", "cn53": "cnyn", "cn54": "cnxz", "cn61": "cnsn", "cn62": "cngs", "cn63": "cnqh", "cn64": "cnnx", "cn65": "cnxj", "cz10a": "cz110", "cz10b": "cz111", "cz10c": "cz112", "cz10d": "cz113", "cz10e": "cz114", "cz10f": "cz115", "cz611": "cz663", "cz612": "cz632", "cz613": "cz633", "cz614": "cz634", "cz615": "cz635", "cz621": "cz641", "cz622": "cz642", "cz623": "cz643", "cz624": "cz644", "cz626": "cz646", "cz627": "cz647", "czjc": "cz31", "czjm": "cz64", "czka": "cz41", "czkr": "cz52", "czli": "cz51", "czmo": "cz80", "czol": "cz71", "czpa": "cz53", "czpl": "cz32", "czpr": "cz10", "czst": "cz20", "czus": "cz42", "czvy": "cz63", "czzl": "cz72", "fra": "frges", "frb": "frnaq", "frc": "frara", "frd": "frbfc", "fre": "frbre", "frf": "frcvl", "frg": "frges", "frh": "frcor", "fri": "frbfc", "frj": "fridf", "frk": "frocc", "frl": "frnaq", "frm": "frges", "frn": "frocc", "fro": "frhdf", "frp": "frnor", "frq": "frnor", "frr": "frpdl", "frs": "frhdf", "frt": "frnaq", "fru": "frpac", "frv": "frara", "laxn": "laxs", "lud": "lucl", "lug": "luec", "lul": "luca", "mrnkc": "mr13", "no23": "no50", "nzn": "nzauk", "nzs": "nzcan", "omba": "ombj", "omsh": "omsj", "plds": "pl02", "plkp": "pl04", "pllb": "pl08", "plld": "pl10", "pllu": "pl06", "plma": "pl12", "plmz": "pl14", "plop": "pl16", "plpd": "pl20", "plpk": "pl18", "plpm": "pl22", "plsk": "pl26", "plsl": "pl24", "plwn": "pl28", "plwp": "pl30", "plzp": "pl32", "tteto": "tttob", "ttrcm": "ttmrc", "ttwto": "tttob", "twkhq": "twkhh", "twtnq": "twtnn", "twtpq": "twnwt", "twtxq": "twtxg", }, "tz": { "aqams": "nzakl", "cnckg": "cnsha", "cnhrb": "cnsha", "cnkhg": "cnurc", "cuba": "cuhav", "egypt": "egcai", "eire": "iedub", "est": "utcw05", "gmt0": "gmt", "hongkong": "hkhkg", "hst": "utcw10", "iceland": "isrey", "iran": "irthr", "israel": "jeruslm", "jamaica": "jmkin", "japan": "jptyo", "libya": "lytip", "mst": "utcw07", "navajo": "usden", "poland": "plwaw", "portugal": "ptlis", "prc": "cnsha", "roc": "twtpe", "rok": "krsel", "turkey": "trist", "uct": "utc", "usnavajo": "usden", "zulu": "utc", }, }; /** * Mappings from Unicode extension subtags to preferred values. * * Spec: http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Identifiers * Version: CLDR, version 36.1 */ var __transformMappings = { // property names and values must be in canonical case "d0": { "name": "charname", }, "m0": { "names": "prprname", }, }; /** * Canonicalizes the given well-formed BCP 47 language tag, including regularized case of subtags. * * Spec: ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification, draft, 6.2.3. * Spec: RFC 5646, section 4.5. */ function canonicalizeLanguageTag(locale) { // start with lower case for easier processing, and because most subtags will need to be lower case anyway locale = locale.toLowerCase(); // handle mappings for complete tags if (__tagMappings.hasOwnProperty(locale)) { return __tagMappings[locale]; } var subtags = locale.split("-"); var i = 0; // handle standard part: all subtags before first variant or singleton subtag var language; var script; var region; while (i < subtags.length) { var subtag = subtags[i]; if (i === 0) { language = subtag; } else if (subtag.length === 2 || subtag.length === 3) { region = subtag.toUpperCase(); } else if (subtag.length === 4 && !("0" <= subtag[0] && subtag[0] <= "9")) { script = subtag[0].toUpperCase() + subtag.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } else { break; } i++; } if (__languageMappings.hasOwnProperty(language)) { language = __languageMappings[language]; } else if (__complexLanguageMappings.hasOwnProperty(language)) { var mapping = __complexLanguageMappings[language]; language = mapping.language; if (script === undefined && mapping.hasOwnProperty("script")) { script = mapping.script; } if (region === undefined && mapping.hasOwnProperty("region")) { region = mapping.region; } } if (region !== undefined) { if (__regionMappings.hasOwnProperty(region)) { region = __regionMappings[region]; } else if (__complexRegionMappings.hasOwnProperty(region)) { var mapping = __complexRegionMappings[region]; var mappingKey = language; if (script !== undefined) { mappingKey += "-" + script; } if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(mappingKey)) { region = mapping[mappingKey]; } else { region = mapping.default; } } } // handle variants var variants = []; while (i < subtags.length && subtags[i].length > 1) { var variant = subtags[i]; if (__variantMappings.hasOwnProperty(variant)) { var mapping = __variantMappings[variant]; switch (mapping.type) { case "language": language = mapping.replacement; break; case "region": region = mapping.replacement; break; case "variant": variants.push(mapping.replacement); break; default: throw new Error("illegal variant mapping type"); } } else { variants.push(variant); } i += 1; } variants.sort(); // handle extensions var extensions = []; while (i < subtags.length && subtags[i] !== "x") { var extensionStart = i; i++; while (i < subtags.length && subtags[i].length > 1) { i++; } var extension; var extensionKey = subtags[extensionStart]; if (extensionKey === "u") { var j = extensionStart + 1; // skip over leading attributes while (j < i && subtags[j].length > 2) { j++; } extension = subtags.slice(extensionStart, j).join("-"); while (j < i) { var keyStart = j; j++; while (j < i && subtags[j].length > 2) { j++; } var key = subtags[keyStart]; var value = subtags.slice(keyStart + 1, j).join("-"); if (__unicodeMappings.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var mapping = __unicodeMappings[key]; if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(value)) { value = mapping[value]; } } extension += "-" + key; if (value !== "" && value !== "true") { extension += "-" + value; } } } else if (extensionKey === "t") { var j = extensionStart + 1; while (j < i && !transformKeyRE.test(subtags[j])) { j++; } extension = "t"; var transformLanguage = subtags.slice(extensionStart + 1, j).join("-"); if (transformLanguage !== "") { extension += "-" + canonicalizeLanguageTag(transformLanguage).toLowerCase(); } while (j < i) { var keyStart = j; j++; while (j < i && subtags[j].length > 2) { j++; } var key = subtags[keyStart]; var value = subtags.slice(keyStart + 1, j).join("-"); if (__transformMappings.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var mapping = __transformMappings[key]; if (mapping.hasOwnProperty(value)) { value = mapping[value]; } } extension += "-" + key + "-" + value; } } else { extension = subtags.slice(extensionStart, i).join("-"); } extensions.push(extension); } extensions.sort(); // handle private use var privateUse; if (i < subtags.length) { privateUse = subtags.slice(i).join("-"); } // put everything back together var canonical = language; if (script !== undefined) { canonical += "-" + script; } if (region !== undefined) { canonical += "-" + region; } if (variants.length > 0) { canonical += "-" + variants.join("-"); } if (extensions.length > 0) { canonical += "-" + extensions.join("-"); } if (privateUse !== undefined) { if (canonical.length > 0) { canonical += "-" + privateUse; } else { canonical = privateUse; } } return canonical; } return typeof locale === "string" && isStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale) && canonicalizeLanguageTag(locale) === locale; } /** * Returns an array of error cases handled by CanonicalizeLocaleList(). */ function getInvalidLocaleArguments() { function CustomError() {} var topLevelErrors = [ // fails ToObject [null, TypeError], // fails Get [{ get length() { throw new CustomError(); } }, CustomError], // fail ToLength [{ length: Symbol.toPrimitive }, TypeError], [{ length: { get [Symbol.toPrimitive]() { throw new CustomError(); } } }, CustomError], [{ length: { [Symbol.toPrimitive]() { throw new CustomError(); } } }, CustomError], [{ length: { get valueOf() { throw new CustomError(); } } }, CustomError], [{ length: { valueOf() { throw new CustomError(); } } }, CustomError], [{ length: { get toString() { throw new CustomError(); } } }, CustomError], [{ length: { toString() { throw new CustomError(); } } }, CustomError], // fail type check [[undefined], TypeError], [[null], TypeError], [[true], TypeError], [[Symbol.toPrimitive], TypeError], [[1], TypeError], [[0.1], TypeError], [[NaN], TypeError], ]; var invalidLanguageTags = [ "", // empty tag "i", // singleton alone "x", // private use without subtag "u", // extension singleton in first place "419", // region code in first place "u-nu-latn-cu-bob", // extension sequence without language "hans-cmn-cn", // "hans" could theoretically be a 4-letter language code, // but those can't be followed by extlang codes. "abcdefghi", // overlong language "cmn-hans-cn-u-u", // duplicate singleton "cmn-hans-cn-t-u-ca-u", // duplicate singleton "de-gregory-gregory", // duplicate variant "*", // language range "de-*", // language range "中文", // non-ASCII letters "en-ß", // non-ASCII letters "ıd" // non-ASCII letters ]; return topLevelErrors.concat( invalidLanguageTags.map(tag => [tag, RangeError]), invalidLanguageTags.map(tag => [[tag], RangeError]), invalidLanguageTags.map(tag => [["en", tag], RangeError]), ) } /** * Tests whether the named options property is correctly handled by the given constructor. * @param {object} Constructor the constructor to test. * @param {string} property the name of the options property to test. * @param {string} type the type that values of the property are expected to have * @param {Array} [values] an array of allowed values for the property. Not needed for boolean. * @param {any} fallback the fallback value that the property assumes if not provided. * @param {object} testOptions additional options: * @param {boolean} isOptional whether support for this property is optional for implementations. * @param {boolean} noReturn whether the resulting value of the property is not returned. * @param {boolean} isILD whether the resulting value of the property is implementation and locale dependent. * @param {object} extra additional option to pass along, properties are value -> {option: value}. */ function testOption(Constructor, property, type, values, fallback, testOptions) { var isOptional = testOptions !== undefined && testOptions.isOptional === true; var noReturn = testOptions !== undefined && testOptions.noReturn === true; var isILD = testOptions !== undefined && testOptions.isILD === true; function addExtraOptions(options, value, testOptions) { if (testOptions !== undefined && testOptions.extra !== undefined) { var extra; if (value !== undefined && testOptions.extra[value] !== undefined) { extra = testOptions.extra[value]; } else if (testOptions.extra.any !== undefined) { extra = testOptions.extra.any; } if (extra !== undefined) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(extra).forEach(function (prop) { options[prop] = extra[prop]; }); } } } var testValues, options, obj, expected, actual, error; // test that the specified values are accepted. Also add values that convert to specified values. if (type === "boolean") { if (values === undefined) { values = [true, false]; } testValues = values.slice(0); testValues.push(888); testValues.push(0); } else if (type === "string") { testValues = values.slice(0); testValues.push({toString: function () { return values[0]; }}); } testValues.forEach(function (value) { options = {}; options[property] = value; addExtraOptions(options, value, testOptions); obj = new Constructor(undefined, options); if (noReturn) { if (obj.resolvedOptions().hasOwnProperty(property)) { throw new Test262Error("Option property " + property + " is returned, but shouldn't be."); } } else { actual = obj.resolvedOptions()[property]; if (isILD) { if (actual !== undefined && values.indexOf(actual) === -1) { throw new Test262Error("Invalid value " + actual + " returned for property " + property + "."); } } else { if (type === "boolean") { expected = Boolean(value); } else if (type === "string") { expected = String(value); } if (actual !== expected && !(isOptional && actual === undefined)) { throw new Test262Error("Option value " + value + " for property " + property + " was not accepted; got " + actual + " instead."); } } } }); // test that invalid values are rejected if (type === "string") { var invalidValues = ["invalidValue", -1, null]; // assume that we won't have values in caseless scripts if (values[0].toUpperCase() !== values[0]) { invalidValues.push(values[0].toUpperCase()); } else { invalidValues.push(values[0].toLowerCase()); } invalidValues.forEach(function (value) { options = {}; options[property] = value; addExtraOptions(options, value, testOptions); error = undefined; try { obj = new Constructor(undefined, options); } catch (e) { error = e; } if (error === undefined) { throw new Test262Error("Invalid option value " + value + " for property " + property + " was not rejected."); } else if (error.name !== "RangeError") { throw new Test262Error("Invalid option value " + value + " for property " + property + " was rejected with wrong error " + error.name + "."); } }); } // test that fallback value or another valid value is used if no options value is provided if (!noReturn) { options = {}; addExtraOptions(options, undefined, testOptions); obj = new Constructor(undefined, options); actual = obj.resolvedOptions()[property]; if (!(isOptional && actual === undefined)) { if (fallback !== undefined) { if (actual !== fallback) { throw new Test262Error("Option fallback value " + fallback + " for property " + property + " was not used; got " + actual + " instead."); } } else { if (values.indexOf(actual) === -1 && !(isILD && actual === undefined)) { throw new Test262Error("Invalid value " + actual + " returned for property " + property + "."); } } } } } /** * Properties of the RegExp constructor that may be affected by use of regular * expressions, and the default values of these properties. Properties are from * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Deprecated_and_obsolete_features#RegExp_Properties */ var regExpProperties = ["$1", "$2", "$3", "$4", "$5", "$6", "$7", "$8", "$9", "$_", "$*", "$&", "$+", "$`", "$'", "input", "lastMatch", "lastParen", "leftContext", "rightContext" ]; var regExpPropertiesDefaultValues = (function () { var values = Object.create(null); (/(?:)/).test(""); regExpProperties.forEach(function (property) { values[property] = RegExp[property]; }); return values; }()); /** * Tests that executing the provided function (which may use regular expressions * in its implementation) does not create or modify unwanted properties on the * RegExp constructor. */ function testForUnwantedRegExpChanges(testFunc) { (/(?:)/).test(""); testFunc(); regExpProperties.forEach(function (property) { if (RegExp[property] !== regExpPropertiesDefaultValues[property]) { throw new Test262Error("RegExp has unexpected property " + property + " with value " + RegExp[property] + "."); } }); } /** * Returns an array of all known calendars. */ function allCalendars() { // source: CLDR file common/bcp47/number.xml; version CLDR 39. // https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/blob/master/common/bcp47/calendar.xml return [ "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "dangi", "ethioaa", "ethiopic", "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "islamic-umalqura", "islamic-tbla", "islamic-civil", "islamic-rgsa", "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc", ]; } /** * Returns an array of all known collations. */ function allCollations() { // source: CLDR file common/bcp47/collation.xml; version CLDR 39. // https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/blob/master/common/bcp47/collation.xml return [ "big5han", "compat", "dict", "direct", "ducet", "emoji", "eor", "gb2312", "phonebk", "phonetic", "pinyin", "reformed", "search", "searchjl", "standard", "stroke", "trad", "unihan", "zhuyin", ]; } /** * Returns an array of all known numbering systems. */ function allNumberingSystems() { // source: CLDR file common/bcp47/number.xml; version CLDR 40 & new in Unicode 14.0 // https://github.com/unicode-org/cldr/blob/master/common/bcp47/number.xml return [ "adlm", "ahom", "arab", "arabext", "armn", "armnlow", "bali", "beng", "bhks", "brah", "cakm", "cham", "cyrl", "deva", "diak", "ethi", "finance", "fullwide", "geor", "gong", "gonm", "grek", "greklow", "gujr", "guru", "hanidays", "hanidec", "hans", "hansfin", "hant", "hantfin", "hebr", "hmng", "hmnp", "java", "jpan", "jpanfin", "jpanyear", "kali", "kawi", "khmr", "knda", "lana", "lanatham", "laoo", "latn", "lepc", "limb", "mathbold", "mathdbl", "mathmono", "mathsanb", "mathsans", "mlym", "modi", "mong", "mroo", "mtei", "mymr", "mymrshan", "mymrtlng", "nagm", "native", "newa", "nkoo", "olck", "orya", "osma", "rohg", "roman", "romanlow", "saur", "shrd", "sind", "sinh", "sora", "sund", "takr", "talu", "taml", "tamldec", "tnsa", "telu", "thai", "tirh", "tibt", "traditio", "vaii", "wara", "wcho", ]; } /** * Tests whether name is a valid BCP 47 numbering system name * and not excluded from use in the ECMAScript Internationalization API. * @param {string} name the name to be tested. * @return {boolean} whether name is a valid BCP 47 numbering system name and * allowed for use in the ECMAScript Internationalization API. */ function isValidNumberingSystem(name) { var numberingSystems = allNumberingSystems(); var excluded = [ "finance", "native", "traditio" ]; return numberingSystems.indexOf(name) !== -1 && excluded.indexOf(name) === -1; } /** * Provides the digits of numbering systems with simple digit mappings, * as specified in 11.3.2. */ var numberingSystemDigits = { adlm: "𞥐𞥑𞥒𞥓𞥔𞥕𞥖𞥗𞥘𞥙", ahom: "𑜰𑜱𑜲𑜳𑜴𑜵𑜶𑜷𑜸𑜹", arab: "٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩", arabext: "۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹", bali: "\u1B50\u1B51\u1B52\u1B53\u1B54\u1B55\u1B56\u1B57\u1B58\u1B59", beng: "০১২৩৪৫৬৭৮৯", bhks: "𑱐𑱑𑱒𑱓𑱔𑱕𑱖𑱗𑱘𑱙", brah: "𑁦𑁧𑁨𑁩𑁪𑁫𑁬𑁭𑁮𑁯", cakm: "𑄶𑄷𑄸𑄹𑄺𑄻𑄼𑄽𑄾𑄿", cham: "꩐꩑꩒꩓꩔꩕꩖꩗꩘꩙", deva: "०१२३४५६७८९", diak: "𑥐𑥑𑥒𑥓𑥔𑥕𑥖𑥗𑥘𑥙", fullwide: "0123456789", gong: "𑶠𑶡𑶢𑶣𑶤𑶥𑶦𑶧𑶨𑶩", gonm: "𑵐𑵑𑵒𑵓𑵔𑵕𑵖𑵗𑵘𑵙", gujr: "૦૧૨૩૪૫૬૭૮૯", guru: "੦੧੨੩੪੫੬੭੮੯", hanidec: "〇一二三四五六七八九", hmng: "𖭐𖭑𖭒𖭓𖭔𖭕𖭖𖭗𖭘𖭙", hmnp: "𞅀𞅁𞅂𞅃𞅄𞅅𞅆𞅇𞅈𞅉", java: "꧐꧑꧒꧓꧔꧕꧖꧗꧘꧙", kali: "꤀꤁꤂꤃꤄꤅꤆꤇꤈꤉", kawi: "\u{11F50}\u{11F51}\u{11F52}\u{11F53}\u{11F54}\u{11F55}\u{11F56}\u{11F57}\u{11F58}\u{11F59}", khmr: "០១២៣៤៥៦៧៨៩", knda: "೦೧೨೩೪೫೬೭೮೯", lana: "᪀᪁᪂᪃᪄᪅᪆᪇᪈᪉", lanatham: "᪐᪑᪒᪓᪔᪕᪖᪗᪘᪙", laoo: "໐໑໒໓໔໕໖໗໘໙", latn: "0123456789", lepc: "᱀᱁᱂᱃᱄᱅᱆᱇᱈᱉", limb: "\u1946\u1947\u1948\u1949\u194A\u194B\u194C\u194D\u194E\u194F", nagm: "\u{1E4F0}\u{1E4F1}\u{1E4F2}\u{1E4F3}\u{1E4F4}\u{1E4F5}\u{1E4F6}\u{1E4F7}\u{1E4F8}\u{1E4F9}", mathbold: "𝟎𝟏𝟐𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟔𝟕𝟖𝟗", mathdbl: "𝟘𝟙𝟚𝟛𝟜𝟝𝟞𝟟𝟠𝟡", mathmono: "𝟶𝟷𝟸𝟹𝟺𝟻𝟼𝟽𝟾𝟿", mathsanb: "𝟬𝟭𝟮𝟯𝟰𝟱𝟲𝟳𝟴𝟵", mathsans: "𝟢𝟣𝟤𝟥𝟦𝟧𝟨𝟩𝟪𝟫", mlym: "൦൧൨൩൪൫൬൭൮൯", modi: "𑙐𑙑𑙒𑙓𑙔𑙕𑙖𑙗𑙘𑙙", mong: "᠐᠑᠒᠓᠔᠕᠖᠗᠘᠙", mroo: "𖩠𖩡𖩢𖩣𖩤𖩥𖩦𖩧𖩨𖩩", mtei: "꯰꯱꯲꯳꯴꯵꯶꯷꯸꯹", mymr: "၀၁၂၃၄၅၆၇၈၉", mymrshan: "႐႑႒႓႔႕႖႗႘႙", mymrtlng: "꧰꧱꧲꧳꧴꧵꧶꧷꧸꧹", newa: "𑑐𑑑𑑒𑑓𑑔𑑕𑑖𑑗𑑘𑑙", nkoo: "߀߁߂߃߄߅߆߇߈߉", olck: "᱐᱑᱒᱓᱔᱕᱖᱗᱘᱙", orya: "୦୧୨୩୪୫୬୭୮୯", osma: "𐒠𐒡𐒢𐒣𐒤𐒥𐒦𐒧𐒨𐒩", rohg: "𐴰𐴱𐴲𐴳𐴴𐴵𐴶𐴷𐴸𐴹", saur: "꣐꣑꣒꣓꣔꣕꣖꣗꣘꣙", segment: "🯰🯱🯲🯳🯴🯵🯶🯷🯸🯹", shrd: "𑇐𑇑𑇒𑇓𑇔𑇕𑇖𑇗𑇘𑇙", sind: "𑋰𑋱𑋲𑋳𑋴𑋵𑋶𑋷𑋸𑋹", sinh: "෦෧෨෩෪෫෬෭෮෯", sora: "𑃰𑃱𑃲𑃳𑃴𑃵𑃶𑃷𑃸𑃹", sund: "᮰᮱᮲᮳᮴᮵᮶᮷᮸᮹", takr: "𑛀𑛁𑛂𑛃𑛄𑛅𑛆𑛇𑛈𑛉", talu: "᧐᧑᧒᧓᧔᧕᧖᧗᧘᧙", tamldec: "௦௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯", tnsa: "\u{16AC0}\u{16AC1}\u{16AC2}\u{16AC3}\u{16AC4}\u{16AC5}\u{16AC6}\u{16AC7}\u{16AC8}\u{16AC9}", telu: "౦౧౨౩౪౫౬౭౮౯", thai: "๐๑๒๓๔๕๖๗๘๙", tibt: "༠༡༢༣༤༥༦༧༨༩", tirh: "𑓐𑓑𑓒𑓓𑓔𑓕𑓖𑓗𑓘𑓙", vaii: "꘠꘡꘢꘣꘤꘥꘦꘧꘨꘩", wara: "𑣠𑣡𑣢𑣣𑣤𑣥𑣦𑣧𑣨𑣩", wcho: "𞋰𞋱𞋲𞋳𞋴𞋵𞋶𞋷𞋸𞋹", }; /** * Returns an array of all simple, sanctioned unit identifiers. */ function allSimpleSanctionedUnits() { // https://tc39.es/ecma402/#table-sanctioned-simple-unit-identifiers return [ "acre", "bit", "byte", "celsius", "centimeter", "day", "degree", "fahrenheit", "fluid-ounce", "foot", "gallon", "gigabit", "gigabyte", "gram", "hectare", "hour", "inch", "kilobit", "kilobyte", "kilogram", "kilometer", "liter", "megabit", "megabyte", "meter", "microsecond", "mile", "mile-scandinavian", "milliliter", "millimeter", "millisecond", "minute", "month", "nanosecond", "ounce", "percent", "petabyte", "pound", "second", "stone", "terabit", "terabyte", "week", "yard", "year", ]; } /** * Tests that number formatting is handled correctly. The function checks that the * digit sequences in formatted output are as specified, converted to the * selected numbering system, and embedded in consistent localized patterns. * @param {Array} locales the locales to be tested. * @param {Array} numberingSystems the numbering systems to be tested. * @param {Object} options the options to pass to Intl.NumberFormat. Options * must include {useGrouping: false}, and must cause 1.1 to be formatted * pre- and post-decimal digits. * @param {Object} testData maps input data (in ES5 9.3.1 format) to expected output strings * in unlocalized format with Western digits. */ function testNumberFormat(locales, numberingSystems, options, testData) { locales.forEach(function (locale) { numberingSystems.forEach(function (numbering) { var digits = numberingSystemDigits[numbering]; var format = new Intl.NumberFormat([locale + "-u-nu-" + numbering], options); function getPatternParts(positive) { var n = positive ? 1.1 : -1.1; var formatted = format.format(n); var oneoneRE = "([^" + digits + "]*)[" + digits + "]+([^" + digits + "]+)[" + digits + "]+([^" + digits + "]*)"; var match = formatted.match(new RegExp(oneoneRE)); if (match === null) { throw new Test262Error("Unexpected formatted " + n + " for " + format.resolvedOptions().locale + " and options " + JSON.stringify(options) + ": " + formatted); } return match; } function toNumbering(raw) { return raw.replace(/[0-9]/g, function (digit) { return digits[digit.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0)]; }); } function buildExpected(raw, patternParts) { var period = raw.indexOf("."); if (period === -1) { return patternParts[1] + toNumbering(raw) + patternParts[3]; } else { return patternParts[1] + toNumbering(raw.substring(0, period)) + patternParts[2] + toNumbering(raw.substring(period + 1)) + patternParts[3]; } } if (format.resolvedOptions().numberingSystem === numbering) { // figure out prefixes, infixes, suffixes for positive and negative values var posPatternParts = getPatternParts(true); var negPatternParts = getPatternParts(false); Object.getOwnPropertyNames(testData).forEach(function (input) { var rawExpected = testData[input]; var patternParts; if (rawExpected[0] === "-") { patternParts = negPatternParts; rawExpected = rawExpected.substring(1); } else { patternParts = posPatternParts; } var expected = buildExpected(rawExpected, patternParts); var actual = format.format(input); if (actual !== expected) { throw new Test262Error("Formatted value for " + input + ", " + format.resolvedOptions().locale + " and options " + JSON.stringify(options) + " is " + actual + "; expected " + expected + "."); } }); } }); }); } /** * Return the components of date-time formats. * @return {Array} an array with all date-time components. */ function getDateTimeComponents() { return ["weekday", "era", "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "timeZoneName"]; } /** * Return the valid values for the given date-time component, as specified * by the table in section 12.1.1. * @param {string} component a date-time component. * @return {Array} an array with the valid values for the component. */ function getDateTimeComponentValues(component) { var components = { weekday: ["narrow", "short", "long"], era: ["narrow", "short", "long"], year: ["2-digit", "numeric"], month: ["2-digit", "numeric", "narrow", "short", "long"], day: ["2-digit", "numeric"], hour: ["2-digit", "numeric"], minute: ["2-digit", "numeric"], second: ["2-digit", "numeric"], timeZoneName: ["short", "long"] }; var result = components[component]; if (result === undefined) { throw new Test262Error("Internal error: No values defined for date-time component " + component + "."); } return result; } /** * @description Tests whether timeZone is a String value representing a * structurally valid and canonicalized time zone name, as defined in * sections 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 of the ECMAScript Internationalization API * Specification. * @param {String} timeZone the string to be tested. * @result {Boolean} whether the test succeeded. */ function isCanonicalizedStructurallyValidTimeZoneName(timeZone) { /** * Regular expression defining IANA Time Zone names. * * Spec: IANA Time Zone Database, Theory file */ var fileNameComponent = "(?:[A-Za-z_]|\\.(?!\\.?(?:/|$)))[A-Za-z.\\-_]{0,13}"; var fileName = fileNameComponent + "(?:/" + fileNameComponent + ")*"; var etcName = "(?:Etc/)?GMT[+-]\\d{1,2}"; var systemVName = "SystemV/[A-Z]{3}\\d{1,2}(?:[A-Z]{3})?"; var legacyName = etcName + "|" + systemVName + "|CST6CDT|EST5EDT|MST7MDT|PST8PDT|NZ"; var zoneNamePattern = new RegExp("^(?:" + fileName + "|" + legacyName + ")$"); if (typeof timeZone !== "string") { return false; } // 6.4.2 CanonicalizeTimeZoneName (timeZone), step 3 if (timeZone === "UTC") { return true; } // 6.4.2 CanonicalizeTimeZoneName (timeZone), step 3 if (timeZone === "Etc/UTC" || timeZone === "Etc/GMT") { return false; } return zoneNamePattern.test(timeZone); } /** * @description Simplified PartitionDurationFormatPattern implementation which * only supports the "en" locale. * @param {Object} durationFormat the duration format object * @param {Object} duration the duration record * @result {Array} an array with formatted duration parts */ function partitionDurationFormatPattern(durationFormat, duration) { function durationToFractional(duration, exponent) { let { seconds = 0, milliseconds = 0, microseconds = 0, nanoseconds = 0, } = duration; // Directly return the duration amount when no sub-seconds are present. switch (exponent) { case 9: { if (milliseconds === 0 && microseconds === 0 && nanoseconds === 0) { return seconds; } break; } case 6: { if (microseconds === 0 && nanoseconds === 0) { return milliseconds; } break; } case 3: { if (nanoseconds === 0) { return microseconds; } break; } } // Otherwise compute the overall amount of nanoseconds using BigInt to avoid // loss of precision. let ns = BigInt(nanoseconds); switch (exponent) { case 9: ns += BigInt(seconds) * 1_000_000_000n; // fallthrough case 6: ns += BigInt(milliseconds) * 1_000_000n; // fallthrough case 3: ns += BigInt(microseconds) * 1_000n; // fallthrough } let e = BigInt(10 ** exponent); // Split the nanoseconds amount into an integer and its fractional part. let q = ns / e; let r = ns % e; // Pad fractional part, without any leading negative sign, to |exponent| digits. if (r < 0) { r = -r; } r = String(r).padStart(exponent, "0"); // Return the result as a decimal string. return `${q}.${r}`; } const units = [ "years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds", "microseconds", "nanoseconds", ]; let options = durationFormat.resolvedOptions(); // Only "en" is supported. const locale = "en"; const numberingSystem = "latn"; const timeSeparator = ":"; let result = []; let needSeparator = false; let displayNegativeSign = true; for (let unit of units) { // Absent units default to zero. let value = duration[unit] ?? 0; let style = options[unit]; let display = options[unit + "Display"]; // NumberFormat requires singular unit names. let numberFormatUnit = unit.slice(0, -1); // Compute the matching NumberFormat options. let nfOpts = Object.create(null); // Numeric seconds and sub-seconds are combined into a single value. let done = false; if (unit === "seconds" || unit === "milliseconds" || unit === "microseconds") { let nextStyle = options[units[units.indexOf(unit) + 1]]; if (nextStyle === "numeric") { if (unit === "seconds") { value = durationToFractional(duration, 9); } else if (unit === "milliseconds") { value = durationToFractional(duration, 6); } else { value = durationToFractional(duration, 3); } nfOpts.maximumFractionDigits = options.fractionalDigits ?? 9; nfOpts.minimumFractionDigits = options.fractionalDigits ?? 0; nfOpts.roundingMode = "trunc"; done = true; } } // Display zero numeric minutes when seconds will be displayed. let displayRequired = false; if (unit === "minutes" && needSeparator) { displayRequired = options.secondsDisplay === "always" || (duration.seconds ?? 0) !== 0 || (duration.milliseconds ?? 0) !== 0 || (duration.microseconds ?? 0) !== 0 || (duration.nanoseconds ?? 0) !== 0; } // "auto" display omits zero units. if (value !== 0 || display !== "auto" || displayRequired) { // Display only the first negative value. if (displayNegativeSign) { displayNegativeSign = false; // Set to negative zero to ensure the sign is displayed. if (value === 0) { let negative = units.some(unit => (duration[unit] ?? 0) < 0); if (negative) { value = -0; } } } else { nfOpts.signDisplay = "never"; } nfOpts.numberingSystem = options.numberingSystem; // If the value is formatted as a 2-digit numeric value. if (style === "2-digit") { nfOpts.minimumIntegerDigits = 2; } // If the value is formatted as a standalone unit. if (style !== "numeric" && style !== "2-digit") { nfOpts.style = "unit"; nfOpts.unit = numberFormatUnit; nfOpts.unitDisplay = style; } else { nfOpts.useGrouping = false; } let nf = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, nfOpts); let list; if (!needSeparator) { list = []; } else { list = result[result.length - 1]; // Prepend the time separator before the formatted number. list.push({ type: "literal", value: timeSeparator, }); } // Format the numeric value. let parts = nf.formatToParts(value); // Add |numberFormatUnit| to the formatted number. for (let {value, type} of parts) { list.push({type, value, unit: numberFormatUnit}); } if (!needSeparator) { // Prepend the separator before the next numeric unit. if (style === "2-digit" || style === "numeric") { needSeparator = true; } // Append the formatted number to |result|. result.push(list); } } if (done) { break; } } let listStyle = options.style; if (listStyle === "digital") { listStyle = "short"; } let lf = new Intl.ListFormat(locale, { type: "unit", style: listStyle, }); // Collect all formatted units into a list of strings. let strings = []; for (let parts of result) { let string = ""; for (let {value} of parts) { string += value; } strings.push(string); } // Format the list of strings and compute the overall result. let flattened = []; for (let {type, value} of lf.formatToParts(strings)) { if (type === "element") { flattened.push(...result.shift()); } else { flattened.push({type, value}); } } return flattened; } /** * @description Return the formatted string from partitionDurationFormatPattern. * @param {Object} durationFormat the duration format object * @param {Object} duration the duration record * @result {String} a string containing the formatted duration */ function formatDurationFormatPattern(durationFormat, duration) { let parts = partitionDurationFormatPattern(durationFormat, duration); return parts.reduce((acc, e) => acc + e.value, ""); }