// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: Closures are admitted es5id: 13.2.1_A5_T2 description: > Returning a function that approximates the derivative of f using an interval of dx, which should be appropriately small ---*/ // Return a function that approximates the derivative of f // using an interval of dx, which should be appropriately small. function derivative(f, dx) { return function(x) { return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx; }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#1 if (Math.abs(derivative(Math.sin, 0.0001)(0) - derivative(Math.sin, 0.0001)(2*Math.PI)) >= 1/65536.0) { throw new Test262Error('#1: Math.abs(derivative(Math.sin, 0.0001)(0) - derivative(Math.sin, 0.0001)(2*Math.PI)) <= 1/65536.0'); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////