// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

info: >
    When the [[Put]] method of O is called with property P and value V,
    and If O doesn't have a property with name P, then
    creates a property with name P, set its value to V and give it empty attributes
es5id: 8.12.5_A1
description: Put to not existent properties

var __map={}; __map[1]="one"; __map["two"]=2; __map["3"]="tre";

if (__map[1] !== "one") {
	$ERROR('#1: var __map={}; __map[1]="one"; __map["two"]=2; __map["3"]="tre"; __map[1] === "one". Actual: ' + (__map[1]));

if (__map["two"] !== 2) {
	$ERROR('#2: var __map={}; __map[1]="one"; __map["two"]=2; __map["3"]="tre"; __map["two"] === 2. Actual: ' + (__map["two"]));

if (__map["3"] !== "tre") {
	$ERROR('#3: var __map={}; __map[1]="one"; __map["two"]=2; __map["3"]="tre"; __map["3"] === "tre". Actual: ' + (__map["3"]));