// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

info: |
    When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
    the type of value is Boolean, return ToObject(boolean)
description: Argument value is boolean expression

var n_obj = new Object((1 === 1) && !(false));

if (n_obj.constructor !== Boolean) {
  $ERROR('#2: When the Object constructor is called with Boolean argument return ToObject(boolean)');

if (typeof n_obj !== 'object') {
  $ERROR('#3: When the Object constructor is called with Boolean argument return ToObject(boolean)');

if (n_obj != true) {
  $ERROR('#4: When the Object constructor is called with Boolean argument return ToObject(boolean)');

if (n_obj === true) {
  $ERROR('#5: When the Object constructor is called with Boolean argument return ToObject(boolean)');