// Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: PutValue operates only on references (see step 3.b). es5id: 11.13.1-4-1 description: > simple assignment creates property on the global object if LeftHandSide is an unresolvable reference flags: [noStrict] includes: [fnGlobalObject.js] ---*/ function foo() { __ES3_1_test_suite_test_11_13_1_unique_id_3__ = 42; } foo(); var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(fnGlobalObject(), '__ES3_1_test_suite_test_11_13_1_unique_id_3__'); assert.sameValue(desc.value, 42, 'desc.value'); assert.sameValue(desc.writable, true, 'desc.writable'); assert.sameValue(desc.enumerable, true, 'desc.enumerable'); assert.sameValue(desc.configurable, true, 'desc.configurable');