// Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- es5id: 8.12.9-9-c-i_1 description: > Redefine a configurable accessor property to be a data property on a non-extensible object ---*/ var o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, "foo", { get: function() { return 5; }, configurable: true }); Object.preventExtensions(o); Object.defineProperty(o, "foo", { value: "hello" }); var fooDescrip = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "foo"); assert.sameValue(o.foo, "hello", 'o.foo'); assert.sameValue(fooDescrip.get, undefined, 'fooDescrip.get'); assert.sameValue(fooDescrip.set, undefined, 'fooDescrip.set'); assert.sameValue(fooDescrip.value, "hello", 'fooDescrip.value'); assert.sameValue(fooDescrip.configurable, true, 'fooDescrip.configurable'); assert.sameValue(fooDescrip.enumerable, false, 'fooDescrip.enumerable'); assert.sameValue(fooDescrip.writable, false, 'fooDescrip.writable');