function shouldBe(expected, actual, msg) { if (msg === void 0) msg = ""; else msg = " for " + msg; if (actual !== expected) throw new Error("bad value" + msg + ": " + actual + ". Expected " + expected); } function shouldBeAsync(expected, run, msg) { let actual; var hadError = false; run().then(function(value) { actual = value; }, function(error) { hadError = true; actual = error; }); drainMicrotasks(); if (hadError) throw actual; shouldBe(expected, actual, msg); } function shouldThrowAsync(run, errorType, message) { let actual; var hadError = false; run().then(function(value) { actual = value; }, function(error) { hadError = true; actual = error; }); drainMicrotasks(); if (!hadError) throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw " + + ", but did not throw."); if (!(actual instanceof errorType)) throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw " + + ", but threw '" + actual + "'"); if (message !== void 0 && actual.message !== message) throw new Error("Expected " + run + "() to throw '" + message + "', but threw '" + actual.message + "'"); } var noArgumentsArrow = async () => await [...arguments]; shouldThrowAsync(() => noArgumentsArrow(1, 2, 3), ReferenceError); var noArgumentsArrow2 = async () => { return await [...arguments]; } shouldThrowAsync(() => noArgumentsArrow2(1, 2, 3), ReferenceError); shouldBeAsync("[1,2,3]", () => (function() { return (async () => JSON.stringify([...arguments]))(); })(1, 2, 3)); shouldBeAsync("[4,5,6]", () => (function() { return (async () => { return JSON.stringify([...await arguments]) })(); })(4, 5, 6)); (function testArgumentsBinding() { var argsBinding; var promise = (function() { argsBinding = arguments; return (async() => arguments)() })(1, 2, 3); shouldBeAsync(argsBinding, () => promise); })();