// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: | If pattern is an object R whose [[Class]] property is "RegExp" and flags is undefined, then let P be the pattern used to construct R and let F be the flags used to construct R es5id: description: > Pattern is RegExp("1?","mig") and RegExp is new RegExp(pattern,(function(){})()) ---*/ var __pattern = RegExp("1?","mig"); var __re = new RegExp(__pattern, (function(){})()); //CHECK#1 if (__re.source !== __pattern.source) { throw new Test262Error('#1: __pattern = RegExp("1?","mig"); __re = new RegExp(__pattern, (function(){})()); __re.source === __pattern.source. Actual: '+ (__re.source)); } //CHECK#2 if (__re.multiline !== __pattern.multiline) { throw new Test262Error('#2: __pattern = RegExp("1?","mig"); __re = new RegExp(__pattern, (function(){})()); __re.multiline === __pattern.multiline. Actual: ' + (__re.multiline)); } //CHECK#3 if (__re.global !== __pattern.global) { throw new Test262Error('#3: __pattern = RegExp("1?","mig"); __re = new RegExp(__pattern, (function(){})()); __re.global === __pattern.global. Actual: ' + (__re.global)); } //CHECK#4 if (__re.ignoreCase !== __pattern.ignoreCase) { throw new Test262Error('#4: __pattern = RegExp("1?","mig"); __re = new RegExp(__pattern, (function(){})()); __re.ignoreCase === __pattern.ignoreCase. Actual: ' + (__re.ignoreCase)); }