// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

info: |
    If the argument "message" is not undefined, the message property of the newly constructed object is
    set to ToString(message)
description: Checking message property of different error objects

function otherScope(msg)
  return Error(msg);

var err1 = Error('msg1');
if (err1.message !== "msg1") {
  $ERROR('#1: var err1=Error(\'msg1\'); err1.message==="msg1". Actual: ' + err1.message);

var err2 = otherScope('msg2');
if (err2.message !== "msg2") {
  $ERROR('#2: function otherScope(msg){return Error(msg);} var err2=otherScope(\'msg2\'); err2.message==="msg2". Actual: ' + err2.message);

var err3 = otherScope();
if (err3.hasOwnProperty('message')) {
  $ERROR('#3: function otherScope(msg){return Error(msg);} var err3=otherScope(); err3.hasOwnProperty("message"). Actual: ' + err3.message);

var err4 = eval("Error('msg4')");
if (err4.message !== "msg4") {
  $ERROR('#4: var err4=eval("Error(\'msg4\')"); err4.message==="msg4". Actual: ' + err4.message);