#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. # This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. import logging import optparse import os from os import path import platform import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time class SputnikError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def ReportError(s): raise SputnikError(s) def BuildOptions(): result = optparse.OptionParser() result.add_option("--command", default=None, help="The command-line to run") result.add_option("--tests", default=path.abspath('.'), help="Path to the tests") result.add_option("--cat", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print test source code") result.add_option("--summary", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print summary after running tests") result.add_option("--full-summary", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print summary and test output after running tests") result.add_option("--enable-strict-mode", default=False, action="store_true", help="Run the mode also in ES5 strict mode") return result def ValidateOptions(options): if not options.command: ReportError("A --command must be specified.") if not path.exists(options.tests): ReportError("Couldn't find test path '%s'" % options.tests) _PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\{\{(\w+)\}\}") _INCLUDE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\$INCLUDE\(\"(.*)\"\);") _SPECIAL_CALL_PATTERN = re.compile(r"\$([A-Z]+)(?=\()") _SPECIAL_CALLS = { 'ERROR': 'testFailed', 'FAIL': 'testFailed', 'PRINT': 'testPrint' } def IsWindows(): p = platform.system() return (p == 'Windows') or (p == 'Microsoft') def StripHeader(str): while str.startswith('//') and "\n" in str: str = str[str.index("\n")+1:] return str.lstrip() class TempFile(object): def __init__(self, suffix="", prefix="tmp", text=False): self.suffix = suffix self.prefix = prefix self.text = text self.fd = None self.name = None self.is_closed = False self.Open() def Open(self): (self.fd, self.name) = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix = self.suffix, prefix = self.prefix, text = self.text ) def Write(self, str): os.write(self.fd, str) def Read(self): f = file(self.name) result = f.read() f.close() return result def Close(self): if not self.is_closed: self.is_closed = True os.close(self.fd) def Dispose(self): try: self.Close() os.unlink(self.name) except OSError, e: logging.error("Error disposing temp file: %s", str(e)) class TestResult(object): def __init__(self, exit_code, stdout, stderr, case): self.exit_code = exit_code self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr self.case = case def ReportOutcome(self, long_format): name = self.case.GetName() if self.HasUnexpectedOutcome(): if self.case.IsNegative(): print "%s was expected to fail but didn't" % name elif (self.case.strict_mode and self.case.IsStrictModeNegative()): print "%s was expected to fail in strict mode, but didn't" % name else: if long_format: print "=== %s failed ===" % name else: print "%s: " % name out = self.stdout.strip() if len(out) > 0: print "--- output ---" print out err = self.stderr.strip() if len(err) > 0: print "--- errors ---" print err if long_format: print "===" elif self.case.IsNegative(): print "%s failed as expected" % name elif self.case.strict_mode: if self.case.IsStrictModeNegative(): print "%s failed in strict mode as expected" % name else: print "%s passed in strict mode" % name else: print "%s passed" % name def HasFailed(self): return self.exit_code != 0 def HasUnexpectedOutcome(self): if self.case.IsNegative(): return not self.HasFailed() if self.case.IsStrictModeNegative(): return not self.HasFailed() else: return self.HasFailed() class TestCase(object): def __init__(self, suite, name, full_path, strict_mode=False): self.suite = suite self.name = name self.full_path = full_path self.contents = None self.is_negative = None self.strict_mode = strict_mode self.is_strict_mode_negative = None def GetName(self): return path.join(*self.name) def GetPath(self): return self.name def GetRawContents(self): if self.contents is None: f = open(self.full_path) self.contents = f.read() f.close() return self.contents def IsNegative(self): if self.is_negative is None: self.is_negative = ("@negative" in self.GetRawContents()) return self.is_negative def IsStrictModeNegative(self): if self.strict_mode and self.is_strict_mode_negative is None: self.is_strict_mode_negative = ("@strict_mode_negative" in self.GetRawContents()) return self.is_strict_mode_negative def GetSource(self): source = self.suite.GetInclude("framework.js", False) source += StripHeader(self.GetRawContents()) def IncludeFile(match): return self.suite.GetInclude(match.group(1)) source = _INCLUDE_PATTERN.sub(IncludeFile, source) def SpecialCall(match): key = match.group(1) return _SPECIAL_CALLS.get(key, match.group(0)) if self.strict_mode: source = '"use strict";\nvar strict_mode = true;\n' + _SPECIAL_CALL_PATTERN.sub(SpecialCall, source) else: source = "var strict_mode = false; \n" + _SPECIAL_CALL_PATTERN.sub(SpecialCall, source) return source def InstantiateTemplate(self, template, params): def GetParameter(match): key = match.group(1) return params.get(key, match.group(0)) return _PLACEHOLDER_PATTERN.sub(GetParameter, template) def RunTestIn(self, command_template, tmp): tmp.Write(self.GetSource()) tmp.Close() command = self.InstantiateTemplate(command_template, { 'path': tmp.name }) (code, out, err) = self.Execute(command) return TestResult(code, out, err, self) def Execute(self, command): if IsWindows(): args = '"%s"' % command else: args = command.split(" ") stdout = TempFile(prefix="sputnik-out-") stderr = TempFile(prefix="sputnik-err-") try: logging.info("exec: %s", str(args)) process = subprocess.Popen( args, shell = IsWindows(), stdout = stdout.fd, stderr = stderr.fd ) code = process.wait() out = stdout.Read() err = stderr.Read() finally: stdout.Dispose() stderr.Dispose() return (code, out, err) def Run(self, command_template): tmp = TempFile(suffix=".js", prefix="sputnik-", text=True) try: result = self.RunTestIn(command_template, tmp) finally: tmp.Dispose() return result def Print(self): print self.GetSource() class ProgressIndicator(object): def __init__(self, count): self.count = count self.succeeded = 0 self.failed = 0 self.failed_tests = [] def HasRun(self, result): result.ReportOutcome(True) if result.HasUnexpectedOutcome(): self.failed += 1 self.failed_tests.append(result) else: self.succeeded += 1 def MakePlural(n): if (n == 1): return (n, "") else: return (n, "s") class TestSuite(object): def __init__(self, root, stric_mode): self.test_root = path.join(root, 'tests', 'Conformance') self.lib_root = path.join(root, 'lib') self.strict_mode = stric_mode self.include_cache = { } def Validate(self): if not path.exists(self.test_root): ReportError("No test repository found") if not path.exists(self.lib_root): ReportError("No test library found") def IsHidden(self, path): return path.startswith('.') or path == 'CVS' def IsTestCase(self, path): return path.endswith('.js') def ShouldRun(self, rel_path, tests): if len(tests) == 0: return True for test in tests: if test in rel_path: return True return False def GetTimeZoneInfoInclude(self): dst_attribs = GetDaylightSavingsAttribs() if not dst_attribs: return None lines = [] for key in sorted(dst_attribs.keys()): lines.append('var $DST_%s = %s;' % (key, str(dst_attribs[key]))) localtz = time.timezone / -3600 lines.append('var $LocalTZ = %i;' % localtz) return "\n".join(lines) def GetSpecialInclude(self, name): if name == "environment.js": return self.GetTimeZoneInfoInclude() else: return None def GetInclude(self, name, strip_header=True): key = (name, strip_header) if not key in self.include_cache: value = self.GetSpecialInclude(name) if value: self.include_cache[key] = value else: static = path.join(self.lib_root, name) if path.exists(static): f = open(static) contents = f.read() if strip_header: contents = StripHeader(contents) self.include_cache[key] = contents + "\n" f.close() else: self.include_cache[key] = "" return self.include_cache[key] def EnumerateTests(self, tests): logging.info("Listing tests in %s", self.test_root) cases = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.test_root): for f in [x for x in dirs if self.IsHidden(x)]: dirs.remove(f) dirs.sort() for f in sorted(files): if self.IsTestCase(f): full_path = path.join(root, f) if full_path.startswith(self.test_root): rel_path = full_path[len(self.test_root)+1:] else: logging.warning("Unexpected path %s", full_path) rel_path = full_path if self.ShouldRun(rel_path, tests): basename = path.basename(full_path)[:-3] name = rel_path.split(path.sep)[:-1] + [basename] cases.append(TestCase(self, name, full_path, False)) if self.strict_mode: cases.append(TestCase(self, name, full_path, True)) logging.info("Done listing tests") return cases def PrintSummary(self, progress): print print "=== Summary ===" count = progress.count succeeded = progress.succeeded failed = progress.failed print " - Ran %i test%s" % MakePlural(count) if progress.failed == 0: print " - All tests succeeded" else: percent = ((100.0 * succeeded) / count,) print " - Passed %i test%s (%.1f%%)" % (MakePlural(succeeded) + percent) percent = ((100.0 * failed) / count,) print " - Failed %i test%s (%.1f%%)" % (MakePlural(failed) + percent) positive = [c for c in progress.failed_tests if not c.case.IsNegative()] negative = [c for c in progress.failed_tests if c.case.IsNegative()] if len(positive) > 0: print print "Failed tests" for result in positive: print " %s" % result.case.GetName() if len(negative) > 0: print print "Expected to fail but passed ---" for result in negative: print " %s" % result.case.GetName() def PrintFailureOutput(self, progress): for result in progress.failed_tests: print result.ReportOutcome(False) def Run(self, command_template, tests, print_summary, full_summary): if not "{{path}}" in command_template: command_template += " {{path}}" cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests) if len(cases) == 0: ReportError("No tests to run") progress = ProgressIndicator(len(cases)) for case in cases: result = case.Run(command_template) progress.HasRun(result) if print_summary: self.PrintSummary(progress) if full_summary: self.PrintFailureOutput(progress) else: print print "Use --full-summary to see output from failed tests" print def Print(self, tests): cases = self.EnumerateTests(tests) if len(cases) > 0: cases[0].Print() def GetDaylightSavingsTimes(): # Is the given floating-point time in DST? def IsDst(t): return time.localtime(t)[-1] # Binary search to find an interval between the two times no greater than # delta where DST switches, returning the midpoint. def FindBetween(start, end, delta): while end - start > delta: middle = (end + start) / 2 if IsDst(middle) == IsDst(start): start = middle else: end = middle return (start + end) / 2 now = time.time() one_month = (30 * 24 * 60 * 60) # First find a date with different daylight savings. To avoid corner cases # we try four months before and after today. after = now + 4 * one_month before = now - 4 * one_month if IsDst(now) == IsDst(before) and IsDst(now) == IsDst(after): logging.warning("Was unable to determine DST info.") return None # Determine when the change occurs between now and the date we just found # in a different DST. if IsDst(now) != IsDst(before): first = FindBetween(before, now, 1) else: first = FindBetween(now, after, 1) # Determine when the change occurs between three and nine months from the # first. second = FindBetween(first + 3 * one_month, first + 9 * one_month, 1) # Find out which switch is into and which if out of DST if IsDst(first - 1) and not IsDst(first + 1): start = second end = first else: start = first end = second return (start, end) def GetDaylightSavingsAttribs(): times = GetDaylightSavingsTimes() if not times: return None (start, end) = times def DstMonth(t): return time.localtime(t)[1] - 1 def DstHour(t): return time.localtime(t - 1)[3] + 1 def DstSunday(t): if time.localtime(t)[2] > 15: return "'last'" else: return "'first'" def DstMinutes(t): return (time.localtime(t - 1)[4] + 1) % 60 attribs = { } attribs['start_month'] = DstMonth(start) attribs['end_month'] = DstMonth(end) attribs['start_sunday'] = DstSunday(start) attribs['end_sunday'] = DstSunday(end) attribs['start_hour'] = DstHour(start) attribs['end_hour'] = DstHour(end) attribs['start_minutes'] = DstMinutes(start) attribs['end_minutes'] = DstMinutes(end) return attribs def Main(): parser = BuildOptions() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() ValidateOptions(options) test_suite = TestSuite(options.tests, options.enable_strict_mode) test_suite.Validate() if options.cat: test_suite.Print(args) else: test_suite.Run(options.command, args, options.summary or options.full_summary, options.full_summary) if __name__ == '__main__': try: Main() sys.exit(0) except SputnikError, e: print "Error: %s" % e.message sys.exit(1)