// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
description: >
    Completion value when head has a declaration and a "test" expression and no iteration occurs
info: >
    IterationStatement :
      for ( var VariableDeclarationList ; Expressionopt ; Expressionopt ) Statement

    1. Let varDcl be the result of evaluating VariableDeclarationList.
    2. ReturnIfAbrupt(varDcl).
    3. Return ForBodyEvaluation(the first Expression, the second Expression,
       Statement, « », labelSet). Runtime Semantics: ForBodyEvaluation
    1. Let V = undefined.
    4. Repeat
       a. If test is not [empty], then
          i. Let testRef be the result of evaluating test.
          ii. Let testValue be GetValue(testRef).
          iii. ReturnIfAbrupt(testValue).
          iv. If ToBoolean(testValue) is false, return NormalCompletion(V).

assert.sameValue(eval('1; for (var run = false; run; ) { }'), undefined);
assert.sameValue(eval('2; for (var run = false; run; ) { 3; }'), undefined);