// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /** * @name: S7.2_A4.6_T1; * @section: 7.2, 7.4; * @assertion: Multi line comment can contain any other Unicode "space separator" (category "Zs"); * @description: Complex test with eval; */ //CHECK#1 Zs = [[0x1680, 0x1680], [0x2000, 0x200B], [0x202F, 0x202F], [0x205F, 0x205F], [0x3000, 0x3000]]; errorCount = 0; count = 0; for (indexI = 0; indexI < Zs.length; indexI++) { for (indexJ = Zs[indexI][0]; indexJ <= Zs[indexI][1]; indexJ++) { try { var format = String.fromCharCode(indexJ); var hex = decimalToHexString(indexJ); var x = 0; eval("/*" + format + "multi line" + format + "comment" + format + "\n x = 1;*/"); if (x !== 0) { $ERROR('#' + hex + ' '); errorCount++; } } catch (e) { $ERROR('#' + hex + ' '); errorCount++; } count++; } } if (errorCount > 0) { $ERROR('Total error: ' + errorCount + ' bad Unicode character in ' + count); } function decimalToHexString(n) { n = Number(n); var h = ""; for (var i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { if (n >= Math.pow(16, i)) { var t = Math.floor(n / Math.pow(16, i)); n -= t * Math.pow(16, i); if ( t >= 10 ) { if ( t == 10 ) { h += "A"; } if ( t == 11 ) { h += "B"; } if ( t == 12 ) { h += "C"; } if ( t == 13 ) { h += "D"; } if ( t == 14 ) { h += "E"; } if ( t == 15 ) { h += "F"; } } else { h += String(t); } } else { h += "0"; } } return h; }