// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: > Math.log, recommended that implementations use the approximation algorithms for IEEE 754 arithmetic contained in fdlibm es5id: description: > Checking if Math.log is approximately equals to its mathematical values on the set of 64 argument values; all the sample values is calculated with LibC includes: - math_precision.js - math_isequal.js ---*/ // CHECK#1 vnum = 64; var x = new Array(); x[0] = 0.00000000000000000000; x[1] = 0.25396825396825395000; x[2] = 0.50793650793650791000; x[3] = 0.76190476190476186000; x[4] = 1.01587301587301580000; x[5] = 1.26984126984126980000; x[6] = 1.52380952380952370000; x[7] = 1.77777777777777770000; x[8] = 2.03174603174603160000; x[9] = 2.28571428571428560000; x[10] = 2.53968253968253950000; x[11] = 2.79365079365079350000; x[12] = 3.04761904761904740000; x[13] = 3.30158730158730140000; x[14] = 3.55555555555555540000; x[15] = 3.80952380952380930000; x[16] = 4.06349206349206330000; x[17] = 4.31746031746031720000; x[18] = 4.57142857142857120000; x[19] = 4.82539682539682510000; x[20] = 5.07936507936507910000; x[21] = 5.33333333333333300000; x[22] = 5.58730158730158700000; x[23] = 5.84126984126984090000; x[24] = 6.09523809523809490000; x[25] = 6.34920634920634890000; x[26] = 6.60317460317460280000; x[27] = 6.85714285714285680000; x[28] = 7.11111111111111070000; x[29] = 7.36507936507936470000; x[30] = 7.61904761904761860000; x[31] = 7.87301587301587260000; x[32] = 8.12698412698412650000; x[33] = 8.38095238095238140000; x[34] = 8.63492063492063440000; x[35] = 8.88888888888888930000; x[36] = 9.14285714285714230000; x[37] = 9.39682539682539720000; x[38] = 9.65079365079365030000; x[39] = 9.90476190476190510000; x[40] = 10.15873015873015800000; x[41] = 10.41269841269841300000; x[42] = 10.66666666666666600000; x[43] = 10.92063492063492100000; x[44] = 11.17460317460317400000; x[45] = 11.42857142857142900000; x[46] = 11.68253968253968200000; x[47] = 11.93650793650793700000; x[48] = 12.19047619047619000000; x[49] = 12.44444444444444500000; x[50] = 12.69841269841269800000; x[51] = 12.95238095238095300000; x[52] = 13.20634920634920600000; x[53] = 13.46031746031746000000; x[54] = 13.71428571428571400000; x[55] = 13.96825396825396800000; x[56] = 14.22222222222222100000; x[57] = 14.47619047619047600000; x[58] = 14.73015873015872900000; x[59] = 14.98412698412698400000; x[60] = 15.23809523809523700000; x[61] = 15.49206349206349200000; x[62] = 15.74603174603174500000; x[63] = 16.00000000000000000000; var y = new Array(); y[0] = -Infinity; y[1] = -1.37054600415175140000; y[2] = -0.67739882359180614000; y[3] = -0.27193371548364181000; y[4] = 0.01574835696813911200; y[5] = 0.23889190828234888000; y[6] = 0.42121346507630347000; y[7] = 0.57536414490356180000; y[8] = 0.70889553752808443000; y[9] = 0.82667857318446791000; y[10] = 0.93203908884229414000; y[11] = 1.02734926864661900000; y[12] = 1.11436064563624870000; y[13] = 1.19440335330978530000; y[14] = 1.26851132546350720000; y[15] = 1.33750419695045860000; y[16] = 1.40204271808802970000; y[17] = 1.46266733990446450000; y[18] = 1.51982575374441310000; y[19] = 1.57389297501468910000; y[20] = 1.62518626940223940000; y[21] = 1.67397643357167160000; y[22] = 1.72049644920656440000; y[23] = 1.76494821177739820000; y[24] = 1.80750782619619410000; y[25] = 1.84832982071644910000; y[26] = 1.88755053386973050000; y[27] = 1.92529086185257750000; y[28] = 1.96165850602345240000; y[29] = 1.99674982583472250000; y[30] = 2.03065137751040400000; y[31] = 2.06344120033339480000; y[32] = 2.09518989864797510000; y[33] = 2.12596155731472880000; y[34] = 2.15581452046440970000; y[35] = 2.18480205733766210000; y[36] = 2.21297293430435850000; y[37] = 2.24037190849247290000; y[38] = 2.26704015557463420000; y[39] = 2.29301564197789490000; y[40] = 2.31833344996218480000; y[41] = 2.34302606255255650000; y[42] = 2.36712361413161700000; y[43] = 2.39065411154181100000; y[44] = 2.41364362976650960000; y[45] = 2.43611648561856820000; y[46] = 2.45809539233734360000; y[47] = 2.47960159755830700000; y[48] = 2.50065500675613930000; y[49] = 2.52127429395887500000; y[50] = 2.54147700127639450000; y[51] = 2.56127962857257430000; y[52] = 2.58069771442967570000; y[53] = 2.59974590940037050000; y[54] = 2.61843804241252310000; y[55] = 2.63678718108071930000; y[56] = 2.65480568658339780000; y[57] = 2.67250526368279880000; y[58] = 2.68989700639466770000; y[59] = 2.70699143975396780000; y[60] = 2.72379855807034900000; y[61] = 2.74032786002155990000; y[62] = 2.75658838089334020000; y[63] = 2.77258872223978110000; var val; for (i = 0; i < vnum; i++) { val = Math.log(x[i]); if (!isEqual(val, y[i])) { $ERROR("\nx = " + x[i] + "\nlibc.log(x) = " + y[i] + "\nMath.log(x) = " + Math.log(x[i]) + "\nMath.abs(libc.log(x) - Math.log(x)) > " + prec + "\n\n"); } }