// Copyright (C) 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

description: >
    `Promise.resolve` invoked with a Promise with a unique constructor
info: |
    1. Let C be the this value.
    3. If IsPromise(x) is true,
       a. Let xConstructor be Get(x, "constructor").
       b. ReturnIfAbrupt(xConstructor).
       c. If SameValue(xConstructor, C) is true, return x.
    4. Let promiseCapability be NewPromiseCapability(C).
    8. Return promiseCapability.[[Promise]].

var promise1 = new Promise(function() {});
var promise2;

promise1.constructor = null;

promise2 = Promise.resolve(promise1);

assert.sameValue(promise1 === promise2, false);