// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --harmony-symbol-description { let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Symbol.prototype, 'description'); assertEquals(desc.set, undefined); assertEquals(desc.writable, undefined); assertFalse(desc.enumerable); assertTrue(desc.configurable); } { const empty = Symbol(); assertEquals(empty.description, undefined); const symbol = Symbol('test'); assertEquals(symbol.description, 'test'); assertFalse(symbol.hasOwnProperty('description')); } { const empty = Object(Symbol()); assertEquals(empty.description, undefined); const symbol = Object(Symbol('test')); assertEquals(symbol.description, 'test'); assertFalse(symbol.hasOwnProperty('description')); } { assertThrows(function() { const proxy = new Proxy({}, {}); Symbol.prototype.description.call(proxy); }, TypeError); assertThrows(function() { const smi = 123; Symbol.prototype.description.call(smi); }, TypeError); assertThrows(function() { const str = 'string'; Symbol.prototype.description.call(string); }, TypeError); assertThrows(function() { const obj = { prop: 'test' }; Symbol.prototype.description.call(obj); }, TypeError); }