// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax g = async function () { await 10; } assertEquals(undefined, g.prototype) g(); assertEquals(undefined, g.prototype) gen = function* () { yield 10; } assertTrue(gen.prototype != undefined && gen.prototype != null) gen() assertTrue(gen.prototype != undefined && gen.prototype != null) async_gen = async function* () { yield 10; } assertTrue(async_gen.prototype != undefined && async_gen.prototype != null) async_gen() assertTrue(async_gen.prototype != undefined && async_gen.prototype != null) function foo(x) { return x instanceof Proxy; } function test_for_exception() { caught_exception = false; try { foo({}); } catch (e) { caught_exception = true; assertEquals( 'Function has non-object prototype \'undefined\' in instanceof check', e.message); } finally { assertTrue(caught_exception) } } test_for_exception(); test_for_exception(); %OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall(foo); test_for_exception(); Proxy.__proto__.prototype = Function.prototype; assertTrue((() => {}) instanceof Proxy); assertEquals( new Proxy({}, { get(o, s) { return s } }).test, 'test'); Proxy.__proto__ = { prototype: {b: 2}, a: 1 }; assertEquals(Proxy.prototype, {b: 2}); (function testProxyCreationContext() { let realm = Realm.create(); let p1 = new Proxy({}, {}); let p2 = Realm.eval(realm, "new Proxy({}, {})"); assertEquals(0, Realm.owner(p1)); assertEquals(1, Realm.owner(p2)); })();