// Copyright (c) 2012 Ecma International. All rights reserved. // Ecma International makes this code available under the terms and conditions set // forth on http://hg.ecmascript.org/tests/test262/raw-file/tip/LICENSE (the // "Use Terms"). Any redistribution of this code must retain the above // copyright and this notice and otherwise comply with the Use Terms. /*--- es5id: 15.12.3-11-23 description: > JSON.stringify - stringifying an object where property value ends with the union of all null character (The abstract operation Quote(value) step 2.c) includes: [runTestCase.js] ---*/ function testcase() { var result = true; var expectedNullChars = new Array(); expectedNullChars[0] = "\\u0000"; expectedNullChars[1] = "\\u0001"; expectedNullChars[2] = "\\u0002"; expectedNullChars[3] = "\\u0003"; expectedNullChars[4] = "\\u0004"; expectedNullChars[5] = "\\u0005"; expectedNullChars[6] = "\\u0006"; expectedNullChars[7] = "\\u0007"; expectedNullChars[8] = "\\b"; expectedNullChars[9] = "\\t"; expectedNullChars[10] = "\\n"; expectedNullChars[11] = "\\u000b"; expectedNullChars[12] = "\\f"; expectedNullChars[13] = "\\r"; expectedNullChars[14] = "\\u000e"; expectedNullChars[15] = "\\u000f"; expectedNullChars[16] = "\\u0010"; expectedNullChars[17] = "\\u0011"; expectedNullChars[18] = "\\u0012"; expectedNullChars[19] = "\\u0013"; expectedNullChars[20] = "\\u0014"; expectedNullChars[21] = "\\u0015"; expectedNullChars[22] = "\\u0016"; expectedNullChars[23] = "\\u0017"; expectedNullChars[24] = "\\u0018"; expectedNullChars[25] = "\\u0019"; expectedNullChars[26] = "\\u001a"; expectedNullChars[27] = "\\u001b"; expectedNullChars[28] = "\\u001c"; expectedNullChars[29] = "\\u001d"; expectedNullChars[30] = "\\u001e"; expectedNullChars[31] = "\\u001f"; for (var index in expectedNullChars) { var str = JSON.stringify({ "name": "John\u0000\u0001\u0002\u0003\u0004\u0005\u0006\u0007\u0008\u0009\u000A\u000B\u000C\u000D\u000E\u000F\u0010\u0011\u0012\u0013\u0014\u0015\u0016\u0017\u0018\u0019\u001A\u001B\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F" }); result = (result && str.indexOf(expectedNullChars[index]) !== -1); } return result; } runTestCase(testcase);