// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: > When the [[Construct]] property for a Function object F is called: A new native ECMAScript object is created. Gets the value of the [[Prototype]] property of the F(Denote it PROTO_VAL). If PROTO_VAL is an object, sets the [[Prototype]] property of native ECMAScript object just created to the PROTO_VAL es5id: 13.2.2_A4_T2 description: Declaring a function with "__FACTORY = function()" ---*/ __CUBE="cube"; __FACTORY = function(){}; __FACTORY.prototype={ shape:__CUBE, printShape:function(){return this.shape;} }; __device = new __FACTORY(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#1 if (__device.printShape === undefined) { $ERROR('#1: __device.printShape !== undefined. Actual: __device.printShape ==='+__device.printShape); } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //CHECK#2 if (__device.printShape() !== __CUBE) { $ERROR('#2: __device.printShape() === __CUBE. Actual: __device.printShape() ==='+__device.printShape()); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////