// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: // - src/dstr-binding/ary-ptrn-elem-obj-id-init.case // - src/dstr-binding/default/func-expr.template /*--- description: BindingElement with object binding pattern and initializer is used (function expression) esid: sec-function-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [destructuring-binding] flags: [generated] info: | FunctionExpression : function ( FormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } [...] 3. Let closure be FunctionCreate(Normal, FormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) [...] 7. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). [...] OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody ( F, argumentsList ) 1. Let status be FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(F, argumentsList). [...] 9.2.12 FunctionDeclarationInstantiation(func, argumentsList) [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, b. Let formalStatus be IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization BindingElement : BindingPatternInitializer opt [...] 2. If iteratorRecord.[[done]] is true, let v be undefined. 3. If Initializer is present and v is undefined, then a. Let defaultValue be the result of evaluating Initializer. b. Let v be ? GetValue(defaultValue). 4. Return the result of performing BindingInitialization of BindingPattern with v and environment as the arguments. ---*/ var callCount = 0; var f; f = function([{ x, y, z } = { x: 44, y: 55, z: 66 }]) { assert.sameValue(x, 44); assert.sameValue(y, 55); assert.sameValue(z, 66); callCount = callCount + 1; }; f([]); assert.sameValue(callCount, 1, 'function invoked exactly once');