(function(global) { "use strict"; var t262 = global.t262; var platform = t262.platform; var regExp = platform.regExp; var headerPattern = /(?:(?:\/\/.*)?\s*\n)*/; var captureCommentPattern = /\/\*\*?((?:\s|\S)*?)\*\/\s*\n/; var anyPattern = /(?:\s|\S)*/; var blanksPattern = /(?:\s|\n)*/; // Should match anything var testEnvelopePattern = regExp('^(', headerPattern, ')(?:', captureCommentPattern, ')?(', anyPattern, ')$'); var registerPattern = regExp('^(', anyPattern, '?)(', /ES5Harness\.registerTest\s*\(\s*\{/, anyPattern, /\}\s*\)/, ')', /\s*;?(?:\s|\n)*$/); var captureFuncBodyPattern = regExp(/^function(?:\s+\w*)?\(\s*\)\s*\{/, '(', anyPattern, ')', /;?/, blanksPattern, /\}$/); var captureExprBodyPattern = regExp(/^return\s+/, '(', anyPattern, '?)', /;$/); var capturePredicatePattern = regExp(/^if\s+\((.*?)\)\s*\{/, blanksPattern, /return\s+true;?/, blanksPattern, /\}$/); /** * Strip the left margin "*"s that are found in the body of a * multiline doc-comment like this one. */ function stripStars(text) { return text.replace(/\s*\n\s*\*\s?/g, '\n').trim(); } /** * Parses the source of a test262 test case file into a JSON * envelope record. * *

The input can be in old sputnik or ietestcenter style, or in * the canonical test262 style. In all cases, we have an optional * header, an optional "/*" comment possibly containing properties * of the form

    *   @propName: propValue;
which populate the test record. This is followed by the * rest of the text, which is the test itself. In the case of an * ietestcenter style test, this is followed by a call to * ES5Harness\.registerTest to register a test record. */ function parseTestEnvelope(src, name) { var envelope = { testRecord: {} }; var envelopeMatch = testEnvelopePattern.exec(src); if (!envelopeMatch) { // Can't happen? throw new Error('unrecognized: ' + name); } envelope.header = envelopeMatch[1].trim(); if (envelopeMatch[2]) { var propTexts = envelopeMatch[2].split(/\s*\n\s*\*\s*@/); envelope.comment = stripStars(propTexts.shift()), // notice side effect propTexts.forEach(function(propText) { var propName = propText.match(/^\w+/)[0]; var propVal = propText.substring(propName.length); var propMatch = /^:?([^;]*);?\s*$/.exec(propVal); if (propMatch) { propVal = propMatch[1]; } propVal = stripStars(propVal); if (propName in envelope.testRecord) { throw new Error('duplicate: ' + propName); } envelope.testRecord[propName] = propVal; }); } envelope.rest = envelopeMatch[3]; // Do not trim var registerMatch = registerPattern.exec(envelope.rest); if (registerMatch) { envelope.rest = registerMatch[1].trim(); envelope.registerExpr = registerMatch[2].trim(); } else if (envelope.rest.indexOf('ES5Harness.registerTest') >= 0) { print(' \n--header---\n|' + envelope.header + '|\n--rest-----\n|' + envelope.rest + '|\n--harness--\n|' + envelope.registerExpr + '|\n-----------\n'); throw new Error('Malformed harness? ' + name); } return envelope; } /** * Given a function, return the source for an expression that, when * evaluated in the environment the function assumes, will behave * the same as calling that function in that environment. */ function expressionize(func) { var funcSrc = '' + func; var cfbMatch = captureFuncBodyPattern.exec(funcSrc); if (cfbMatch) { // Look for special cases var body = cfbMatch[1].trim(); var cebMatch = captureExprBodyPattern.exec(body); if (cebMatch) { return '(' + cebMatch[1].trim() + ')'; } var cpMatch = capturePredicatePattern.exec(body); if (cpMatch) { return '(' + cpMatch[1].trim() + ')'; } } else { // signal an error? } return '(' + funcSrc + ').call(this)'; } /** * Given an ietestcenter style test, this evaluates the * registration expression in order to gather the test record. */ function gatherOne(envelope, name) { if (envelope.testRecord) { var propNames = Object.keys(envelope.testRecord); if (propNames.length >= 1) { // This need not be an error. It's just here so we notice the // first time it happens. This would happen if an // ietestcenter style test also had a comment with "@" // property definitions. throw new Error('unexpected in ' + name + ': ' + propNames); } } var testRecords = []; // Evaluating!!!! platform.evalExprIn(envelope.registerExpr, { ES5Harness: { registerTest: function(testRecord) { testRecords.push(testRecord); } } }, 'forceNonStrict'); if (testRecords.length !== 1) { // We plan to lift this restriction in order to support test // generators. throw new Error('not singleton: ' + name); } var testRecord = testRecords[0]; if (typeof testRecord.test === 'function') { testRecord.test = envelope.rest + 'assertTrue(' + expressionize(testRecord.test) + ');\n'; } if (typeof testRecord.precondition === 'function') { var precondition = expressionize(testRecord.precondition); if (precondition === '(true)') { delete testRecord.precondition; } else { testRecord.precondition = precondition; } } return testRecord; }; /** * Normalizes the properties of testRecord to be the canonical * test262 style properties, that will be assumed by the new test * runners. */ function normalizeProps(testRecord) { if (!testRecord.id && testRecord.name) { testRecord.id = testRecord.name; delete testRecord.name; } if (!('strict_only' in testRecord) && testRecord.strict === 1) { testRecord.strict_only = ''; delete testRecord.strict; } if ('strict_mode_negative' in testRecord) { if (!('strict_only' in testRecord)) { testRecord.strict_only = ''; } if (!'negative' in testRecord) { testRecord.negative = testRecord.strict_mode_negative; delete testRecord.strict_mode_negative; } } if (!testRecord.negative && 'errortype' in testRecord) { testRecord.negative = testRecord.errortype; delete testRecord.errortype; } if (!testRecord.description && testRecord.assertion) { testRecord.description = testRecord.assertion; delete testRecord.assertion; } if (!testRecord.comment && testRecord.assertion) { testRecord.comment = testRecord.assertion; delete testRecord.assertion; } }; t262.normalizeProps = normalizeProps; /** * Parses the source of a test262 test case file into a normalized * JSON test record. */ function parseTestRecord(path, name) { var nextPath = path.concat([name]); var src = platform.read(nextPath); var testRecord; if (!src) { throw new Error('no src: ' + nextPath.join('/')); } var envelope = parseTestEnvelope(src, name); if (envelope.registerExpr) { testRecord = gatherOne(envelope, name); } else { testRecord = envelope.testRecord; if (!testRecord.test) { testRecord.test = envelope.rest; } } testRecord.header = envelope.header; testRecord.comment = envelope.comment; normalizeProps(testRecord); return testRecord; }; t262.parseTestRecord = parseTestRecord; // The known ones will be rendered first, and in this order. var KNOWN_PROPS = ['id', 'section', 'path', 'description', 'strict_only', 'negative']; /** * Turns the (assumed) normalized test record into its string form * in canonical test262 style. * * NOTE: This is currently destructive of testRecord. Easy to fix *if it becomes a problem. */ function formatTestRecord(testRecord) { var test = testRecord.test; delete testRecord.test; function addProp(pname) { if (pname in testRecord) { result += ' * @' + pname; if (testRecord[pname]) { result += ': ' + testRecord[pname].replace(/\n/g, '\n * '); } result += ';\n'; delete testRecord[pname]; } } var result = testRecord.header + '\n\n'; delete testRecord.header; result += '/**\n'; if (testRecord.comment) { result += ' * ' + testRecord.comment.replace(/\n/g, '\n * ') + '\n *\n'; } delete testRecord.comment; KNOWN_PROPS.concat(['precondition']).forEach(addProp); Object.keys(testRecord).forEach(addProp); result += ' */\n\n' + test; return result; }; t262.formatTestRecord = formatTestRecord; /** * Reads the test case at pathStr and returns the source of that * test case converted to canonical test262 style. */ function convertTest(pathStr) { var path = platform.toPath(pathStr); var name = path.pop(); var testRecord = parseTestRecord(path, name); var result = formatTestRecord(testRecord); return result; }; t262.convertTest = convertTest; var SRC_DIRS = [ ['test', 'suite', 'other'], ['test', 'suite', 'sputnik', 'Conformance'], ['test', 'suite', 'ietestcenter'] ]; var CONV_DIR = ['test', 'suite', 'converted']; var OUT_DIR = ['website', 'resources', 'scripts', 'testcases2']; var ME_PATH = platform.CONVERTER_PATH.concat('convert.js'); /** * Convert all the testcases found at inBase+relDir to test cases * in canonical test262 style, to be stored at corresponding * positions in outBase+relPath. */ function convertAll(inBase, outBase, relPath) { var inPath = inBase.concat(relPath); var outPath = outBase.concat(relPath); platform.mkdir(outPath); platform.ls(inPath).forEach(function(name) { var nextRelPath = relPath.concat([name]); if (platform.isDirectory(inBase.concat(nextRelPath))) { convertAll(inBase, outBase, nextRelPath); } else if (/\.js$/.test(name)) { var inFilePath = inPath.concat([name]); var outFilePath = outPath.concat([name]); platform.writeSpawn( [ME_PATH], 't262.convertTest("' + platform.toPathStr(inFilePath) + '")', void 0, outFilePath); } }); }; t262.convertAll = convertAll; /** * Do all the conversions (from sputnik style, ietestcenter style, * or other to canonical test262 style) matching relPath. */ function convert(opt_relPath) { SRC_DIRS.forEach(function(srcDir) { convertAll(srcDir, CONV_DIR, opt_relPath || []); }); }; t262.convert = convert; /** * Reads all the test case records for the section corresponding to * the directory at pathStr, and return a JSON record for a test * case section, as would be uploaded to a browser-based test * runner. */ function buildSection(pathStr) { var path = platform.toPath(pathStr); if (!platform.isDirectory(path)) { throw new Error('not dir: ' + path); } var jsFiles = platform.ls(path).filter(function(name) { return /\.js$/.test(name); }); var testRecords = jsFiles.map(function(name) { var testRecord = parseTestRecord(path, name); delete testRecord.header; delete testRecord.comment; return testRecord; }); testRecords = testRecords.filter(function(testRecord) { return testRecord !== null; }); return { testCollection: { name: path[path.length -1], numTests: testRecords.length, tests: testRecords } }; }; t262.buildSection = buildSection; /** * Use the test cases at inBase+relPath to build the test * collection portion of the website, at outBase. */ function buildAll(inBase, outBase, relPath) { var inPath = inBase.concat(relPath); var hasJS = false; platform.ls(inPath).forEach(function(name) { var nextRelPath = relPath.concat([name]); if (platform.isDirectory(inBase.concat(nextRelPath))) { buildAll(inBase, outBase, nextRelPath); } else if (/\.js$/.test(name)) { hasJS = true; } }); if (hasJS) { var name = relPath[relPath.length -1] + '.json'; var outFilePath = outBase.concat([name]); platform.writeSpawn( [ME_PATH], 't262.asJSONTxt(t262.buildSection("' + platform.toPathStr(inPath) + '"))', void 0, outFilePath); } }; t262.buildAll = buildAll; /** * Build those test case files for the website corresponding to the * test cases matching relPath. * *

Right now it's building from the pre-converted test * files. Once we switch over to converted as the maintained * sources, we should change this. */ function buildWebSite(opt_relPath) { SRC_DIRS.forEach(function(srcDir) { buildAll(srcDir, OUT_DIR, opt_relPath || []); }); // buildAll(CONV_DIR, OUT_DIR, opt_relPath || []); }; t262.buildWebSite = buildWebSite; })(this);