/// Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation /// /// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided /// that the following conditions are met: /// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and /// the following disclaimer. /// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and /// the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. /// * Neither the name of Microsoft nor the names of its contributors may be used to /// endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. /// /// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR /// IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS /// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE /// FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT /// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS /// INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, /// OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF /// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /* sth: Simple Test Harness */ sth.prototype.matchTestPath = function(filePath) { var cannonicalPath = filePath.slice(filePath.indexOf('TestCases')); var possibleMatch = this.testsByPath[cannonicalPath]; if (possibleMatch) return possibleMatch; var pathId = filePath.slice(filePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, -3); possibleMatch = this.testsById[pathId]; if (possibleMatch) return possibleMatch; return null; } function sth(globalObj) { //private variables of this object/class var callback, scriptLoadTimer, testRunTimer, stopCommand, tests, buffer, cachedGlobal, globalState, totalTestsRun, totalTestsPassed, totalTestsFailed, failedTestCases, allScriptTagsInjected, testCasePaths, possibleTestScripts, totalTestCases, executionCount, failedToLoad, loaderIframe, xmlListLoaded, xmlTestsLoaded, aryTestCasePaths, aryTestGroups, failToLoadTests, toublesomeTest, requestPending; //constants var LOAD_TIMER_PERIOD = 20, RUN_TIMER_PERIOD = 20, DEFER_STOP_COUNT = 10, DEFER_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD = 50, TESTLISTPATH = "resources/scripts/testcases/testcaseslist.xml"; aryTestCasePaths = []; aryTestGroups = []; failToLoadTests = []; stopCommand = false; xmlListLoaded = false; xmlTestsLoaded = false; tests = []; buffer = []; totalTestsRun = 0; totalTestsPassed = 0; totalTestsFailed = 0; failedTestCases = []; allScriptTagsInjected = false; testCasePaths = []; ; possibleTestScripts = 0; totalTestCases = 0; executionCount = 0; loaderIframe = null; cachedGlobal = globalObj; failedToLoad = 0; globalState = { undefined: cachedGlobal.undefined, NaN: cachedGlobal.NaN, Infinity: cachedGlobal.Infinity, Object: cachedGlobal.Object, Array: cachedGlobal.Array, Function: cachedGlobal.Function, String: cachedGlobal.String, Number: cachedGlobal.Number, Boolean: cachedGlobal.Boolean, RegExp: cachedGlobal.RegExp, Math: cachedGlobal.Math, Error: cachedGlobal.Error, eval: cachedGlobal.eval, parseInt: cachedGlobal.parseInt, parseFloat: cachedGlobal.parseFloat, isNaN: cachedGlobal.isNaN, isFinite: cachedGlobal.isFinite, EvalError: cachedGlobal.EvalError, RangeError: cachedGlobal.RangeError, ReferenceError: cachedGlobal.ReferenceError, SyntaxError: cachedGlobal.SyntaxError, TypeError: cachedGlobal.TypeError, URIError: cachedGlobal.URIError } //private methods function clearTimers() { window.clearTimeout(scriptLoadTimer); window.clearTimeout(testRunTimer); } function restoreGlobals() { for (var prop in globalState) if (cachedGlobal[prop] !== globalState[prop]) cachedGlobal[prop] = globalState[prop]; } function htmlEscape(str) { str = str.replace(//g, '>'); } //public methods this.getTotalTestsRun = function() { return totalTestsRun; } this.getTotalTestsPassed = function() { return totalTestsPassed; } this.getTotalTestsToRun = function() { return aryTestGroups.numTests; } this.getTotalTestsFailed = function() { return totalTestsFailed; } this.registerTest = function(to) { var t = new sth_test(to); t.registrationIndex = tests.length; tests.push(t); buffer.push(t); } this.run = function() { var ut = undefined; // a particular unittest var res = false; // the result of running the unittest var prereq = undefined; // any prerequisite specified by the unittest var pres = true; // the result of running that prerequite var regEx2 = /^[sS]?[0-9]{1,2}([.]?[0-9]{1,2}){0,2}/gi; var holdArray; var subsectionId; var chapterId; ut = buffer.shift(); if (!ut) return; executionCount++; //this.currentTest = ut; if (callback) callback( { totalTestsRun: totalTestsRun, //Total run //totalRun : sth.tests.length, totalTestsFailed: totalTestsFailed, totalTestsPassed: totalTestsPassed, totalTestsToRun: totalTestCases, failedTestCases: failedTestCases, totalTestsLoaded: tests.length, failedToLoad: failedToLoad, totalTestCasesForProgressBar: ((totalTestsRun / totalTestCases) * 100) < 99 ? totalTestCases : tests.length, nextActivity: "executing ... " + ut.id }); // if the test specifies a prereq, run that. pre = ut.pre; pres = true; if (pre !== undefined) { try { pres = pre.call(ut); restoreGlobals(); if (pres !== true) { ut.res = 'Precondition failed'; } } catch (e) { restoreGlobals(); pres = false; ut.res = 'Precondition failed with exception: ' + e.description; } } //read the chapter id and sub section id by spliting the testcase id match2 = ut.id.match(regEx2); subsectionId = match2[0]; if (match2[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('s') != -1) { subsectionId = subsectionId.substring(1); } holdArray = subsectionId.split("."); chapterId = holdArray[0] - SECTION_TOC_OFFSET; addCountToSection(subsectionId, "total"); // if the prereq is met, run the testcase now. if (pres === true) { try { res = ut.theTestcase.call(ut.testObj); restoreGlobals(); if (res === true || res === undefined) { ut.res = 'pass'; totalTestsPassed++; addCountToSection(subsectionId, "passed"); } else { ut.res = 'fail'; totalTestsFailed++; failedTestCases[failedTestCases.length] = ut; addCountToSection(subsectionId, "failed"); } } catch (e) { restoreGlobals(); ut.res = 'failed with exception: ' + e.description; totalTestsFailed++; failedTestCases[failedTestCases.length] = ut; addCountToSection(subsectionId, "failed"); } } else { totalTestsFailed++; failedTestCases[failedTestCases.length] = ut; addCountToSection(subsectionId, "failed"); } if (holdArray.length > 1) { if (holdArray.length == 3 & existsSection(subsectionId)) { sections[chapterId].subSections[holdArray[1] - 1].subSections[holdArray[2] - 1].testCaseArray[sections[chapterId].subSections[holdArray[1] - 1].subSections[holdArray[2] - 1].testCaseArray.length] = ut; } else { sections[chapterId].subSections[holdArray[1] - 1].testCaseArray[sections[chapterId].subSections[holdArray[1] - 1].testCaseArray.length] = ut; } } else sections[chapterId].testCaseArray[sections[chapterId].testCaseArray.length] = ut; totalTestsRun++; } this.startTesting = function(pageCallback, command) { if (!xmlListLoaded) { this.loadTestList(); return; } stopCommand = false; var scriptLoader = new XMLHttpRequest(); function loadNextTest() { testPath = aryTestGroups.shift(); if (!testPath) { allScriptTagsInjected = true; scriptLoader = null; } else { scriptLoader.onreadystatechange = function() { if (scriptLoader.readyState == 4) { if (callback) callback( { totalTestsRun: totalTestsRun, //Total run totalTestsFailed: totalTestsFailed, totalTestsPassed: totalTestsPassed, totalTestsToRun: totalTestCases, failedTestCases: failedTestCases, totalTestsLoaded: tests.length, failedToLoad: failedToLoad, totalTestCasesForProgressBar: ((totalTestsRun / totalTestCases) * 100) < 99 ? totalTestCases : tests.length, nextActivity: "loading... " + scriptLoader.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("section")[0].getAttribute("name") }); try { var j = aryTestCasePaths.length; var newTests = scriptLoader.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("test"); for (var i = 0; i < newTests.length; i++) { var scriptCode = (newTests[i].firstChild.text != undefined) ? newTests[i].firstChild.text : newTests[i].firstChild.textContent; loaderIframe.append(''); aryTestCasePaths[j++] = newTests[i].getAttribute("id"); if (tests[tests.length - 1].id != newTests[i].getAttribute("id")) { failToLoadTests[failToLoadTests.length] = newTests[i].getAttribute("id"); } } requestPending = false; xmlTestsLoaded = true; if (!stopCommand) loadNextTest(); } catch (e) { requestPending = false; } } }; scriptLoader.open("GET", testPath, true); scriptLoader.send(null); requestPending = true; } } scriptLoadTimer = setTimeout(loadNextTest, 0); totalTestCases = possibleTestScripts = aryTestGroups.numTests; switch (command) { case TestConstants.RUNNING: case TestConstants.RESET: if (!testCasePaths.length > 0 && !allScriptTagsInjected) { testCasePaths = aryTestCasePaths.slice(0, aryTestCasePaths.length); } else { buffer = tests.clone(); } break; } callback = pageCallback; var sth = this, loaderIframe = $('head'), testPath; function runNextTest() { if (!xmlTestsLoaded) { testRunTimer = setTimeout(runNextTest, RUN_TIMER_PERIOD); return; } if (buffer.length === 0 && !allScriptTagsInjected) { testRunTimer = setTimeout(runNextTest, RUN_TIMER_PERIOD); return; } callback( { totalTestsRun: totalTestsRun, //Total run //totalRun : sth.tests.length, totalTestsFailed: totalTestsFailed, totalTestsPassed: totalTestsPassed, totalTestsToRun: totalTestCases, failedTestCases: failedTestCases, totalTestsLoaded: tests.length, failedToLoad: failedToLoad, totalTestCasesForProgressBar: ((totalTestsRun / totalTestCases) * 100) < 99 ? totalTestCases : tests.length }); sth.run(); if (allScriptTagsInjected && executionCount === tests.length && buffer.length === 0 && !requestPending) { //Give the browser time to load the scripts, even if all the script tags have been injected, //browser might be having a lot of them in the queue that are yet to load if (DEFER_STOP_COUNT-- !== 0) { testRunTimer = setTimeout(runNextTest, DEFER_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD); return; } callback( { totalTestsRun: totalTestsRun, //totalRun : sth.tests.length, totalTestsFailed: totalTestsFailed, totalTestsPassed: totalTestsPassed, totalTestsToRun: totalTestCases, failedTestCases: failedTestCases, completed: true, failedToLoad: failedToLoad, totalTestCasesForProgressBar: tests.length, totalTestsLoaded: tests.length }); sth.stop(); } else if (!stopCommand) { testRunTimer = setTimeout(runNextTest, RUN_TIMER_PERIOD); DEFER_STOP_COUNT = 10; } } testRunTimer = setTimeout(runNextTest, 0); } this.stop = function(testStatus) { clearTimers(); stopCommand = true; var totalTestCasesForProgressBar = tests.length; switch (testStatus) { case TestConstants.PAUSED: totalTestsRun = totalTestsRun; //Total run totalTestsFailed = totalTestsFailed; totalTestsPassed = totalTestsPassed; totalTestsToRun = totalTestCases; failedTestCases = failedTestCases; totalTestsLoaded = tests.length; totalTestCasesForProgressBar = ((totalTestsRun / totalTestCases) * 100) < 99 ? totalTestCases : tests.length; break; case TestConstants.RESET: totalTestsRun = 0; //Total run totalTestsFailed = 0; totalTestsPassed = 0; totalTestsLoaded = tests.length global = window; failedTestCases = []; possibleTestScripts = totalTestCases; loadSections(); break; case TestConstants.STOPPED: totalTestsRun = 0; totalTestsPassed = 0; totalTestsFailed = 0; executionCount = 0 totalTestCasesForProgressBar = tests.length; } if (typeof callback !== 'undefined' && callback !== null) { callback( { totalTestsRun: totalTestsRun, //Total run totalTestsFailed: totalTestsFailed, totalTestsPassed: totalTestsPassed, failedTestCases: failedTestCases, totalTestsToRun: totalTestCases, totalTestsLoaded: tests.length, failedToLoad: failedToLoad, totalTestCasesForProgressBar: totalTestCasesForProgressBar }); } } this.getAllTests = function() { return tests; } this.getFailToLoad = function() { return failToLoadTests; } this.decrementTotalScriptCount = function() { failedToLoad++; } this.openSourceWindow = function(idx) { var ut = tests[idx]; var popWnd = window.open("", "", "scrollbars=1, resizable=1"); var innerHTML = ''; innerHTML += 'Test '; if (ut.id) innerHTML += '' + ut.id + '

'; if (ut.description) { innerHTML += 'Description'; innerHTML += '
' + ut.description.replace(//g, '>'); +' 
'; } innerHTML += '

Testcase'; innerHTML += '
' + ut.theTestcase + '
'; if (ut.pre) { innerHTML += 'Precondition'; innerHTML += '
' + ut.pre + '
'; } innerHTML += 'Path'; innerHTML += '
' + ut.path + ' 
 '; popWnd.document.write(innerHTML); } this.loadTestList = function(startTest) { var testsListLoader = new XMLHttpRequest(); var sth = this; testsListLoader.onreadystatechange = function(sth) { if (testsListLoader.readyState == 4) { oTests = testsListLoader.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('testGroup'); var testSuite = testsListLoader.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('testSuite'); XML_TARGETTESTSUITEVERSION = testSuite[0].getAttribute("version"); XML_TARGETTESTSUITEDATE = testSuite[0].getAttribute("date"); for (var i = 0; i < oTests.length; i++) { aryTestGroups[i] = (oTests[i].text != undefined) ? oTests[i].text : oTests[i].textContent; } xmlListLoaded = true; aryTestGroups.numTests = testsListLoader.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('testSuite')[0].getAttribute("numTests"); startTest && sth.startTesting(); } }; testsListLoader.open("GET", TESTLISTPATH, true); testsListLoader.send(null); } } function sth_test(to, path) { //Create a sth_test from a test definition object, and path //TODO: Update sth framework to work more directly with test definitiion objects. //this.testObj = to; this.id = to.id; this.description = to.description; this.theTestcase = to.test; this.path = to.path; this.res = undefined; this.pre = to.precondition; } //define activeSth = new sth(window); ES5Harness = activeSth; loadSections(); function arrayContains(arr, expected) { var found; for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) { found = false; for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) if (expected[i] === arr[j]) { found = true; break; } if (!found) return false } return true; } var supportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays = undefined; function fnSupportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays() { if (typeof supportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays !== "undefined") { return supportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays; } supportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays = false; if (fnExists(Object.defineProperty)) { var arr = []; Object.defineProperty(arr, "0", { get: function() { supportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays = true; return 0; } }); var res = arr[0]; } return supportsArrayIndexGettersOnArrays; } var supportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects = undefined; function fnSupportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects() { if (typeof supportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects !== "undefined") return supportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects; supportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects = false; if (fnExists(Object.defineProperty)) { var obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(obj, "0", { get: function() { supportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects = true; return 0; } }); var res = obj[0]; } return supportsArrayIndexGettersOnObjects; } // ---------------------------------------------- // helpers that unittests can use (typically in // their prereq function). // ---------------------------------------------- function ConvertToFileUrl(pathStr) { return "file:" + pathStr.replace(/\\/g, "/"); } function fnExists(f) { if (typeof (f) === "function") { return true; } } var supportsStrict = undefined; function fnSupportsStrict() { "use strict"; if (supportsStrict !== undefined) return supportsStrict; try { eval('with ({}) {}'); supportsStrict = false; } catch (e) { supportsStrict = true; }; return supportsStrict; } function fnGlobalObject() { return (function() { return this }).call(null); }