#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2014 by Sam Mikes. All rights reserved. # This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. import unittest import os import yaml # add parent dir to search path import sys sys.path.insert(0, "..") from parseTestRecord import * def slurpFile(name): with open(name) as f: contents = f.read() return contents class TestOldParsing(unittest.TestCase): def test_test(self): self.assertTrue(True) def test_overview(self): name = 'fixtures/test262-old-headers.js' contents = slurpFile(name) record = parseTestRecord(contents, name) self.assertEqual("""// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.""", record['header']) self.assertEqual("""The production Block { } in strict code can't contain function declaration;""", record['commentary']) self.assertEqual("bestPractice/Sbp_A1_T1.js", record['path']) self.assertEqual("Trying to declare function at the Block statement", record['description']) self.assertEqual("", record['onlyStrict']) self.assertEqual("SyntaxError", record['negative']) self.assertEqual("http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:no_non_standard_strict_decls", record['bestPractice']) self.assertEqual(""""use strict"; { function __func(){} } """, record['test']) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_nomatch(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, "unrecognized"): parseTestRecord("#!/usr/bin/env python", "random.py") def test_duplicate(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, "duplicate: foo"): parseTestRecord(""" // Copyright /** * @foo bar * @foo bar */ 1; """ , "name") def test_malformed(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(Exception, 'Malformed "@" attribute: name'): parseTestRecord(""" // Copyright /** * @ baz * @foo bar */ 1; """ , "name") def test_stripStars(self): self.assertEqual("", stripStars("")) self.assertEqual("foo", stripStars("\n* foo")) self.assertEqual("@foo bar", stripStars("\n* @foo bar")) self.assertEqual("@foo bar", stripStars("\n *@foo bar")) class TestYAMLParsing(unittest.TestCase): def test_test(self): self.assertTrue(True) def test_split(self): name = 'fixtures/test262-yaml-headers.js' contents = slurpFile(name) self.assertTrue('---' in contents) match = matchParts(contents, name) self.assertEqual("""--- info: > The production Block { } in strict code can't contain function declaration; description: Trying to declare function at the Block statement negative: SyntaxError bestPractice: "http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:no_non_standard_strict_decls" flags: [onlyStrict] ---""", match.group(2)) def test_yamlParse(self): text = """ info: > The production Block { } in strict code can't contain function declaration; description: Trying to declare function at the Block statement negative: SyntaxError bestPractice: "http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:no_non_standard_strict_decls" flags: [onlyStrict]""" parsed = yaml.load(text) self.assertEqual("Trying to declare function at the Block statement", parsed['description']) self.assertEqual("SyntaxError", parsed['negative']) self.assertEqual('http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:no_non_standard_strict_decls', parsed['bestPractice']) self.assertEqual(["onlyStrict"], parsed['flags']) self.assertEqual("The production Block { } in strict code can't contain function declaration;\n", parsed['info']) def test_hasYAML(self): self.assertTrue(hasYAML("---\n some: yaml\n\n---")) self.assertFalse(hasYAML("\n* Test description\n *\n * @foo bar\n* @noStrict\n")) def test_fixturehasYAML(self): name = 'fixtures/test262-yaml-headers.js' contents = slurpFile(name) self.assertTrue('---' in contents) match = matchParts(contents, name) self.assertTrue(hasYAML(match.group(2))) def test_missingKeys(self): result = {} yamlAttrParser(result, """--- info: some info (note no flags or includes) ---""", "") self.assertEqual("some info (note no flags or includes)", result['commentary']) def test_overview(self): name = 'fixtures/test262-yaml-headers.js' contents = slurpFile(name) record = parseTestRecord(contents, name) self.assertEqual("""// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.""", record['header']) self.assertEqual("The production Block { } in strict code can't contain function declaration;\n", record['commentary']) self.assertEqual("Trying to declare function at the Block statement", record['description']) self.assertEqual(['onlyStrict'], record['flags']) self.assertEqual("", record['onlyStrict']) self.assertEqual("SyntaxError", record['negative']) self.assertEqual("http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=conventions:no_non_standard_strict_decls", record['bestPractice']) self.assertEqual(""""use strict"; { function __func(){} } """, record['test']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()