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ecmascript test262 Best Practices

What is test262 Best Practices?

test262 Best Practices is a supplemental test suite to test262 containing test cases that are not required by the ECMAScript specification, but deemed best practices for JavaScript implementers by Ecma's TC-39 committee.

Running the Tests

Click the “Run” tab at the top of this page for instructions and follow the instructions to run the tests.


Test262 Best Practices is being developed by the members of Ecma TC39. Ecma's intellectual property policies, permit only Ecma members to directly contribute code to the project. However, a public mailing list is used to coordinate development of Test262. If you wish to participate in the discussion please subscribe. Bug reports and suggestions should be sent to the mailing list.

Ecma members can find detailed instructions on Test262 development procedures at the Test262 Wiki.

Please click on the Start button to start the test. Once you start the test you may pause the test anytime by clicking on the Pause button. You can click on the Results tab once the test is completed or after pausing the test. The Reset button is for restarting the test run.


> Timer Value(ms) :

Tests To Run:  | Total Tests Ran: | Pass: | Fail: | Failed To Load:

Test Suite Ver.:  | Test Suite Date:
Total Tests:
Passed: | Failed: | Failed To Load:
Test results will be displayed after the tests are executed using the Run page.
Test Suite Ver.:  | Test Suite Date:
 100%   75% to 99.9%   50% to 75%    less than 50%