// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

info: |
    Function declaration in function code - If the variable object
    already has a property with the name of Function Identifier, replace its
    value and attributes. Semantically, this step must follow the creation of
    FormalParameterList properties
es5id: 10.2.1_A4_T1
description: Checking existence of a function with passed parameter
flags: [noStrict]

function f1(x){
  return x;

  function x(){
    return 7;
if(!(f1().constructor.prototype === Function.prototype)){
  $ERROR('#1: f1() returns function');

function f2(x){
  return typeof x;

  function x(){
    return 7;
if(!(f2() === "function")){
  $ERROR('#2: f2() === "function"');

function f3() {
  return typeof arguments;
  function arguments() {
    return 7;
if (!(f3() === "function")){
  $ERROR('#3: f3() === "function"');