- addition-order-evaluation.js: - not exactly covered, but language/expressions/addition/order-of-evalution.js does it for ToNumber vs ToPrimitive checks - language/expressions/addition/ - Should check for primitive coercion converting values to primitive to be used before comparing to symbol values - https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-addition-operator-plus checks for both operands as their primitive values before ToNumber over Symbol values - should cover ToPrimitive before ToNumber - allow-math-ic-b3-code-duplication.js: - Could add cases for addition expressions with primitive operations returning other objects, not really like this specific test, but from @@toPrimitive, valueOf, and toString calls. - apply-second-argument-must-be-array-like.js - Cases should be covered in Function#apply, where the second arg is not an array like value - arguments-bizarre-behavior.js - This is partially covered in a different way: needs to check length of arguments after defineProperty, and checking after the function escope, as a returned result. Enumerability might be a point to consider as well (too specific?) - arith-*-on-varios-types.js - Test262 needs several tests for the Math methods with type coercions on the given arguments - array-*: - Perhaps: add cases of operations on top of proxies object to arrays. - set-*.js / map-*.js / weakmap-set-*.js / weakset-*.js: - Test static return values for before and after adding an item in an WeakSet. - zero-to-string.js: - Number#toString is not checked over literal numbers but number objects only. - assign-argument-in-inlined-call.js - No coverage for fn_name.arguments going to inner scopes. - assignment-in-function-call-bracket-node.js - Tests obj computer propety names containing expressions that evaluates to `null`. - async-arrow-function-in-class-heritage.js - Tests class heritage failing with arrow functions (no constructor). Might have coverage, not found yet. - async-arrow-functions-*.js - No tests checking for lexical arguments/new.target/etc in async arrow functions - Async arrow functions needs some refactoring - inferred-names.js - Needs to add tests for multiple anonymous fn forms, verify the .name property is properly set - Web Compat fix: https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore/issues/3407 - builtin-function-is-construct-type-none.js - Add a forEach test with a new.target call - Extend it to other methods - > "Built-in Function Objects ... Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. When a built-in constructor is called as part of a new expression the argumentsList parameter of the invoked [[Construct]] internal method provides the values for the built-in constructor's named parameters. Built-in functions that are not constructors do not have a prototype property unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function." - builtin-function-length.js - Add length property check for function forms in the language folder - computed-accessor.js / computed-accessor-parsing.js - Review the coverage of test/language/computed-property-names - good to use the test generation tool to create cases to be reused for objects and classes, etc - should check type coercion as well, using composed objects too - completion-value.js - v8: add tests for completion value resolution in try/catch/finally blocks (anything returning -2) - `eval('99; do { -99; try { 42 } catch (e) { -1 } finally { -2; break; -3 }; } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { [].x.x } catch (e) { 42; } finally { -2; break; -3 }; } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { 42 } catch (e) { -1 } finally { -2; break; -3 }; -77 } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { [].x.x } catch (e) { 42; } finally { -2; break; -3 }; -77 } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { 42 } catch (e) { -1 } finally { -2; continue; -3 }; } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { [].x.x } catch (e) { 42; } finally { -2; continue; -3 }; } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { 42 } catch (e) { -1 } finally { -2; continue; -3 }; -77 } while (false);')` - `eval('99; do { -99; try { [].x.x } catch (e) { 42; } finally { -2; continue; -3 }; -77 } while (false);')` - expected: 42 - actual: -2 - sm cases are already covered - concat-append-one-with-sparse-array.js - Append a small value in a very long array - not any specific part of the specs to check - test is slow but maybe worth considering? - create-subclass-structure-may-throw-exception-when-getting-prototype.js - tests are inconsistent in different engines - verify this on the usage for Reflect.construct - custom-iterators.js - it would be interesting to create templates and cases for iteration over objects. Using Symbol.iterator (and Symbol.asyncIterator) in for-of loops, for-of-await loops, Array.from, etc etc etc - The examples in that test file would be interesting to create __iterator like__ objects - ChakraCore is apparently reporting of a wrong error constructor - custom-prototype-may-be-same-to-original-one.js - Tests that Reflect.constructor can use a custom prototype with the same reference for the original one - error-description-on-symbols-should-not-crash.js - Symbols are not callable... - exception-in-to-property-key-should-be-handled-early-in-object-methods.js - Review coverage for Object#hasOwnProperty, add coercions for the this value - function-caller-*.js - Verify .caller behavior for nested functions, retrieving the function body. - Results are diverging from JSC (abrupt completion) to other engines (no error) - global-environment-does-not-trap-unscopables.js - duplicate `language/with/binding-blocked-by-unscopables.js` to assert binding block of the global in inner scopes, deferring references to the local scope. - ignore-promise-species.js - add coverage for Promise.all and race handling a local `@@species` - modify-set-during-iteration.js - Add coverage for iterating Set/Map/WeakSet/WeakMap objects with values being changed during the iteration. (e.g. for-of loops) - module-namespace-access*js - review these tests for import() - private-name-as-anonymous-builtin.js - Review name property for the executor functions in Promise.resolve calls - regress-187006.js - check if we have coverage for regexp `match` setting array values. - regress-179634.js - review coverage for Object.defineProperties - regress-170732.js - review coverage for valid and invalid await expressions - regress-159883.js - review common forms for invalid dates - regress-189317.js - AnnexB defineGetter/Setter being used with built-in functions - cross engine errors - string-to-string-error.js / string-value-of-error.js - Needs coverage for the this value in `String#toString` and `String#valueOf` - Also verify with ordinary objects containing toPrimitive methods. - reserved-word-with-escape.js - Add coverage for checking reserved names - mostly `var` - as global variables, using escape sequences.