// Copyright 2016 André Bargull. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-tonumber-applied-to-the-string-type description: > Ensure U+180E is not recognized as whitespace, test ToNumber with dynamic string info: | ToNumber Applied to the String Type If the grammar cannot interpret the String as an expansion of StringNumericLiteral, then the result of ToNumber is NaN. StringNumericLiteral ::: StrWhiteSpace_opt StrNumericLiteral StrWhiteSpace_opt StrWhiteSpace ::: StrWhiteSpaceChar StrWhiteSpace_opt StrWhiteSpaceChar ::: WhiteSpace LineTerminator WhiteSpace :: <TAB> <VT> <FF> <SP> <NBSP> <ZWNBSP> <USP> <USP> :: Other category “Zs” code points features: [u180e] ---*/ function dynaString(s1, s2) { return String(s1) + String(s2); } // CHECK#1 assert.sameValue(Number(dynaString("", "\u180E")), NaN, 'Number(dynaString("", "\u180E")) === NaN'); // CHECK#2 assert.sameValue(+(dynaString("12345", "67890\u180E")), NaN, '+(dynaString("12345", "67890\u180E")) === NaN'); // CHECK#3 assert.sameValue(Number(dynaString("Infi", "nity\u180E")), NaN, 'Number(dynaString("Infi", "nity\u180E")) === NaN'); // CHECK#4 assert.sameValue(Number(dynaString("-Infi", "nity\u180E")), NaN, 'Number(dynaString("-Infi", "nity\u180E")) === NaN');