// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: // - src/dynamic-import/ns-delete-exported-init-strict.case // - src/dynamic-import/namespace/await.template /*--- description: The [[Delete]] behavior for a key that describes an initialized exported binding on strict mode (value from await resolving) esid: sec-finishdynamicimport features: [dynamic-import] flags: [generated, onlyStrict, async] info: | Runtime Semantics: FinishDynamicImport ( referencingScriptOrModule, specifier, promiseCapability, completion ) 1. If completion is an abrupt completion, ... 2. Otherwise, ... d. Let namespace be GetModuleNamespace(moduleRecord). e. If namespace is an abrupt completion, perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Reject]], undefined, « namespace.[[Value]] »). f. Otherwise, perform ! Call(promiseCapability.[[Resolve]], undefined, « namespace.[[Value]] »). Runtime Semantics: GetModuleNamespace ( module ) ... 3. Let namespace be module.[[Namespace]]. 4. If namespace is undefined, then a. Let exportedNames be ? module.GetExportedNames(« »). b. Let unambiguousNames be a new empty List. c. For each name that is an element of exportedNames, do i. Let resolution be ? module.ResolveExport(name, « »). ii. If resolution is a ResolvedBinding Record, append name to unambiguousNames. d. Set namespace to ModuleNamespaceCreate(module, unambiguousNames). 5. Return namespace. ModuleNamespaceCreate ( module, exports ) ... 4. Let M be a newly created object. 5. Set M's essential internal methods to the definitions specified in 9.4.6. 7. Let sortedExports be a new List containing the same values as the list exports where the values are ordered as if an Array of the same values had been sorted using Array.prototype.sort using undefined as comparefn. 8. Set M.[[Exports]] to sortedExports. 9. Create own properties of M corresponding to the definitions in 26.3. 10. Set module.[[Namespace]] to M. 11. Return M. 26.3 Module Namespace Objects A Module Namespace Object is a module namespace exotic object that provides runtime property-based access to a module's exported bindings. There is no constructor function for Module Namespace Objects. Instead, such an object is created for each module that is imported by an ImportDeclaration that includes a NameSpaceImport. In addition to the properties specified in 9.4.6 each Module Namespace Object has the following own property: 26.3.1 @@toStringTag The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the String value "Module". This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }. Module Namespace Exotic Objects A module namespace object is an exotic object that exposes the bindings exported from an ECMAScript Module (See 15.2.3). There is a one-to-one correspondence between the String-keyed own properties of a module namespace exotic object and the binding names exported by the Module. The exported bindings include any bindings that are indirectly exported using export * export items. Each String-valued own property key is the StringValue of the corresponding exported binding name. These are the only String-keyed properties of a module namespace exotic object. Each such property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: false }. Module namespace objects are not extensible. [...] 2. If Type(P) is Symbol, then a. Return ? OrdinaryDelete(O, P). 3. Let exports be O.[[Exports]]. 4. If P is an element of exports, return false. 5. Return true. ---*/ async function fn() { const ns = await import('./module-code_FIXTURE.js'); assert.throws(TypeError, function() { delete ns.default; }, 'delete: default'); assert.sameValue( Reflect.deleteProperty(ns, 'default'), false, 'Reflect.deleteProperty: default' ); assert.sameValue(ns.default, 42, 'binding unmodified: default'); assert.throws(TypeError, function() { delete ns.local1; }, 'delete: local1'); assert.sameValue( Reflect.deleteProperty(ns, 'local1'), false, 'Reflect.deleteProperty: local1' ); assert.sameValue(ns.local1, 'Test262', 'binding unmodified: local1'); assert.throws(TypeError, function() { delete ns.renamed; }, 'delete: renamed'); assert.sameValue( Reflect.deleteProperty(ns, 'renamed'), false, 'Reflect.deleteProperty: renamed' ); assert.sameValue(ns.renamed, 'TC39', 'binding unmodified: renamed'); assert.throws(TypeError, function() { delete ns.indirect; }, 'delete: indirect'); assert.sameValue( Reflect.deleteProperty(ns, 'indirect'), false, 'Reflect.deleteProperty: indirect' ); assert.sameValue(ns.indirect, 'Test262', 'binding unmodified: indirect'); } fn().then($DONE, $DONE).catch($DONE);