// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors.  All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.

info: >
    When the [[Get]] method of O is called with property name P value of P
es5id: 8.12.3_A3
description: Try to get P property P exist in instance

var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"};

if (__map.shape !== "cube"){
  $ERROR('#1: var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"}; __map.shape === "cube". Actual: ' + (__map.shape));

if (__map["shape"] !== "cube"){
  $ERROR('#2: var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"}; __map["shape"] === "cube". Actual: ' + (__map["shape"]));

if (__map["5"] !== "five"){
  $ERROR('#3: var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"}; __map["5"] === "five". Actual: ' + (__map["5"]));

if (__map[5] !== "five"){
  $ERROR('#4: var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"}; __map[5] === "five". Actual: ' + (__map[5]));

if (__map["6"] !== "six"){
  $ERROR('#5: var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"}; __map["6"] === "six". Actual: ' + (__map["6"]));

if (__map[6] !== "six"){
  $ERROR('#6: var __map={shape:"cube", 5:"five", "6":"six"}; __map[6] === "six". Actual: ' + (__map[6]));