import { shouldThrow } from "./resources/assert.js"; shouldThrow(() => { checkModuleSyntax(`import.meta = 42`); }, `SyntaxError: import.meta can't be the left hand side of an assignment expression.:1`); shouldThrow(() => { checkModuleSyntax(`import.meta += 42`); }, `SyntaxError: import.meta can't be the left hand side of an assignment expression.:1`); shouldThrow(() => { checkModuleSyntax(`++import.meta`); }, `SyntaxError: import.meta can't come after a prefix operator.:1`); shouldThrow(() => { checkModuleSyntax(`--import.meta`); }, `SyntaxError: import.meta can't come after a prefix operator.:1`); shouldThrow(() => { checkModuleSyntax(`import.meta++`); }, `SyntaxError: import.meta can't come before a postfix operator.:1`); shouldThrow(() => { checkModuleSyntax(`import.meta--`); }, `SyntaxError: import.meta can't come before a postfix operator.:1`);