#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2017 Mike Pennisi. All rights reserved. # This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import inflect import os import pip import pip.req import sys ie = inflect.engine() try: __import__('yaml') except ImportError: for item in pip.req.parse_requirements("./tools/lint/requirements.txt", session="test262"): if isinstance(item, pip.req.InstallRequirement): requirement = item.name if len(str(item.req.specifier)) > 0: requirement = "{}{}".format(requirement, item.req.specifier) # print(requirement) pip.main(['install', requirement]) from lib.collect_files import collect_files from lib.checks.esid import CheckEsid from lib.checks.features import CheckFeatures from lib.checks.frontmatter import CheckFrontmatter from lib.checks.harnessfeatures import CheckHarnessFeatures from lib.checks.harness import CheckHarness from lib.checks.license import CheckLicense from lib.checks.negative import CheckNegative from lib.checks.filename import CheckFileName from lib.eprint import eprint import lib.frontmatter import lib.whitelist parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test262 linting tool') parser.add_argument('--whitelist', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='file containing expected linting errors') parser.add_argument('path', nargs='+', help='file name or directory of files to lint') checks = [ CheckEsid(), CheckFileName(), CheckFrontmatter(), CheckFeatures('features.txt'), CheckHarnessFeatures(), CheckHarness(), CheckLicense(), CheckNegative() ] def lint(file_names): errors = dict() for file_name in file_names: with open(file_name, 'r') as f: content = f.read() meta = lib.frontmatter.parse(content) for check in checks: error = check.run(file_name, meta, content) if error is not None: if file_name not in errors: errors[file_name] = dict() errors[file_name][check.ID] = error return errors if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() if args.whitelist: whitelist = lib.whitelist.parse(args.whitelist) else: whitelist = dict() files = [path for _path in args.path for path in collect_files(_path)] file_count = len(files) print 'Linting %s %s' % (file_count, ie.plural('file', file_count)) all_errors = lint(files) unexpected_errors = dict(all_errors) for file_name, failures in all_errors.iteritems(): if file_name not in whitelist: continue if set(failures.keys()) == whitelist[file_name]: del unexpected_errors[file_name] error_count = len(unexpected_errors) print 'Linting complete. %s %s found.' % (error_count, ie.plural('error', error_count)) if error_count == 0: sys.exit(0) for file_name, failures in iter(sorted(unexpected_errors.iteritems())): for ID, message in failures.iteritems(): eprint('%s: %s - %s' % (os.path.abspath(file_name), ID, message)) sys.exit(1)