/// Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation /// /// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided /// that the following conditions are met: /// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and /// the following disclaimer. /// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and /// the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. /// * Neither the name of Microsoft nor the names of its contributors may be used to /// endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. /// /// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR /// IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS /// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE /// FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT /// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS /// INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, /// OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF /// ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /* * Run a test in the browser. Works by injecting an iframe with the test code. * * Public Methods: * * run(id, test): Runs the test specified. * * Callbacks: * * onComplete(test): Called when the test is run. Test object contains result and error strings describing how the * test ran. */ function BrowserRunner() { var iframe, // injected iframe currentTest, // Current test being run. scriptCache = {}, // Holds the various includes required to run certain sputnik tests. instance = this; /* Called by the child window to notify that the test has finished. This function call is put in a separate script * block at the end of the page so errors in the test script block should not prevent this function from being * called. */ function testFinished() { if(typeof currentTest.result === "undefined") { // We didn't get a call to testRun, which likely means the test failed to load. currentTest.result = "fail"; currentTest.error = "Failed to Load"; } else if(typeof currentTest.error !== "undefined") { // We have an error logged from testRun. if(currentTest.error instanceof SputnikError) { currentTest.error = currentTest.message; } else { currentTest.error = currentTest.error.name + ": " + currentTest.error.message } } document.body.removeChild(iframe); instance.onComplete(currentTest); } /* Called from the child window after the test has run. */ function testRun(id, path, description, codeString, preconditionString, result, error) { currentTest.id = id; currentTest.path = path; currentTest.description = description; currentTest.result = result; currentTest.error = error; currentTest.code = codeString; currentTest.pre = preconditionString; } /* Run the test. */ this.run = function(id, code) { var includes = code.match(/\$INCLUDE\(([^\)]+)\)/g), // find all of the $INCLUDE statements include; currentTest = {id: id}; // default test, in case it doesn't get registered. iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("style", "display:none"); iframe.setAttribute("id", "runnerIframe"); document.body.appendChild(iframe); var win = window.frames[window.frames.length - 1]; var doc = win.document; doc.open(); // Set up some globals. win.testRun = testRun; win.testFinished = testFinished; //TODO: these should be moved to sta.js win.SputnikError = SputnikError; win.$ERROR = $ERROR; win.$FAIL = $FAIL; win.$PRINT = function () {}; win.$INCLUDE = function() {}; if(includes !== null) { // We have some includes, so loop through each include and pull in the dependencies. for(var i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) { include = includes[i].replace(/.*\(('|")(.*)('|")\)/, "$2"); // First check to see if we have this script cached already, and if not, grab it. if(typeof scriptCache[include] === "undefined") { $.ajax({ async: false, url: 'resources/scripts/global/' + include, success: function(s) { scriptCache[include] = s } }) } // Finally, write the required script to the window. doc.writeln(""); } } //Write out all of our helper functions doc.writeln(""); // Write ES5Harness.registerTest and fnGlobalObject, which returns the global object, and the testFinished call. doc.writeln("" + "" + "") doc.close(); } } /* Loads tests from the sections specified in testcaseslist.json. * Public Methods: * * getNextTest() - Start loading the next test. * * reset() - Start over at the first test. * * Callbacks: * * onLoadingNextSection(path): Called after a request is sent for the next section xml, with the path to that xml. * * onInitialized(totalTests, version, date): Called after the testcaseslist.xml is loaded and parsed. * * onTestReady(id, code): Called when a test is ready with the test's id and code. * * onTestsExhausted(): Called when there are no more tests to run. */ function TestLoader() { var TEST_LIST_PATH = "resources/scripts/testcases/testcaseslist.json", testGroups = [], testGroupIndex = 0, currentTestIndex = 0, loader = this; this.version = undefined; this.date = undefined; this.totalTests = 0; /* Get the XML for the next section */ function getNextXML() { var group = testGroups[testGroupIndex]; currentTestIndex = 0; if(group.tests.length > 0) { // already loaded this section. loader.getNextTest(); return; } $.ajax({url: group.path, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { group.tests = data.testsCollection.tests; loader.getNextTest(); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { //alert(XMLHttpRequest); } }); loader.onLoadingNextSection(group.path); } /* Get the test list xml */ function loadTestXML() { var testsListLoader = new XMLHttpRequest(); $.ajax({url: TEST_LIST_PATH, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { var testSuite = data.testSuite; loader.version = data.version; loader.date = data.date; loader.totalTests = data.numTests; for (var i = 0; i < testSuite.length; i++) { testGroups[i] = { path: testSuite[i], tests: [] } } loader.onInitialized(loader.totalTests, loader.version, loader.date); getNextXML(); }}); } /* Move on to the next test */ this.getNextTest = function() { if(testGroups.length == 0) { // Initialize. loadTestXML(); } else if(currentTestIndex < testGroups[testGroupIndex].tests.length) { // We have tests left in this test group. var test = testGroups[testGroupIndex].tests[currentTestIndex++]; var scriptCode = test.code; //var scriptCode = (test.firstChild.text != undefined) ? test.firstChild.text : test.firstChild.textContent; loader.onTestReady(test.id, $.base64Decode(scriptCode)); } else if(testGroupIndex < testGroups.length - 1) { // We don't have tests left in this test group, so move on to the next. testGroupIndex++; getNextXML(); } else { // We're done. loader.onTestsExhausted(); } } /* Start over at the beginning */ this.reset = function() { currentTestIndex = 0; testGroupIndex = 0; } } /* Controls test generation and running, and sends results to the presenter. */ function Controller() { var state = 'stopped'; var runner = new BrowserRunner(); var loader = new TestLoader(); var controller = this; var startTime; var elapsed = 0; runner.onComplete = function(test) { presenter.addTestResult(test); if(state === 'running') setTimeout(loader.getNextTest, 10); } loader.onInitialized = function(totalTests, version, date) { presenter.setVersion(version); presenter.setDate(date); presenter.setTotalTests(totalTests); } loader.onLoadingNextSection = function(path) { presenter.updateStatus("Loading: " + path); } loader.onTestReady = function(id, test) { presenter.updateStatus("Executing Test: " + id); runner.run(id, test); } loader.onTestsExhausted = function() { state = 'stopped'; elapsed += new Date() - startTime; elapsed = elapsed/(1000*60); //minutes elapsed = elapsed.toFixed(1); presenter.finished(elapsed); } this.start = function() { state = 'running'; startTime = new Date(); loader.getNextTest(); presenter.started(); } this.pause = function() { elapsed += new Date() - startTime; state = 'paused'; presenter.paused(); } this.reset = function() { startTime = new Date(); elapsed = 0; loader.reset(); presenter.reset(); } this.toggle = function() { if(state === 'running') { controller.pause(); } else { controller.start(); } } } var controller = new Controller() /* Helper function which shows if we're in the 'debug' mode of the Test262 site. This mode is only useful for debugging issues with the test harness and website. */ function isSiteDebugMode() { var str=window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.indexOf("?")+1) if(str.indexOf("sitedebug") > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } $(function () { presenter.setup(); $('.content-home').show(); // Adding attribute to the tabs (e.g. Home, Run etc.) and attaching the click event on buttons (e.g. Reset, Start etc.) $('.nav-link').each(function (index) { //Adding "targetDiv" attribute to the header tab and on that basis the div related to header tabs are displayed if (index === 0) { $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-home'); } else if (index === 1) { $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-tests'); } else if (index === 2) { $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-results'); $(this).attr('testRunning', 'false'); } else if (index === 3) { $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-dev'); } else { $(this).attr('targetDiv', '.content-browsers'); } //Attaching the click event to the header tab that shows the respective div of header $(this).click(function () { var target = $(this).attr('targetDiv'); $('#contentContainer > div:visible').hide(); $('.navBar .selected').toggleClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); $(target).show(); //If clicked tab is Result, it generates the results. if ($(target).hasClass('content-results')) { presenter.refresh(); } }); }); //Attach the click event to the start button. It starts, stops and pauses the tests $('.button-start').click(function () { controller.toggle(); }); //Attach the click event to the reset button. It reset all the test to zero $('.button-reset').click(function () { controller.reset(); }); });