
44 lines
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// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources:
// - src/function-forms/dflt-params-ref-later.case
// - src/function-forms/error/async-gen-func-decl.template
description: Referencing a parameter that occurs later in the ParameterList (async generator function declaration)
esid: sec-asyncgenerator-definitions-instantiatefunctionobject
features: [default-parameters, async-iteration]
flags: [generated]
info: |
AsyncGeneratorDeclaration : async [no LineTerminator here] function * BindingIdentifier
( FormalParameters ) { AsyncGeneratorBody }
3. Let F be ! AsyncGeneratorFunctionCreate(Normal, FormalParameters, AsyncGeneratorBody,
scope, strict).
14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization
FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter
1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for
FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments.
2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status).
3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for
FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments.
var x = 0;
var callCount = 0;
async function* f(x = y, y) {
callCount = callCount + 1;
assert.throws(ReferenceError, function() {
assert.sameValue(callCount, 0, 'generator function body not evaluated');