mirror of https://github.com/tc39/test262.git
Tests doesn't use async functionality and don't call $DONE, so remove "async" flag: - src/params/error/async-gen-named-func-expr.template - test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-abrupt.js - test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-ref-later.js - test/language/expressions/async-generator/params-named-dflt-ref-self.js Intl.PluralRules.prototype is no longer a Intl.Prototype instance: - test/intl402/PluralRules/prototype/prototype.js Intl.PluralRules throws an error when called as a function: - test/intl402/PluralRules/undefined-newtarget-throws.js Module namespace objects call OrdinaryDelete for symbol properties: - test/language/module-code/namespace/internals/delete-non-exported.js Async generators no longer retrieves "done" property twice: - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-next.case - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-return.case - src/async-generators/yield-star-async-throw.case Minor units of CLF is 4, so we need to test with maximumFractionDigits=3 to get an error: - test/intl402/NumberFormat/dft-currency-mnfd-range-check-mxfd.js DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts length property was changed from 0 to 1: - test/intl402/DateTimeFormat/prototype/formatToParts/length.js minimumSignificantDigits and maximumSignificantDigits properties are only retrieved once: - test/intl402/NumberFormat/11.1.1_32.js |
docs | ||
harness | ||
src | ||
test | ||
tools | ||
website | ||
.gitattributes | ||
.gitignore | ||
.hgignore | ||
.jshintrc | ||
Draft TR ECMA-104 2nd edition.doc | ||
README.md | ||
excludelist.xml | ||
make.py |
Test262 is the official ECMAScript (ECMA-262) conformance suite.
Test262 tests conformance to the continually maintained draft future ECMAScript standard found at http://tc39.github.io/ecma262/ , together with any Stage 3 or later TC39 proposals. It is maintained by Tom Care (@tcare) and Leo Balter (@leobalter) with significant contributions from many in the ECMAScript community.
Contributing to Test262
- Sign the Test262 CLA.
- Send a pull request. Please make sure you have one commit per pull request. If you have multiple commits, squash them before sending the pull request.
Running Test262
There are a number of volunteer-maintained projects that may be used to execute Test262 in various ECMAScript hosts:
- https://github.com/bterlson/test262-harness (platform: Node.js)
- https://github.com/test262-utils/test262-harness-py (platform: Python)
- https://bakkot.github.io/test262-web-runner/ (platform: web)