
40 lines
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// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
* The toString function is not generic, it cannot be transferred
* to other kinds of objects for use as a method and there is should be
* a TypeError exception if its this value is not a Number object
* @path ch15/15.7/15.7.4/
* @description transferring to the Date objects
var s1 = new Date();
s1.toString = Number.prototype.toString;
var v1 = s1.toString();
$ERROR('#1: Number.prototype.toString on not a Number object should throw TypeError');
if(!(e instanceof TypeError)){
$ERROR('#1: Number.prototype.toString on not a Number object should throw TypeError, not '+e);
var s2 = new Date();
s2.myToString = Number.prototype.toString;
var v2 = s2.myToString();
$ERROR('#2: Number.prototype.toString on not a Number object should throw TypeError');
if(!(e instanceof TypeError)){
$ERROR('#2: Number.prototype.toString on not a Number object should throw TypeError, not '+e);