Cleanup and test scripts

This commit is contained in:
Dave Parsons 2015-01-31 18:56:59 +00:00
parent b9bbe599e2
commit d42473f2c4
3 changed files with 65 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ Offset Length struct Type Description
import struct
import sys
if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
sys.stderr.write('You need Python 2.7 or later\n')
def bytetohex(bytestr):
return ''.join(['%02X ' % ord(x) for x in bytestr]).strip()
@ -114,31 +117,31 @@ def dumpsmc(name):
smc_adr = vmx.find(adr_key)
# Print vSMC0 tables and keys
print 'applesmctablev0 (smc.version = "0")'
print 'applesmctablev0 Address : ' + hex(smc_header_v0_offset)
print 'applesmctablev0 Private Key #: 0xF2/242'
print 'applesmctablev0 Public Key #: 0xF0/240'
print 'appleSMCTableV0 (smc.version = "0")'
print 'appleSMCTableV0 Address : ' + hex(smc_header_v0_offset)
print 'appleSMCTableV0 Private Key #: 0xF2/242'
print 'appleSMCTableV0 Public Key #: 0xF0/240'
if (smc_adr - smc_key0) != 72:
print 'applesmctablev0 Table : ' + hex(smc_key0)
print 'appleSMCTableV0 Table : ' + hex(smc_key0)
dumpkeys(f, smc_key0)
elif (smc_adr - smc_key1) != 72:
print 'applesmctablev0 Table : ' + hex(smc_key1)
print 'appleSMCTableV0 Table : ' + hex(smc_key1)
dumpkeys(f, smc_key1)
# Print vSMC1 tables and keys
print 'applesmctablev1 (smc.version = "1")'
print 'applesmctablev1 Address : ' + hex(smc_header_v1_offset)
print 'applesmctablev1 Private Key #: 0x01B4/436'
print 'applesmctablev1 Public Key #: 0x01B0/432'
print 'appleSMCTableV1 (smc.version = "1")'
print 'appleSMCTableV1 Address : ' + hex(smc_header_v1_offset)
print 'appleSMCTableV1 Private Key #: 0x01B4/436'
print 'appleSMCTableV1 Public Key #: 0x01B0/432'
if (smc_adr - smc_key0) == 72:
print 'applesmctablev1 Table : ' + hex(smc_key0)
print 'appleSMCTableV1 Table : ' + hex(smc_key0)
dumpkeys(f, smc_key0)
elif (smc_adr - smc_key1) == 72:
print 'applesmctablev1 Table : ' + hex(smc_key1)
print 'appleSMCTableV1 Table : ' + hex(smc_key1)
dumpkeys(f, smc_key1)
# Tidy up

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ xcopy /F /Y "%InstallPath%x64\vmware-vmx-stats.exe" .\backup\x64
xcopy /F /Y "%InstallPath%vmwarebase.dll" .\backup\
echo Patching...
xcopy /F /Y .\tools\darwin.* "%InstallPath%"

win-test-install.cmd Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
@echo off
echo VMware Unlocker 2.0.4
echo ========================
echo (c) Dave Parsons 2011-15
net session >NUL 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo Administrator privileges required!
pushd %~dp0
set KeyName="HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation"
:: delims is a TAB followed by a space
for /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A in ('REG QUERY %KeyName% /v InstallPath') do set InstallPath=%%B
echo VMware is installed at: %InstallPath%
echo Stopping VMware services...
net stop vmware-view-usbd > NUL 2>&1
net stop VMwareHostd > NUL 2>&1
net stop VMAuthdService > NUL 2>&1
net stop VMUSBArbService > NUL 2>&1
taskkill /F /IM vmware-tray.exe > NUL 2>&1
echo Backing up files...
rd /s /q .\backup > NUL 2>&1
mkdir .\backup
mkdir .\backup\x64
xcopy /F /Y "%InstallPath%x64\vmware-vmx.exe" .\backup\x64
xcopy /F /Y "%InstallPath%x64\vmware-vmx-debug.exe" .\backup\x64
xcopy /F /Y "%InstallPath%x64\vmware-vmx-stats.exe" .\backup\x64
xcopy /F /Y "%InstallPath%vmwarebase.dll" .\backup\
echo Patching...
xcopy /F /Y .\tools\darwin.* "%InstallPath%"
echo Starting VMware services...
net start VMUSBArbService > NUL 2>&1
net start VMAuthdService > NUL 2>&1
net start VMwareHostd > NUL 2>&1
net start vmware-view-usbd > NUL 2>&1
echo Finished!