
732 lines
13 KiB

* This file is a part of Xen Orchestra Server.
* Xen Orchestra Server is free software: you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Xen Orchestra Server is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Xen Orchestra Server. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @author Julien Fontanet <julien.fontanet@vates.fr>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html GPLv3
* @package Xen Orchestra Server
use Bean\User;
final class Application extends Base
function __construct(DI $di)
$this->_di = $di;
function api_session_signInWithPassword($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameters.
if (!isset($params[0], $params[1]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
list($name, $password) = $params;
// Checks the client is not already authenticated.
if ($c->isAuthenticated())
return array(0, 'already authenticated');
$users = $this->_di->get('users');
// Checks the user exists.
$user = $users->getBy('name', $name, false);
if (!$user)
return array(1, 'invalid credential');
// Checks the password matches.
if (!password_verify($password, $user->password))
return array(1, 'invalid credential');
// Checks whether the hash needs to be updated.
if (password_needs_rehash($user->password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT))
$user->password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Marks the client as authenticated.
$c->uid = $user->id;
// Returns success.
$c->respond($id, true);
function api_session_signInWithToken($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameters.
if (!isset($params[0]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
$token = $params[0];
// Checks the client is not already authenticated.
if ($c->isAuthenticated())
return array(0, 'already authenticated');
$tokens = $this->_di->get('tokens');
// Checks the token exists.
$token = $tokens->get($token, false);
if (!$token)
return array(1, 'invalid token');
// Checks the token is valid.
if ($token->expiration < time())
return array(1, 'invalid token');
// Marks the client as authenticated.
$c->uid = $token->user_id;
// Returns success.
$c->respond($id, true);
function api_session_getUser($id, array $params, Client $c)
if (!$c->isAuthenticated())
return array(0, 'not authenticated');
$user = $this->_di->get('users')->get($c->uid);
$c->respond($id, array(
'id' => $user->id,
'name' => $user->name,
'permission' => $user->permission,
function api_session_createToken($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks the client is authenticated.
if (!$c->isAuthenticated())
return array(0, 'not authenticated');
$tokens = $this->_di->get('tokens');
// Generates the token and makes sure it is unique.
/* If available, we use OpenSSL to create more secure tokens.
* @todo Move the “if” outside of this function and furthermore of
* this loop for performance concerns.
if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes'))
$token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32));
$token = uniqid('', true);
} while ($tokens->get($token, false));
// Registers it.
'id' => $token,
'expiration' => time() + 604800, // One week
'user_id' => $c->uid,
// Returns it.
$c->respond($id, $token);
function api_session_destroyToken($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameters.
if (!isset($params[0]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
$token = $params[0];
$tokens = $this->_di->get('tokens');
// Checks the token exists.
if (!$tokens->get($token, false))
return array(0, 'invalid token');
// Deletes it.
// Returns success.
$c->respond($id, true);
function api_user_create($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameters.
if (!isset($params[0], $params[1]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
list($name, $password) = $params;
// Checks credentials.
if (!$c->isAuthenticated()
|| !$this->_checkPermission($c->uid, User::ADMIN))
return array(0, 'not authorized');
// Checks the provided user name.
if (!User::check('name', $name))
return array(1, 'invalid user name');
// Checks the provided password.
if (!User::check('password', $password))
return array(2, 'invalid password');
// Checks provided permission.
if (isset($params[2]))
$permission = $params[2];
if (!User::check('permission', $permission))
return array(3, 'invalid permission');
$permission = User::NONE;
$users = $this->_di->get('users');
// Checks if the user name is already used.
if ($users->getBy('name', $name, false))
return array(4, 'user name already taken');
// Creates the user.
$user = $users->create(array(
'name' => $name,
'password' => password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT),
'permission' => $permission,
// Returns the identifier.
$c->respond($id, $user->id);
function api_user_delete($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameter.
if (!isset($params[0]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
$uid = $params[0];
// Checks credentials.
if (!$c->isAuthenticated()
|| !$this->_checkPermission($c->uid, User::ADMIN))
return array(0, 'not authorized');
$users = $this->_di->get('users');
// Checks user exists and is not the current user.
if (($uid === $c->uid)
|| !$users->get($uid, false))
return array(1, 'invalid user');
// Deletes the user.
// Returns success.
$c->respond($id, true);
function api_user_changePassword($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameters.
if (!isset($params[0], $params[1]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
list($old, $new) = $params;
// Checks the client is authenticated.
if (!$c->isAuthenticated())
return array(0, 'not authenticated');
$users = $this->_di->get('users');
$user = $users->get($c->uid);
// Checks the old password matches.
if (!password_verify($old, $user->password))
return array(1, 'invalid credential');
// Checks the new password is valid.
if (($new === $old)
|| !User::check('password', $new))
return array(2, 'invalid password');
$user->password = password_hash($new, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Returns success.
$c->respond($id, true);
function api_user_getAll($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks credentials.
if (!$c->isAuthenticated()
|| !$this->_checkPermission($c->uid, User::ADMIN))
return array(0, 'not authorized');
$users = $this->_di->get('users')->getArray(
array('id', 'name', 'permission')
$c->respond($id, $users);
function api_user_set($id, array $params, Client $c)
// Checks parameter.
if (!isset($params[0], $params[1]))
return -32602; // Invalid params.
list($id, $properties) = $params;
if (!$c->isAuthenticated()
|| !$this->_checkPermission($c->uid, User::ADMIN))
return array(0, 'not authorized');
$users = $this->_di->get('users');
$user = $users->get($id);
foreach ($properties as $field => $value)
switch ($field)
case 'name':
case 'password':
case 'permission':
return array(2, 'invalid property');
$c->respond($id, true);
function api_vm_getAll($id, array $params, Client $c)
// @todo Handles parameter.
$c->respond($id, $this->_di->get('vms')->getArray());
function handleServer($handle, $data)
if (feof($handle))
// Stops listening to this socket.
return false;
$handle = @stream_socket_accept($handle, 10);
if (!$handle)
'error while handling an incoming connection',
/* Here we build a map for all available methods.
* This technic provides fast case sensitive matching (compare to
* “is_callable()”).
static $methods;
if ($methods === null)
$methods = array();
foreach (get_class_methods($this) as $method)
if (!substr_compare($method, 'api_', 0, 4))
$_ = strtr(substr($method, 4), '_', '.');
$methods[$_] = array($this, $method);
new Client(
echo "new client connected\n";
function handleXenEvents(array $events)
static $keys;
$objects = array();
foreach ($events as $event)
$_ = array_keys($event);
if (!$keys)
$keys = $_;
var_export($keys); echo PHP_EOL;
elseif ($_ !== $keys)
$keys = array_intersect($keys, $_);
var_export($keys); echo PHP_EOL;
$class = $event['class'];
$ref = $event['ref'];
$snapshot = $event['snapshot']; // Not present in the documentation.
echo "$class - $ref\n";
$objects[$class][$ref] = $snapshot;
and $this->updateXenPools($objects['pool']);
and $this->updateXenHosts($objects['host']);
and $this->updateXenVms($objects['vm']);
// Requeue this request.
return true;
function updateXenPools(array $pools)
foreach ($pools as $ref => $pool)
$this->_update($this->_xenPools[$ref], $pool);
function updateXenHosts(array $hosts)
foreach ($hosts as $ref => $host)
$this->_update($this->_xenHosts[$ref], $host);
function updateXenVms(array $vms)
$manager = $this->_di->get('vms');
foreach ($vms as $id => $properties)
$properties['id'] = $id;
$vm = $manager->get($id, false);
if (!$vm)
echo "new VM: $id\n";
$vm->set($properties, true);
$keys = array_keys($vm->getDirty());
$dirty = implode(', ', $keys);
echo "updated VM: $id ($dirty)\n";
function run()
$config = $this->_di->get('config');
$loop = $this->_di->get('loop');
// Creates master sockets.
foreach ($config['listen'] as $uri)
$handle = self::_createServer($uri);
$loop->addRead($handle, array($this, 'handleServer'));
foreach ($config['xcp'] as $_)
$xcp = new XCP($loop, $_['url'], $_['username'], $_['password']);
array($this, 'updateXenVms')
array(array('host', 'pool', 'vm'))
array($this, 'handleXenEvents')
'loop' => $loop,
'server' => $this
private static function _createServer($uri)
list($transport, $target) = explode('://', $uri, 2);
if (($transport === 'unix')
|| ($transport === 'udg'))
$handle = @stream_socket_server(
/* out */ $errno,
/* out */ $errstr
if (!$handle)
"could not create the server socket $uri: $errno - $errstr",
return $handle;
* Dependency injector.
* @var DI
private $_di;
* @var array
private $_xenPools = array();
* @var array
private $_xenHosts = array();
private static function _tS($val)
if (is_scalar($val))
return (string) $val;
return gettype($val);
private function _update(&$old, $new)
// There was no previous record.
if ($old === null)
echo "new record\n";
$old = $new;
// The record has been deleted.
if ($new === null)
echo "record deleted\n";
$old = null;
$old_keys = array_keys($old);
$new_keys = array_keys($new);
foreach (array_diff($old_keys, $new_keys) as $key)
$_ = self::_tS($old[$key]);
echo "field removed: $key => $_\n";
foreach (array_diff($new_keys, $old_keys) as $key)
$_ = self::_tS($new[$key]);
echo "field added: $key => $_\n";
foreach (array_intersect($new_keys, $old_keys) as $key)
if ($new[$key] === $old[$key])
$_1 = self::_tS($old[$key]);
$_2 = self::_tS($new[$key]);
echo "field changed: $key => $_1$_2\n";
$old = $new;
private function _checkPermission($uid, $permission, $object = null)
$user = $this->_di->get('users')->get($uid);
return ($user->permission >= $permission);