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# Configuration of XO-Server's HTTP server.
# Is HTTP enabled?
# Default: true
#enabled: false
# Address on which the server is listening on.
# Sets it to '' to listen only on the local host.
# Default: (all addresses)
#host: ''
# Port on which the server is listening on.
# Default: 80
#port: 8080
# Configuration of XO-Server's HTTPS server.
# A certificate is required, see http://www.selfsignedcertificate.com/
# or https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ssl-certificate-self to
# easily create a (unsecure) self-signed certificate.
# Is HTTPS enabled?
# Default: false
#enabled: true
# Address on which the server is listening on.
# Sets it to '' to listen only on the local host.
# Default: (all addresses)
#host: ''
# Port on which the server is listening on.
# Default: 443
#port: 8081
# File containing the certificate (PEM format).
# Default: './certificate.pem'
#certificate: '/path/to/the/certificate.pem'
# File containing the private key (PEM format).
# If the key is encrypted, the passphrase will be asked at server
# startup.
# Default: './key.pem'
#key: '/path/to/the/key.pem'
# Configuration of the Redis server.
# Syntax: tcp://[db[:password]@]hostname[:port]
# Default: tcp://localhost:6379
#uri: ''