192 lines
8.4 KiB
192 lines
8.4 KiB
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import re
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
class NPOIE(InfoExtractor):
IE_NAME = 'npo'
IE_DESC = 'npo.nl'
_VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://npo.nl/start/serie/zembla/seizoen-2015/wie-is-de-mol-2/',
# TODO fill in other test attributes
}, {
'url': 'http://www.npo.nl/de-mega-mike-mega-thomas-show/27-02-2009/VARA_101191800',
'md5': 'da50a5787dbfc1603c4ad80f31c5120b',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'VARA_101191800',
'ext': 'm4v',
'title': 'De Mega Mike & Mega Thomas show: The best of.',
'description': 'md5:3b74c97fc9d6901d5a665aac0e5400f4',
'upload_date': '20090227',
'duration': 2400,
'skip': 'Video gone',
}, {
'url': 'https://npo.nl/start/serie/vpro-tegenlicht/seizoen-11/zwart-geld-de-toekomst-komt-uit-afrika',
'md5': 'f8065e4e5a7824068ed3c7e783178f2c',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'VPWON_1169289',
'ext': 'm4v',
'title': 'Tegenlicht: Zwart geld. De toekomst komt uit Afrika',
'description': 'md5:52cf4eefbc96fffcbdc06d024147abea',
'upload_date': '20130225',
'duration': 3000,
def _get_token(self, video_id):
return self._download_json(
'https://npo.nl/start/api/domain/player-token?productId=%s' % video_id,
note='Downloading token')['token']
def _real_extract(self, url):
# You might want to use removesuffix here,
# but removesuffix is introduced in Python 3.9
# and youtube-dl supports Python 3.2+
if url.endswith('/afspelen'):
url = url[:-9]
elif url.endswith('/afspelen/'):
url = url[:-10]
url = url.rstrip('/')
slug = url.split('/')[-1]
page = self._download_webpage(url, slug, 'Finding productId using slug: %s' % slug)
# TODO find out what proper HTML parsing utilities are available in youtube-dl
next_data = page.split('<script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">')[1].split('</script>')[0]
# TODO The data in this script tag feels like GraphQL, so there might be an easier way
# to get the product id, maybe using a GraphQL endpoint
next_data = self._parse_json(next_data, slug)
product_id, title, description, thumbnail = None, None, None, None
for query in next_data['props']['pageProps']['dehydratedState']['queries']:
if isinstance(query['state']['data'], list):
for entry in query['state']['data']:
if entry['slug'] == slug:
product_id = entry.get('productId')
title = entry.get('title')
synopsis = entry.get('synopsis', {})
description = (synopsis.get('long')
or synopsis.get('short')
or synopsis.get('brief'))
thumbnails = entry.get('images')
for thumbnail_entry in thumbnails:
if 'url' in thumbnail_entry:
thumbnail = thumbnail_entry.get('url')
if not product_id:
raise ExtractorError('No productId found for slug: %s' % slug)
formats = self._download_by_product_id(product_id, slug, url)
return {
'id': slug,
'formats': formats,
'title': title or slug,
'description': description,
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
# TODO fill in other metadata that's available
def _download_by_product_id(self, product_id, slug, url=None):
token = self._get_token(product_id)
formats = []
for profile in (
# 'hls', # TODO test what needs to change for 'hls' support
stream_link = self._download_json(
'https://prod.npoplayer.nl/stream-link', video_id=slug,
'profileName': profile,
'drmType': 'widevine',
'referrerUrl': url or '',
'Authorization': token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
stream_url = stream_link.get('stream', {}).get('streamURL')
formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(stream_url, slug, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False))
return formats
class BNNVaraIE(NPOIE):
IE_NAME = 'bnnvara'
IE_DESC = 'bnnvara.nl'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?bnnvara\.nl/videos/[0-9]*'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://www.bnnvara.nl/videos/27455',
def _real_extract(self, url):
url = url.rstrip('/')
video_id = url.split('/')[-1]
media = self._download_json('https://api.bnnvara.nl/bff/graphql',
'operationName': 'getMedia',
'variables': {
'id': video_id,
'hasAdConsent': False,
'atInternetId': 70
'query': 'query getMedia($id: ID!, $mediaUrl: String, $hasAdConsent: Boolean!, $atInternetId: Int) {\n player(\n id: $id\n mediaUrl: $mediaUrl\n hasAdConsent: $hasAdConsent\n atInternetId: $atInternetId\n ) {\n ... on PlayerSucces {\n brand {\n name\n slug\n broadcastsEnabled\n __typename\n }\n title\n programTitle\n pomsProductId\n broadcasters {\n name\n __typename\n }\n duration\n classifications {\n title\n imageUrl\n type\n __typename\n }\n image {\n title\n url\n __typename\n }\n cta {\n title\n url\n __typename\n }\n genres {\n name\n __typename\n }\n subtitles {\n url\n language\n __typename\n }\n sources {\n name\n url\n ratio\n __typename\n }\n type\n token\n __typename\n }\n ... on PlayerError {\n error\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}'
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
product_id = media.get('data', {}).get('player', {}).get('pomsProductId')
formats = self._download_by_product_id(product_id, video_id)
return {
'id': product_id,
'title': media.get('data', {}).get('player', {}).get('title'),
'formats': formats,
'thumbnail': media.get('data', {}).get('player', {}).get('image').get('url'),
class ONIE(NPOIE):
IE_NAME = 'on'
IE_DESC = 'ongehoordnederland.tv'
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?ongehoordnederland.tv/.*'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://ongehoordnederland.tv/2024/03/01/korte-clips/heeft-preppen-zin-betwijfel-dat-je-daar-echt-iets-aan-zult-hebben-bij-oorlog-lydia-daniel/',
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = url.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]
page, _ = self._download_webpage_handle(url, video_id)
results = re.findall("page: '(.+)'", page)
formats = []
for result in results:
formats.extend(self._download_by_product_id(result, video_id))
if not formats:
raise ExtractorError('Could not find a POMS product id in the provided URL.')
return {
'id': video_id,
'title': video_id,
'formats': formats,