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Icinga - L10n

Saudi Arabic German Spanish (Argentina) Finnish Italian Japanese Brazilian Portuguese Russian Ukrainian

L10n (short for Localization) is the central location for all translations available for Icinga.


We provide packages for supported platforms. The package's name is icinga-l10n and should already be installed if you've got Icinga Web 2 or the Icinga CLI installed. (More info at https://packages.icinga.com)

If there's no package available for your platform, install Icinga L10n in /usr/share/icinga-L10n and Icinga Web 2 or the Icinga CLI (v2.8+) will detect and use it already. (Restart php-fpm or your web server if not)

It's also possible to place it in a different path and pass an environment variable to Icinga Web 2 or the Icinga CLI: ICINGAWEB_LOCALEDIR=/var/www/icinga/L10n/locale


Want to contribute a new language or help complete an existing one? Head over to the CONTRIBUTING.md to help get you started!