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Contributing to Icinga L10n

If you are already familiar with gettext, contributing here is rather straightforward.

Assuming you already forked the repository you will find all important files in here:

  • locale (Compiled catalogs and their source files)
  • src (The template and intermediate catalogs)

The locale directory stores all current compiled translations. It also contains the .po files used to compile them. These files must pass the validation checks and hence must be error-free and must not contain fuzzy messages.

The src directory is where you will work on the translations. It contains the current template and intermediate catalogs, which are automatically kept up to date on a daily basis. To fetch the latest update just pull the master branch.

Working on Translations

To start working on a translation, please use your favorite editor. Though, we highly recommend Poedit as we already prepared the intermediate catalogs for it. It is easy to use as well.

When adding/updating translations for an existing language, please open the respective .po file in e.g. src/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/icinga.po. To start from scratch with a new language, copy the template src/icinga.pot and use it to create a new catalog in e.g. src/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/icinga.po.

When you are done please make sure your changes do not contain any errors or fuzzy messages. You can then copy the file to the respective locale in locale together with its compiled .mo file. (No .mo file? Poedit can automatically create them upon saving, check its configuration.)

To send us your work please open a new pull request and include the following files in it:

  • src/ll_CC/LC_MESSAGES/icinga.po
  • locale/ll_CC/LC_MESSAGES/icinga.po
  • locale/ll_CC/LC_MESSAGES/icinga.mo