2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Public Class LearnAttackScreen
Inherits Screen
Dim Pokemon As Pokemon
Dim newAttack As BattleSystem . Attack
Dim mainTexture As Texture2D
Dim chosen As Boolean = False
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim AttackIndex As Integer = 0
Dim AttackPos As Single = 320 . 0F
Dim canForget As Boolean = True
Dim MachineItemID As Integer = - 1
Dim currentCharIndex As Integer = 0
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon , ByVal newAttack As BattleSystem . Attack )
Me . New ( currentScreen , Pokemon , newAttack , - 1 )
End Sub
Public Sub New ( ByVal currentScreen As Screen , ByVal Pokemon As Pokemon , ByVal newAttack As BattleSystem . Attack , ByVal MachineItemID As Integer )
Me . Identification = Identifications . LearnAttackScreen
Me . PreScreen = currentScreen
Me . Pokemon = Pokemon
Me . newAttack = newAttack
Me . MachineItemID = MachineItemID
mainTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " )
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Update ( )
If Me . currentCharIndex < GetText ( ) . Length Then
Me . currentCharIndex += 1
Exit Sub
End If
TextBox . Update ( )
If TextBox . Showing = False Then
If chosen = False Then
Core . GameInstance . IsMouseVisible = False
If Controls . Up ( True , True , True , True ) = True Then
Me . AttackIndex -= 1
End If
If Controls . Down ( True , True , True , True ) = True Then
Me . AttackIndex += 1
End If
Me . AttackIndex = CInt ( MathHelper . Clamp ( Me . AttackIndex , 0 , 4 ) )
If AttackIndex < 4 Then
canForget = Not Pokemon . Attacks ( AttackIndex ) . IsHMMove
canForget = True
End If
If Controls . Accept ( ) = True Then
chosen = True
End If
Core . GameInstance . IsMouseVisible = True
If Controls . Right ( True , True , False ) = True And canForget = True Then
index = 1
End If
If Controls . Left ( True , True , False ) = True Then
index = 0
End If
For i = 0 To 1
If New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 182 + i * 192 , 550 , 128 + 32 , 64 + 32 ) . Contains ( MouseHandler . MousePosition ) = True Then
index = i
If MouseHandler . ButtonPressed ( MouseHandler . MouseButtons . LeftButton ) = True Then
Select Case index
Case 0
ClickNo ( )
Case 1
ClickYes ( )
End Select
End If
End If
If Controls . Accept ( False , True ) = True Then
Select Case index
Case 0
ClickNo ( )
Case 1
ClickYes ( )
End Select
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Draw ( )
Me . PreScreen . Draw ( )
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( Core . windowSize , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 150 ) )
Dim CanvasTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 48 , 48 ) , " " )
DrawText ( )
If currentCharIndex < GetText ( ) . Length Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim p As Vector2 = New Vector2 ( 40 , 50 )
If Pokemon . Attacks . Count > 0 Then
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( p . X + 432 - 352 + AttackPos ) , CInt ( p . Y + 18 ) , 320 , 384 ) )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim A As BattleSystem . Attack
If AttackIndex = 4 Then
A = newAttack
A = Pokemon . Attacks ( AttackIndex )
End If
With Core . SpriteBatch
Dim fullText As String = A . Description
Dim t As String = " "
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim n As String = " "
For i = 0 To fullText . Length - 1
Dim c As Char = CChar ( fullText ( i ) . ToString ( ) . Replace ( " ’ " , " ' " ) )
If c = CChar ( " " ) Then
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
If FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( n & c ) . X > 170 Then
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
t &= Environment . NewLine
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
n = " "
t &= " "
n &= " "
End If
t &= c
n &= c
End If
Dim power As String = A . Power . ToString ( )
If power = " 0 " Then
power = " - "
End If
Dim acc As String = A . Accuracy . ToString ( )
If acc = " 0 " Then
acc = " - "
End If
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
. DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " Power: " & power & Environment . NewLine & " Accuracy: " & acc & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & t , New Vector2 ( CInt ( p . X + 432 - 300 + AttackPos ) , p . Y + 40 ) , Color . Black )
. Draw ( A . GetDamageCategoryImage ( ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( p . X + 432 - 144 + AttackPos + 24 ) , CInt ( p . Y + 40 ) , 56 , 28 ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End With
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( p . X + 80 ) , CInt ( p . Y + 18 ) , 320 , 384 ) )
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( p . X + 80 ) , CInt ( p . Y + 48 + 384 ) , 320 , 96 ) )
For i = 0 To Me . Pokemon . Attacks . Count - 1
DrawAttack ( i , Me . Pokemon . Attacks ( i ) )
DrawAttack ( 4 , newAttack )
End If
If chosen = True Then
Canvas . DrawRectangle ( Core . windowSize , New Color ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 150 ) )
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 - 352 ) , 172 , 704 , 96 ) )
Dim drawText As String = " "
If AttackIndex = 4 Then
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
drawText = " Give up on learning "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" ? "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
drawText = " Forget "" " & Pokemon . Attacks ( AttackIndex ) . Name & " "" to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" ? "
If canForget = False Then
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
drawText = " Cannot forget the move " & Pokemon . Attacks ( AttackIndex ) . Name & " because " & Environment . NewLine & " it's a Hidden Machine move. "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . InGameFont , drawText , New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - CInt ( FontManager . InGameFont . MeasureString ( drawText ) . X / 2 ) , 200 ) , Color . Black )
Dim endIndex As Integer = 1
If canForget = False Then
endIndex = 0
End If
For i = 0 To endIndex
Dim Text As String = " Learn "
If AttackIndex = 4 Then
Text = " OK "
End If
If i = 0 Then
Text = " Cancel "
End If
If i = index Then
CanvasTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 48 , 48 , 48 ) , " " )
CanvasTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 48 , 48 ) , " " )
End If
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 182 + i * 192 + 22 , 550 , 128 , 64 ) )
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . InGameFont , Text , New Vector2 ( CInt ( Core . windowSize . Width / 2 ) - 164 + i * 192 + 22 , 402 + 180 ) , Color . Black )
End If
TextBox . Draw ( )
End Sub
Private Sub DrawText ( )
If currentCharIndex < ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " " ) . Length Then
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " " ) . Remove ( currentCharIndex ) , New Vector2 ( 120 , 20 ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " " , New Vector2 ( 120 , 20 ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If currentCharIndex > ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " " ) . Length Then
2018-05-03 04:58:10 +02:00
Dim pokeTexture = Pokemon . GetMenuTexture ( )
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
Dim pokeTextureScale As Vector2 = New Vector2 ( CSng ( 32 / pokeTexture . Width ) , CSng ( 32 / pokeTexture . Height ) )
Core . SpriteBatch . Draw ( pokeTexture , New Rectangle ( CInt ( FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) ) . X + 120 ) , 12 , CInt ( pokeTexture . Width * pokeTextureScale . X ) , CInt ( pokeTexture . Height * pokeTextureScale . Y ) ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
If currentCharIndex > ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " " ) . Length + 1 Then
If currentCharIndex < GetText ( ) . Length Then
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , ( " wants to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" . But " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " can only learn 4 attacks. " & Environment . NewLine & " Do you want " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " to forget an attack to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" ? " ) . Remove ( currentCharIndex - ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " " ) . Length ) , New Vector2 ( FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) ) . X + 152 , 20 ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
Core . SpriteBatch . DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " wants to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" . But " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " can only learn 4 attacks. " & Environment . NewLine & " Do you want " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " to forget an attack to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" ? " , New Vector2 ( FontManager . MainFont . MeasureString ( Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) ) . X + 152 , 20 ) , Color . White )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetText ( ) As String
2018-01-07 18:01:32 +01:00
Return Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " wants to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" . But " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " can only learn 4 attacks. " & Environment . NewLine & " Do you want " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " to forget an attack to learn "" " & newAttack . Name & " "" ? "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
End Function
Private Sub DrawAttack ( ByVal i As Integer , ByVal A As BattleSystem . Attack )
Dim p As New Vector2 ( 140 , 80 + i * ( 64 + 32 ) )
If i = 4 Then
p . Y += 32
End If
Dim CanvasTexture As Texture2D = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " , New Rectangle ( 0 , 0 , 48 , 48 ) , " " )
If Me . AttackIndex = i Then
CanvasTexture = TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Menu " , New Rectangle ( 48 , 0 , 48 , 48 ) , " " )
End If
Canvas . DrawImageBorder ( CanvasTexture , 2 , New Rectangle ( CInt ( p . X ) + 12 , CInt ( p . Y ) , 256 , 64 ) )
With Core . SpriteBatch
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
. DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , A . Name , New Vector2 ( CInt ( p . X ) + 30 , CInt ( p . Y + 26 ) ) , Color . Black )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Dim c As Color = Color . Black
Dim per As Integer = CInt ( ( A . CurrentPP / A . MaxPP ) * 100 )
If per <= 33 And per > 10 Then
c = Color . Orange
ElseIf per <= 10 Then
c = Color . IndianRed
End If
2022-08-11 21:21:27 +02:00
. DrawString ( FontManager . MainFont , " PP " & A . CurrentPP & " / " & A . MaxPP , New Vector2 ( CInt ( p . X ) + 144 , CInt ( p . Y + 58 ) ) , c )
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
. Draw ( TextureManager . GetTexture ( " GUI\Menus\Types " , A . Type . GetElementImage ( ) , " " ) , New Rectangle ( CInt ( p . X ) + 30 , CInt ( p . Y + 54 ) , 48 , 16 ) , Color . White )
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ClickYes ( )
If canForget = True Then
Dim Text As String = Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " didn't~learn " & newAttack . Name & " ! "
If AttackIndex <> 4 Then
TeachMovesScreen . LearnedMove = True
2019-09-27 20:46:23 +02:00
Text = " 1... 2... 3... and...*Ta-da!* " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " forgot~ " & Pokemon . Attacks ( AttackIndex ) . Name & " and... "
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
Pokemon . Attacks . RemoveAt ( AttackIndex )
Pokemon . Attacks . Insert ( AttackIndex , newAttack )
If Me . MachineItemID > - 1 Then
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " TMs/HMs used " , 1 )
If Core . Player . DifficultyMode > 0 Then
Dim TechMachine As Item = Item . GetItemByID ( Me . MachineItemID )
2016-09-20 23:50:16 +02:00
If TechMachine . ItemType = Items . ItemTypes . Machines Then
2016-09-07 18:50:38 +02:00
If CType ( TechMachine , Items . TechMachine ) . IsTM = True Then
Core . Player . Inventory . RemoveItem ( Me . MachineItemID , 1 )
End If
End If
End If
End If
PlayerStatistics . Track ( " Moves learned " , 1 )
TextBox . FollowUp = AddressOf FollowUpText
End If
TextBox . Show ( Text , { } , False , False )
Core . GameInstance . IsMouseVisible = False
Core . SetScreen ( Me . PreScreen )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClickNo ( )
Me . chosen = False
Core . GameInstance . IsMouseVisible = False
End Sub
Private Sub FollowUpText ( )
TextBox . Show ( " ... " & Pokemon . GetDisplayName ( ) & " learned~ " & newAttack . Name & " ! " )
SoundManager . PlaySound ( " success_small " , False )
End Sub
End Class