Missing tokens and better total coins counter

This commit is contained in:
JappaWakka 2023-05-27 17:48:32 +02:00
parent 348ba89b15
commit 7d9db111d2
2 changed files with 16 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -434,6 +434,13 @@ VoltorbFlip_NewLevel_Higher2,!
VoltorbFlip_GameOver1,Game Over!~Dropped to Game Lv.
VoltorbFlip_AfterGame_Won1,You've won
VoltorbFlip_AfterGame_Lost,Too bad, you didn't win~any Coins!*Better luck next time!
VoltorbFlip_BeforeGame_FullCoinCase,Your Coin Case is already full!
VoltorbFlip_BeforeGame_NoCoinCase,You don't have a Coin Case!~Come back when you have one!
@ -1708,6 +1715,10 @@ item_name_673,Psychic Memory
item_name_674,Rock Memory
item_name_675,Steel Memory
item_name_676,Water Memory
Item Use Text:
Key Items:
item_use_54,Your coins:~
Move Names:

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@ -208,19 +208,19 @@ Namespace VoltorbFlip
Dim TotalCoinsText3 As String = ""
TotalCoinsText3 &= "["
If TotalCoins < 10000 Then
If TotalCoins + Core.Player.Coins < 10000 Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If TotalCoins < 1000 Then
If TotalCoins < 1000 + Core.Player.Coins Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If TotalCoins < 100 Then
If TotalCoins < 100 + Core.Player.Coins Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
If TotalCoins < 10 Then
If TotalCoins < 10 + Core.Player.Coins Then
TotalCoinsText3 &= "0"
End If
TotalCoinsText3 &= TotalCoins.ToString & "]"
TotalCoinsText3 &= CInt(TotalCoins + Core.Player.Coins).ToString & "]"
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TotalCoinsText1, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 440 + 28 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText1).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).Y / 2 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText1).Y)), Fontcolor)
SpriteBatch.DrawString(FontManager.MainFont, TotalCoinsText2, New Vector2(CInt(GameOrigin.X + 440 + 28 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).X / 2), CInt(GameOrigin.Y + 80 + 4 - FontManager.MainFont.MeasureString(TotalCoinsText2).Y / 2)), Fontcolor)